Эрему́рус замечательный (лат. Eremúrus spectabílis)

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The second log is a natural monument. General view of the reserve. In the foreground blossoms evening. The second log is located in the western part of the Sengileevskaya depression, on the grounds of the Shpakovo district. The length of the girder is 3.9 km, the width is up to 200 m. It is a site of the relict virgin grassy grass-grass steppe with fescue, tonkonom, Lessing feather grass, firewood roofing. One of two places on the Stavropol Upland, where the eremurus grows remarkable, listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. The beam is protected as a refugium, where the gene pool of endemic, rare and endangered plants of the Stavropol steppe is preserved.
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