1978 Cadillac Eldorado (34238664441)

Greg Gjerdingen from Willmar, USA
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Francis invited me to ride along on the Upper Midwest Region Classic Car Club of America's Spring Garage Tour. Unfortunately, Francis was unable to make it, so I went and took pictures for him.

The tour started in Hastings, Minnesota and ventured east into Wisconsin. The day started out sunny, but got cloudier as the day progressed. Still a nice day and good for avoiding shadows on outdoor shots. Even though I was busy taking pictures, I had a chance to talk to a lot of nice people and see some very amazing cars.

Taking pictures on a garage tour is always a little frustrating. You get to see these beautiful cars, but usually a garage setting is too tight to get nice pictures. The route was beautiful, but I had a few missed turns primarily because Wisconsin's road marking methods are a little different than what I am used to in Minnesota.

It was a great day and I would like to shout out a big "THANK YOU!" to the hosts that opened up their garages and to event coordinators that put the whole thing together.

<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/greggjerdingen/collections/72157631550277505/">Click here for more car pictures at my Flickr site.</a>   
  <a href="http://dvs1mn.tumblr.com/" rel="nofollow">Or here for my Car Crazy Tumblr site.</a>  
<a href="https://twitter.com/DVS1mn" rel="nofollow">Or on Twitter @DVS1mn.</a>
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