41467 2024 49602 Fig6
Sina Schorn, Jon S. Graf, Sten Littmann, Philipp F. Hach, Gaute Lavik, Daan R. Speth, Carsten J. Schubert, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, Jana Milucka
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Schematic overview of microbial methane oxidation in the anoxic hypolimnion of Lake Zug. The left panel depicts representative water column profiles of oxygen and methane. The right panel illustrates the MOB groups, comprising gammaproteobacterial MOB (filaments, large rods, small rods, cocci) as well as anaerobic NC10 bacteria (Methylomirabilota) and their respective contribution to methane oxidation and assimilation at and below the oxic–anoxic interface. Note that the abundance, activity, and cell size of the different gamma-MOB groups are reflected by their respective numbers, color shading, and size in the figure. In the presence of oxygen, all four distinct Methylococcales-related gamma-MOB groups showed methane-dependent growth at comparable rates, whereas under apparent anoxia, only one group, the large rod-shaped gamma-MOB, was persistently active. Based on this, we conclude that under hypoxic conditions, all identified MOB groups contribute to methane oxidation, while large rod-shaped MOBs, as well as presumably NC10 bacteria, are responsible for the observed methane oxidation under anoxic conditions. Under anoxia, the assimilation of methane carbon into biomass exceeded the oxidation to carbon dioxide in this sampling campaign. We envision that aerobic methane oxidation by gamma-MOB under apparent anoxia can be sustained by traces of oxygen that are periodically mixed into the anoxic waters (green arrows), in combination with anaerobic processes such as denitrification and/or fermentation that allow for energy conservation independently of oxygen.
Persistent activity of aerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria in anoxic lake waters due to metabolic versatility. In:
Nature Communications, Volume 15, Article number 5293;
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NC10 (Taxon)
NC10 ist ein vorgeschlagenes Phylum von Bakterien mit Kandidatenstatus.
Bis 2016 waren noch keine Mitglieder kultiviert worden. Die Schwierigkeit bei der Herstellung von Laborkulturen hängt mit den niedrigen Wachstumsraten und anderen limitierenden Wachstumsfaktoren zusammen.
NC10 ist vorgeschlagenes Mitglied oder Schwesterphylum der „Rokubacteria“ und gehört daher mit diesen zu den Proteobacteria.
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Crenotrichaceae ist eine relativ kleine Familie von Umweltbakterien in der Ordnung Methylococcales der Gammaproteobacteria.
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