
Smoken durch Zierstiche (Muster)

Smok ist eine Verzierung an Textilien. Es handelt sich dabei um kleine, mit Zierstichen fixierte Schmuckfältchen oder um einen durch mehrfaches Einreihen des Stoffes entstehenden elastischen oder unelastischen Ziereffekt.

Hierzu wird der eingereihte oder eingefaltete Stoff durch versetzt angeordnete Zierstiche festgehalten.[1]


Commons: Smok – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien


  1. Alfons Hofer: Textil- und Modelexikon, 7. Auflage, Band 2, Smok, 1997

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Autor/Urheber: Durova, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Smocking sampler, without letter coding. Original design.
The Ladies' home journal (1948) (14579378169).jpg
Autor/Urheber: Internet Archive Book Images, Lizenz: No restrictions

Identifier: ladieshomejourna65janwyet (find matches)
Title: The Ladies' home journal
Year: 1889 (1880s)
Authors: Wyeth, N. C. (Newell Convers), 1882-1945
Subjects: Women's periodicals Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive
Publisher: Philadelphia : (s.n.)
Contributing Library: Internet Archive
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Text Appearing Before Image:
Itluc -.niiirs wilh red siikiiL-ing. same dress, 2337. DRAWINGS BY LILLIAN EDGERTONl
Text Appearing After Image:
Smoeked top on a summersun dress, 2338,sizes I, 2 and 3. Hows of smoeking on bodiee of ebegingham, 2337, sizes 2, 3, 4, 5 ai While linen willi smoeked yoke,233.~>. Biases I. 2 and 3. : l-allieework smoeking. 233<i,sizes 2. 3, 4, .► and H. LADIES HOME JOURNAL m calling to say. i these dausj 1 hats extra-timely advice, important toall homemakers, in this season when illness isat its height. Yes, these days, even more- completely thanusual, be on your guard against sickness inyour home! With colds . . . flu . . . going therounds, be sure to use potent, germ-killingLysol brand disinfectant everywhere andevery time you clean! Ordinary household cleaners have no powerto kill germs. But efficient, reliable Lysol ac-tually kills every germ it contacts ... includingthe tough, ultra-microscopic flu virus! Lysolhelps protect your home against epidemic. So always make sure Lysol is in the clean-ing water (232 tablespoonfuls to each gallonof water) when cleaning floors, walls,

Note About Images

Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Autor/Urheber: Duschan 1944 Nutzungsberechtigter Erbe, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Gesmoktes Kinderkleid in der Art der Hamburger Kinderstube
Dress MET C.I.62.35.8b d2.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Madame Depret , Lizenz: CC0
French; Dress;
Portrait of an old man wearing a smock 1.jpg
Thomas Pitkin of Swanbourne (1826-1910), an agricultural labourer