Wiesław Krótki

Wappen von Anthony Wieslaw Krótki

Anthony Wiesław Krótki OMI (* 12. Juni 1964 in Istebna) ist ein polnischer Ordensgeistlicher und römisch-katholischer Bischof von Churchill-Baie d’Hudson.


Wiesław Krótki trat der Ordensgemeinschaft der Oblaten bei und legte am 8. September 1988 die Ewige Profess ab. Der Erzbischof von Posen, Jerzy Stroba, weihte ihn am 19. Juni 1990 zum Priester. Seit 1991 lebte er in Nunavut und war Pfarrer von Iglulik.

Am 16. Februar 2013 ernannte ihn Papst Benedikt XVI. zum Bischof von Churchill-Baie d’Hudson. Die Bischofsweihe spendete ihm der emeritierte Bischof von Churchill-Baie d’Hudson, Reynald Rouleau, am 30. Mai desselben Jahres; Mitkonsekratoren waren Gilles Cazabon OMI, emeritierter Bischof von Saint-Jérôme, und Murray Chatlain, Erzbischof von Keewatin-Le Pas. Die feierliche Amtseinführung (Inthronisation) fand am 28. Mai desselben Jahres statt.

Commons: Wiesław Krótki – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien
Reynald Rouleau OMIBischof von Churchill-Baie d’Hudson
seit 2013

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Coat of arms of Anthony Wieslaw Krótki.svg
(c) I, SajoR, CC BY-SA 2.5
Coat of arms of the Polish Bishop Anthony Wieslaw Krótki, Bishop of Churchill-Baie d’Hudson, Canada.

Heraldry Description (short version)Bishop Anthony Wieslaw Krótki OMI Bishop of Churchill-Hudson Bay.

The Budded Cross (top center) with the five red circles represents the 5 wounds of Christ.

The Oblate Cross on the left side indicates that Bishop Anthony has lived an Oblate life for over 25 years. The Green Colour represents Eternal Life.

The North Star (Polaris) on the right continues to be a very important navigational tool for people travelling in the north. The Blue Colour for the Star is taken from the Nunavut flag and is superimposed on a White background indicating the enormous territory of the lands of the Inuit – with their purity, freedom and vulnerability.

Below, the Colour Blue evokes the Virgin Mary, the principal patroness of the Congregation of Oblate Fathers. The faithful of the Arctic pray to her each time they say: “ Jisu, Mari, Jusi pigisinga, Tirisi Jisusimiuta tuksiutitigut”.

The Radwan Banner (bottom right) is a Polish coat of arms used by noble families in the Radwan clan, originating in the Kingdom of Poland during the reign of Boleslaw Krzywousty [1101-1138]. The “Krotki” family name carries this coat of arms.

The Motto: “IN TE CONFIDO" – “In You I trust”.

"Ilingnik tatiqaqpunga" - “wo1i4 btc6Sz” “Ufam Tobie” Ps 25,2 Inspired by Pope John Paul II’s words to the Youth, “Do not be afraid” and Sister Faustyna Kowalska’s devotion to Divine Mercy, “Christ, Jesus, I trust in you” I trust in the total mercy of Christ and dedicate my service to his people as shepherd of the Diocese of Churchill-Hudson Bay.
