140606-A-OI229-001 (14495319332)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District from United States
5184 x 3456 Pixel (11554106 Bytes)
FORT LEE, Va. – Contractors upgrade interior spaces and rooms at the Fort Lee Building 3004 with new fixtures, improved structural support and modern heating and cooling systems, June 6, 2014. The $14.8 million Building 3004 renovation project upgrades a 50-year-old facility with modern technology and force protection features, which update the facility for a cost much less than if it was torn down and rebuilt. (U.S. Army photo/Patrick Bloodgood)
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Fort Gregg-AdamsGregg-Adams, bis 2023 Fort Lee (Virginia), bis 1941 Camp Lee (Virginia), ist ein Standort (Fort) der United States Army in Prince George County, Virginia. Das U.S. Census Bureau hat bei der Volkszählung 2020 eine Einwohnerzahl von 9.874 ermittelt. Im Jahr 2020 hatte der Standort eine Größe von 21,6 km². Kasernenkommandant (Garrison Commander) ist Colonel Michael G. Morrow. .. weiterlesen