Roxbury Russet

Roxbury Russet
Roxbury Russet
ArtKulturapfel (Malus domestica)
bekannt seit1645


Liste von Apfelsorten

Der Roxbury Russet ist eine sehr alte Sorte des Kulturapfels.

Sie gilt als älteste Apfelsorte der USA, da sie schon 1645 in einem Baumgarten in Roxbury (ein Dorf, das heute Teil von Boston ist) entdeckt wurde. Sie ist eine Renette, mit graugrüner Schale, bekannt für ihre lange Haltbarkeit und geeignet für Cidre. Heute wird sie nur selten angepflanzt.


Commons: Roxbury Russet – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien


  • Varieties (Englisch) All About Apples. Abgerufen am 6. Februar 2011.
  • Willi Votteler: Verzeichnis der Apfel- und Birnensorten, Obst- und Gartenbauverlag, München 1993, ISBN 3-87596-086-6.

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Roxbury Russet.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Ed Yourdon, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0

(more details later, as time permits)

As I noted when I first visited my local farmer's market (which you can see <a href="">here</a> on Flickr , New Yorkers do not eat all of their meals at Starbucks or pizza joints. Nor do they buy all of their food at supermarkets or corner delis. We also buy our food at farmer's markets, where organically grown fruits, vegetables, cheese, and other items are brought from farms in nearby New Jersey and upstate New York.

The first time I visited our local market, on 97th Street, between Amsterdam and Columbus, it was early in the morning -- a time I chose deliberately, because I thought the morning sunshine would some lighting effects. But most of the market stalls were hidden in the shadows of nearby tall apartment buildings, and there were hardly any people around. So, while the displays of food were interesting, there was no sense of humanity or community.

This time, I went back at lunch-time, when the sun was high in the sky, and the shadows were gone. There were also many more people, including a small jazz quartet, with a very talented singer. So I got the requisite photos of food, but I also got some pictures of the band, the farmers and shop-keepers selling their wares, and a couple of the local people in the neighborhood...