1-s2.0-S1055790316302743-gr1J lrg
Martin Carr, Daniel J. Richter, Parinaz Fozouni, Timothy J. Smith, Alexandra Jeuck, Barry S. C. Leadbeater, Frank Nitsche
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Microphotographs of some Salpingoeca species.
Extracellular structures are indicated where they may otherwise be difficult to discern, using the following abbreviations:
Extracellular structures are indicated where they may otherwise be difficult to discern, using the following abbreviations:
- ‘cm’ = collar microvilli, ‘cv’ = contractile vacuole,
- ‘f’ = flagellum, ‘p’ = peduncle,
- ‘pf’ = posterior filopodia.
All scale bars are 5 μm.
- Salpingoeca kvevrii. J1: thecate single cell, DIC, J2: thecate single cell, DIC
A six-gene phylogeny provides new insights into choanoflagellate evolution. In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, volume 107, February 2017, pp. 166-178; doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2016.10.011.
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SalpingoecaSalpingoeca ist eine Gattung von Choanoflagellaten aus der Klade Salpingoecidae. Typusart ist Salpingoeca gracilis. .. weiterlesen