UGC 1281
Galaxie UGC 1281 | |
(c) ESA/Hubble, CC BY 4.0 | |
Aufnahme mithilfe des Hubble-Weltraumteleskops. Der helle Begleiter unten links ist die Galaxie PGC 6700. | |
AladinLite | |
Sternbild | Dreieck |
Position Äquinoktium: J2000.0, Epoche: J2000.0 | |
Rektaszension | 01h 49m 32,0s[1] |
Deklination | +32° 35′ 23″[1] |
Erscheinungsbild | |
Morphologischer Typ | Sdm[2] |
Helligkeit (B-Band) | 12,87 mag[1] |
Winkelausdehnung | 5,82′ × 0,65′ |
Physikalische Daten | |
Rotverschiebung | 0.000520 ± 0.000003[1] |
Radialgeschwindigkeit | (156 ± 1) km/s[1] |
Hubbledistanz H0 = 73 km/(s • Mpc) | (13 ± 1) · 106 Lj (3,92 ± 0,28) Mpc [1] |
Geschichte | |
Katalogbezeichnungen | |
UGC 1281 • PGC 6699 • CGCG 503-026 • MCG +05-05-014 • 2MASX J01493236+3235104 • |
UGC 1281 ist eine spiralförmige Zwerggalaxie im Sternbild Dreieck. Sie ist rund 13 Millionen Lichtjahre von der Milchstraße entfernt.
Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien
(c) ESA/Hubble, CC BY 4.0
The galaxy cutting dramatically across the frame of this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image is a slightly warped dwarf galaxy known as UGC 1281. Seen here from an edge-on perspective, this galaxy lies roughly 18 million light-years away in the constellation of Triangulum (The Triangle). The bright companion to the lower left of UGC 1281 is the small galaxy PGC 6700, officially known as 2MASX J01493473+3234464. Other prominent stars belonging to our own galaxy, the Milky Way, and more distant galaxies can be seen scattered throughout the sky. The side-on view we have of UGC 1281 makes it a perfect candidate for studies into how gas is distributed within galactic halos — the roughly spherical regions of diffuse gas extending outwards from a galaxy’s centre. Astronomers have studied this galaxy to see how its gas vertically extends out from its central plane, and found it to be a quite typical dwarf galaxy. However, it does have a slightly warped shape to its outer edges, and is forming stars at a particularly low rate. A version of this image was entered into the Hubble's Hidden Treasures image processing competition by contestant Luca Limatola. Links Luca Limatola's Hidden Treasures entry on Flickr