
Kevin Heider @ LightBuckets
925 x 607 Pixel (51599 Bytes)
4 minute exposure of asteroid 298 Baptistina with a 24" telescope. 298 Baptistina is apparent magnitude 15.2 in this image taken at 2009-10-24 03:30 UT. The blooming star to the lower left of Baptistina is magnitude 10.3. The star just to the upper right of Baptistina is magnitude 15.3. Baptistina was once considered a possible candidate being the core remnant of the catastrophic disruption of a parent asteroid that caused the KT impact event.
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This image was taken by Kevin Heider using LB-001 at LightBuckets in Rodeo, NM
Raw image from telescope
Use Wikisky and enter coordinates 22 18 38.93 -13 05 24.6 to locate this region of the sky.

Skyview (NASA Virtual Telescope) website / Skyview image (centered on where 298 Baptistina is)
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