1943 German High Court decree ( death sentence ) against Hans Fritz Scholl Sophia Magalena Scholl and Christoph Herman Probst

German Peoples Court February 1943 Chief Judge Roland Freisler
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Translation made by Berlin Documents Center HQ US Army Berlin Command of 1943 Decree against the "White Rose" group.

IN THE NAME OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE in the action against

1. Hans Fritz Scholl, Munich, born at Ingersheim, September 22, 1918,

2. Sophia Magdalena Scholl, Munich, born at Forchtenberg, May 9, 1921, and

3. Christoph Hermann Probst, of Aldrans bei Innsbruck, born at Murnau, November 6, 1919, now in investigative custody regarding treasonous assistance to the enemy, preparing to commit high treason, and weakening of the nation's armed security, the People's Court first Senate, pursuant to the trial held on February 22 1943, in which the officers were:

President of the People's Court Dr. Freisler, Presiding, Director of the Regional Judiciary Stier, SS Group Leader Breithaupt, SA Group Leader Bunge, State Secretary and SA Group Leader Koglmaier,

and representing the Attorney General to the Supreme Court of the Reich, Reich Attorney Weyersberg,


That the accused have in time of war by means of leaflets called for the sabotage of the war effort and armaments and for the overthrow of the National Socialist way of life of our people, have propagated defeatist ideas, and have most vulgarly defamed the Führer, thereby giving aid to the enemy of the Reich and weakening the armed security of the nation. On this account they are to be punished by


Their honor and rights as citizens are forfeited for all time.
Public domain
Headquarters US Command Berlin, Berlin Documents Center (captured German Records)
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