41396 2017 article bfismej201777 fig1def
Kirsten Oswald, Jon S. Graf, Sten Littmann, Daniela Tienken, Andreas Brand, Bernhard Wehrli, Mads Albertsen, Holger Daims, Michael Wagner, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, Carsten J. Schubert, Jana Milucka
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Methane-dependent growth of Crenothrix in Lake Zug.
- (d) Putative Crenothrix filaments in the Lake Zug oxic incubation visualized by DAPI (blue) and CARD-FISH (green) with probe Mgamma669.
- (e) Corresponding 13C/12C and
- (f) 32S/12C nanoSIMS images. Note the fragmented nature of the Crenothrix filaments and the attached small (unidentified) bacteria.
Note from the Uploader: Bacteria involved may be members of a sister genus of Crenothrix (within the same family), e. g. Crenothrix sp. D3 (NCBI) syn. UBA4132 sp002134785 (GTDB). Other gamma-MOB genera found in Lake Zug besides UBA4132 include SXIZ01, UBA10906, and Methylobacter_C (GTDB) syn. KS41.
See Schorn (2024) doi:10.1038/s41467-024-49602-5 and GTDB (2024-08-30).
Crenothrix are major methane consumers in stratified lakes. In: The ISME Journal, Volume 11, Issue 9, Pages 2124–2140, doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.77.
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