William Carpenter (Maler)

Grab des Aurangzeb in Khuldabad, Aquarell, zwischen 1850 und 1856

William Carpenter (* 1818 in London; † 1899 ebenda) war ein englischer Maler.


William Carpenter kam aus einer Künstlerfamilie, seine Mutter war die angesehene Porträtmalerin Margaret Sarah Carpenter und sein Vater William Hookham Carpenter, der am Britischen Museum als Leiter der Graphikabteilung tätig war. William Carpenter studierte an der Royal Academy. Zwischen 1850 und 1856 reiste er in Indien und Afghanistan, wo er zahlreiche Aquarelle malte. Zurück in England konnte er seine Bilder an eine Zeitung verkaufen.

1881 hatte William Carpenter eine Ausstellung am South Kensington Museum, dem späteren Victoria and Albert Museum, das 275 seiner Bilder kaufte.


Commons: William Carpenter – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien

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Tomb of Aurangzeb at Khuldabad, Aurangabad, 1850s.jpg
Grave of Mughal Emeperor, Aurangzeb at Khuldabad, Aurangabad, 1850s. "He desired in his will that not more than 8 rupees was to be expended on it" The epitaph reads his own couplet in Persian: Az tila o nuqreh gar saazand gumbad aghniyaa! Bar mazaar e maa ghareebaan gumbad e gardun bas! (از طلا و نقرہ گر سازند گنبد اغنیاء

بر مزار ما غریباں گنبد گردون بس). Translation: "The rich may well construct domes of gold and silver on their graves! For the poor folks like me, the sky is enough (of a dome to shelter my grave)!" Aurangzeb like his elder sister Jahan Ara, forbade people to raise mausoleums on their graves like his father's Taj Mahal. His grave lies in open ground at Khuldabad like his sister's ordinary grave at the shrine of Shaikh Nizam-u'd-din Auliya at Delhi.

The grave lies within the courtyard of the shrine of the Sufi saint Shaikh Burhan-u'd-din Gharib (died 1331). This disciple of Nizam ud-Din Auliya of Delhi was buried at Khuldabad near Aurangabad.