Thomas Keith Glennan

Thomas Keith Glennan (1964)

Thomas Keith Glennan (* 8. September 1905 in Enderlin, North Dakota, USA; † 11. April 1995 in Mitchellville, Maryland) war zwischen August 1958 und Januar 1961 der erste Leiter der US-Raumfahrtbehörde NASA.

Glennan schloss sein Studium der Elektrotechnik an der Sheffield Scientific School der Yale University 1927 ab. Er wurde Leiter der Electrical Research Products Company, einem Tochterunternehmen der Western Electric. Später wurde er Studiomanager bei Paramount Pictures und arbeitete kurzzeitig bei der Vega Airplane Corporation. 1942 begann er bei der Kriegsforschung an der Columbia University mitzuarbeiten. Zuerst war er dort Administrator, dann Direktor der U.S. Navy's Underwater Sound Laboratories (Labors für die Erforschung von Unterwassergeräuschen der US Navy) in New London, Connecticut. Von 1950 bis 1952 gehörte er der Atomic Energy Commission an. 1958 wurde er in die American Academy of Arts and Sciences gewählt. Von 1970 bis 1973 war er als Nachfolger von Henry De Wolf Smyth diplomatischer Vertreter der Vereinigten Staaten bei der Internationalen Atomenergieorganisation.


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Portrait of T. Keith Glennan - GPN-2002-000079.jpg
T. (Thomas) Keith Glennan was the first Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, established October 1, 1958, under the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958. As Administrator, Mr. Glennan headed a staff of scientists, engineers, technicians, and other employees engaged in research and development in aeronautics and space matters. In this position he was a member of the president's National Aeronautics and Space Council.

Born in Enderlin, North Dakota, on September 8, 1905, Mr. Glennan earned a degree in electrical engineering from the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University in 1927. Following graduation, he worked in the newly developed sound motion picture industry, and later became assistant general service superintendent for Electrical Research Products Company. Mr. Glennan joined the Columbia University Division of War Research in 1942, serving through the war, first as Administrator and then as Director of the U.S. Navy's Underwater Sound Laboratories at New London, Connecticut. For his work he was awarded the Medal of Merit.

Following the war Mr. Glennan became an executive of the Ansco Corp., Binghamton, New York, and became the President of the Case Institute of Technology in 1947. While serving as President at Case he also served with the Atomic Energy Commission. He was NASA's Administrator from 1958 until 1961. Mr. Glennan returned to Case in 1961 where he served until he retired in 1966. Although retired, Mr. Glennan spent two years as president of Associated Universities, Inc., an advocacy group for institutions of higher learning.

Mr. Glennan died on April 11, 1995, in Mitchellville, MD.

Mr. Glennan's portrait was painted by artist Albert Murray of New York.