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300 x 300 Pixel (16759 Bytes)
This 羽-order.gif image depicting the stroke order of the character 羽 (Traditional Radical 124) in order.gif style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Kommentar zur Lizenz:
Courtesy & permission & copyright by the uploader.
For shape and stroke order :
Taiwan (ROC): 常用國字標準字體筆順手冊 (Stroke order 14 rules), by the Taiwan Ministry of Education. ISBN 957-00-7082-X (Authoritative, available online)
China (PRC): 现代汉语通用字笔顺规范, 453pages, 1997, editeur: 语文出版社, ISBN:7801262018 (Authoritative, available online)
Japan : 筆順指導の手びき (Hitsujun shidō no tebiki), 1958. Note: Since 1977, the Japanese Ministry of Education recommend to publishers to simply « follow commonsensical [strokes] orders which are widely accepted in the society ».
Hong Kong: Lexical Items with English Explanations for Fundamental Chinese Learning in Hong Kong Schools - stroke orders following the List of Graphemes of Commonly-used Chinese Characters by Hong Kong's Education Bureau.
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