
In der Knotentheorie, einem Teilgebiet der Mathematik, ist eine Verschlingung (auch Link oder Verkettung) eine Menge von Knoten, die sich nicht schneiden, die aber ineinander verschlungen sein können.
Die Projektion einer Verschlingung auf eine Ebene wird als Verschlingungsdiagramm bezeichnet.
Der Mathematiker Carl Friedrich Gauß fand mit der Verschlingungszahl eine der ersten Invarianten für Verschlingungen.
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The Borromean rings -- no two circles are directly linked, but the three are collectively interlinked. Cutting one ring frees the other two. In terms of knot theory, a "Brunnian link".
For a monochrome version of this graphic, see File:Borromean-rings-BW.svg .
For a version of the Borromean rings depicted in triangular form, see Image:Valknut-Symbol-borromean.svg .
For extended Borromean patterns, see Image:Borromean-cross.png / Image:Borromean-cross.svg and Image:Borromean-chainmail-tile.png .
For other (more complex) three-component Brunnian links which are not equivalent to the Borromean rings, see Image:Brunnian-3-not-Borromean.png and Image:Three-triang-18crossings-Brunnian.png .
SVG version of Image:Borromeanrings.png .Triquetra interlaced with a circle (ribbons or pseudo-Celtic knotwork).
This is a traditional Christian Trinitarian symbol, but similar signs are also sometimes used by new agers or neo-pagans (though more often in non-interlaced form, as in Image:Zoso.svg, File:Triquetra on book cover.jpg, or File:Triquetra.jpg). In this interlaced form, can be known as the "Trinity knot".
(Christian Symbolism: The Triquetra represents the Holy Trinity: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The unbroken circle represents eternity. The interwoven nature of the symbol denotes the indivisibility and equality of the Holy Trinity. It symbolizes that the Holy Trinity is three beings of power, honor, and glory but is indivisibly one God.)
For other versions of the triquetra, see also Image:Triquetra-Vesica.png , Image:Triquetra-Vesica-solid.png , Image:Triquetra-tightly-knotted.png , and Image:Triquetra-Double.svg , and Image:Triquetra-Interlaced-Triangle-Circle.svg .