20000 squid Nautilus viewbay
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Engraving of Captain Nemo viewing a giant squid from a porthole of the Nautilus submarine, from 20000 Lieues Sous les Mers by Jules Verne.
Kommentar zur Lizenz:
Public Domain. These engravings are now the public domain, since their Droit d'auteur is expired. Note: This is a French work. French law applies. France does not use the word "copyright", but a "Droit d'auteur" system. France is a party to the Convention de Berne pour la protection des œuvres littéraires et artistiques, an international agreement about copyright which was influenced by the French "right of the author" (droit d'auteur).
Public domain
This image was originally featured in the Hetzel edition (1870) of 20000 Lieues Sous les Mers, and has also been featured in more recent editions.
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