27.09.12 Asenovgrad 06018 & 31015 (8047928172)

Phil Richards from London, UK
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Bulgaria Trip Day Four.

The Asenovgrad branch boasts the most frequent service operated by BDZ. With a 22-23 minute journey time from Plovdiv, this fits in neatly to form a "clockface" interval service almost every hour throughout the day. To the right is Desiro EMU 31015 on train 19216, 13:00 Asenovgrad to Plovdiv.

During the short turnaround time there was just enough time to snatch a photo of 06018 on a freight which would need to follow the passenger train down the single track branch soon after.

Class 06s are another Romanian import again from the Electroputere works in Craiova. With their distinctive sound from the twin-bank cylinder Sulzer 12LDA28 diesel engines, they are identical to class 62s in Romania. With sectorisation of the BDZ fleet Class 06s are now all allocated to freight. However they were once found on passenger trains again needing a heating van.

Date of photo: 27 September 2012
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