1998 Embassy Bombings memorial - Arlington National Cemetery

(c) Tim Evanson, CC BY-SA 2.0

Tim Evanson
2000 x 1604 Pixel (3263149 Bytes)
The 1998 African Embassy Bombings Victims memorial at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington County, Virginia, in the United States. It commemorates those Americans who lost their lives when U.S. embassies in Nairobia, Keny, and in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, were bombed on August 7, 1998.

Regulatory changes at the cemetery limited the size, placement, and number of memorials in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Most new memorials are small plaques placed by military associations and foundations. Placement of the memorial includes a financial donation to help to maintain trees and grounds at the cemetery. As of September 2011, there were more than 140 such miscellaneous memorials in the cemetery.

This memorial is in Section 51, placed before a Tuliptree.
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