‘The Building with Cubes’

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Pallati me Kuba also known from locals as Kadare’s Palace (where illustrious families like the ones of D. Agolli and I.Kadare have been living for several years) and which in architectural professional circles is considered as one of the first initiators of the ‘ modernist’ era in Tirana. Therefore it was labeled as an intentioned provocation to the official Communist art of the time. Also the building’s volumetry was perceived as with clear orientation towards ‘Kubism’ in a visible contrast with the gloomy socialist architecture prevailing that period. Today, even though it stands in one of the most visible spots of the city center, its condition provokes a state of compassion , an eyesore, where each sign of the time passing-by, is sufficiently visible from the lack of plaster in the main facades to the illegal adjacent spaces on the ground floor etc. A structure that once provoked so much reaction, today stays completely ignored and neglected. Its architect is Maks Velo
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