41467 2024 49602 Fig4
Sina Schorn, Jon S. Graf, Sten Littmann, Philipp F. Hach, Gaute Lavik, Daan R. Speth, Carsten J. Schubert, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, Jana Milucka
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Activity of large rod-shaped gamma-MOB under anoxic conditions determined by nanoSIMS analyses.
- a CARD FISH image (using probes Mγ84 and Mγ705) and corresponding nanoSIMS measurements of large rod-shaped gamma-MOB (red) showing substantial 13C enrichment under anoxic conditions. Images and measurements as shown in (a) were obtained from samples collected after 8 days of anoxic incubation.
- b Excess 13C at.% of large rod-shaped gamma-MOB after incubation with 13C-labeled methane for 1, 2, and 5 days under hypoxic (left) and anoxic (right) conditions. 13C at.% values are given as excess values for each analyzed cell. The 0 value on the y-axis depicts the natural abundance of 13C (1.1 %). The number of cells analyzed per category (n) is shown as scatter and indicated above each boxplot. Boxplots depict the 25–75 % quantile range, with the center line representing the median (50 % quantile, highlighted in red) and whiskers representing the 5 and 95 percentile.
Persistent activity of aerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria in anoxic lake waters due to metabolic versatility. In: Nature Communications, Volume 15, Article number 5293; doi:10.1038/s41467-024-49602-5
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