Records of Civilization: Sources and Studies

Records of Civilization: Sources and Studies ist eine under the auspices of the Department of History der Columbia University in New York City, NY, seit 1915 bei der Columbia University Press[1] erschienene kulturgeschichtliche Buchreihe mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Übersetzungen und Studien westlicher, später auch asiatischer Kulturen. Einige Bände fanden Aufnahme in der UNESCO Collection of Representative Works.

Ihr erster Band, Hellenic civilization, erschien 1915, der letzte, The miracles of the Kasuga deity, erschien als Nr. 98 im Jahr 1990.

Viele Bände erschienen in späteren, teilweise überarbeiteten Auflagen, als Nachdrucke zum Teil auch in anderen Verlagen.



  • 01 Hellenic civilization edited by George Willis Botsford (1862-1917) and Ernest Gottlieb Sihler (1853-1942); with contributions from William L. Westermann, Charles J. Ogden (1915)
  • 02 History of the Franks by Gregory, Bishop of Tours; selections, translated with notes by Ernest Brehaut (1916)
  • 03 To the pontificate of Gregory I translated with an introduction by Louise Ropes Loomis (1916) The book of the Popes: liber pontificalis; 1
  • (04 ?) An introduction to the history of history by James T. Shotwell (1922)
  • 05 The literature of the Old Testament Julius A. Bewer (1962 3rd ed.) / completely revised by Emil G. Kraelin (1. ed. 1922; 1933 revised ed.)
  • 06 A guide to the printed materials for English social and economic history, 1750-1850 by Judith Blow Williams (1926) v. 1 , v. 2
  • 07 The See of Peter by James T. Shotwell and Louise Ropes Loomis (1927)
  • 08 The History of Yaballaha III: Nestorian patriarch and of his vicar Bar Sauma: Mongol ambassador to the Frankish courts at the end of the thirteenth century translated from the Syriac and annotated by James A. Montgomery (1927)
  • 09 The two cities. A chronicle of universal history to the year 1146 A. D. Translated in full with introduction and notes by Charles Christopher Mierow. Ed. by Austin P. Evans and Charles Knapp. 1st edition. (1928) Otto Bishop of Freising, d. 1158.
  • 10 An Arab-Syrian gentleman and warrior in the period of the Crusades: memoirs of Usāmah ibn-Munqidh translated from the original manuscript by Philip K. Hitti (1929)


  • 11 The sources for the early history of Ireland: ecclesiastical: an introduction and guide by James F. Kenney
  • 12 On the government of God: a treatise wherein are shown by argument and by examples drawn from the abandoned society of the times the ways of God toward his creatures, Salvian; this fifth century polemic done into English by Eva M. Sanford (1930)
  • 13 Peasant life in old German epics: Meier Helmbrecht and Der arme Heinrich translated from the Middle High German of the thirteenth century by Clair Hayden Bell Octagon 1965 (1. ed. 1933)
  • 15 The literature of the New Testament by Ernest Findlay Scott (1932)
  • 16 The book of delight by Joseph ben Meir Zabara; translated by Moses Hadas; with an introduction by Merriam Sherwood (1932)
  • 17 Cato the censor on farming translated by Ernest Brehaut (1933)
  • 18 Tracts on liberty in the Puritan Revolution, 1638-1647 edited, with a commentary, by William Haller (1933-1934) v. 1: commentary, v. 2: facsimiles, pt. 1 , v. 3: facsimiles, pt. 2
  • 19 Papal revenues in the Middle Ages by William E. Lunt (1934) v. 1 , v. 2
  • 20 The earliest Norwegian laws: being the Gulathing law and the Frostathing law translated from the Old Norwegian by Laurence M. Larson (1935)


  • 21 The chronicle of the Slavs, translated with introd. and notes by Francis Joseph Tschan. Helmold
  • 22 Concerning heretics, whether they are to be persecuted and how they are to be treated: a collection of the opinions of learned men, both ancient and modern an anonymous work attributed to Sebastian Castellio; now first done into English, together with excerpts from other works of Sebastian Castellio and David Joris on religious liberty, by Roland H. Bainton
  • 23 The conquest of Constantinople, Robert of Clari; [translated] by Edgar Holmes McNeal (1936)
  • 24 De expugnatione Lyxbonensi = The conquest of Lisbon edited from the unique manuscript in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, with a translation into English, by Charles Wendell David (1936)
  • 25 The wars of Frederick II against the Ibelins in Syria and Cyprus by Philip de Novare; translated, with notes and introduction, by John L. La Monte; with verse translation of the poems by Merton Jerome Hubert (1936)
  • 26 Seven books of history against the pagans: the apology of Paulus Orosius translated with introduction and notes by Irving Woodworth Raymond (1936)
  • 27 The education of a Christian prince by Desiderius Erasmus; translated with an introduction on Erasmus and on ancient and medieval political thought by Lester K. Born (1936)
  • 28 The physical treatises of Pascal: the equilibrium of liquids and the weight of the mass of the air Translated by I. H. B. and A. G. H. Spiers; with introduction and notes by Frederick Barry (1937)
  • 29 Medieval handbooks of penance. McNeill, John Thomas
  • 30 Three Copernican treatises: the Commentariolus of Copernicus, the Letter against Werner, the Narratio prima of Rheticus, translated with introduction and notes by Edward Rosen


  • 31 The letters of Saint Boniface translated with an introduction by Ephraim Emerton (1940)
  • 32 The Redentin Easter play. / Translated from the Low German of the fifteenth century with introd. and notes by A. E. Zucker
  • 33 The art of courtly love by Andreas Capellanus; with introduction, translation, and notes by John Jay Parry
  • 34 The crusade of Richard Lion-Heart, by Ambroise, translated from the Old French by Merton Jerome Hubert ... with notes and documentation
  • 35 Wilhelm von Tyrus: A History of Deeds done beyond the Sea. = Historia rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum. Übersetzt ins Englische von Emily Atwater Babcock und August C. Krey. (1943)
  • 36 Narrenschiff, English, Sebastian Brant
  • 37 Method for the easy comprehension of history by Jean Bodin; translated by Beatrice Reynolds
  • 38 University records and life in the Middle Ages by Lynn Thorndike (1944)
  • 39 Bibliography of English translations from medieval sources by Clarissa P. Farrar and Austin P. Evans (1946)
  • 40 An introduction to divine and human readings, Cassiodor, translated with an introd. and notes by Leslie Webber Jones


  • 41 Medieval Russian laws translated by George Vernadsky (1947)
  • 42 De profectione Ludovici VII in orientem, ed., with an English translation, by Virginia Gingerick Berry. Odo de Deuil
  • 43 A Commentary on the Creed of Islam Sad al-Din al-Taftazani on the Creed of Najm al-Din al-Nasafi - Teftazani (Digitalisat)
  • 44 The Peterborough Chronicle translated with an introduction by Harry A. Rositzke (1951)
  • 45 Roman civilization: selected readings edited with an introd. and notes, by Naphtali Lewis & Meyer Reinhold (1951-1955) v. 1 , v. 2
  • 46 Marsilius of Padua and medieval political philosophy by Alan Gewirth (1951). Marsilius of Padua: the defender of peace; v. 1 The defensor pacis translated with an introduction by Alan Gewirth
  • 47 Lanzelet; a romance of Lancelot, translated from the Middle High German by Kenneth G.T. Webster. Revised and provided with additional notes and an introd. by Roger Sherman Loomis: Ulrich (1951)
  • 48 Commentary on the Dream of Scipio, Macrobius; translated with an introduction and notes by William Harris Stahl (1952)
  • 49 The deeds of Frederick Barbarossa by Otto of Freising and his continuator, Rahewin; translated and annotated with an introduction by Charles Christopher Mierow; with the collaboration of Richard Emery (1953)
  • 50 The chronicle of Jean de Venette translated by Jean Birdsall; edited, with an introduction and notes, by Richard A. Newhall (1953)


  • 51 The recovery of the Holy Land, Pierre Dubois; translated with an Introduction and notes by Walther I. Brandt (1956)
  • 52 Medieval trade in the Mediterranean world: illustrative documents translated with introductions and notes by Robert S. Lopez and Irving W. Raymond G. Cumberlege (1955)
  • 53 History of the archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen, translated with an introduction and notes by Francis J. Tschan (1959) (Digitalisat)
  • 54 Sources of Japanese tradition compiled by Ryūsaku Tsunoda, Wm. Theodore de Bary, Donald Keene (1958), Introduction to oriental civilizations v.1 , v.2
  • 55 Sources of Chinese tradition compiled by Wm. Theodore de Bary, Wing-tsit Chan, Burton Watson; with contributions by Yi-pao Mei ... [et al.] (1960). Introduction to oriental civilizations
  • 56 Sources of Indian tradition compiled by Wm. Theodore de Bary ... [et al.] (1958), Introduction to oriental civilizations
  • 57 The founding of the Kamakura Shogunate, 1180-1185: with selected translations from the 'Azuma kagami' Minoru Shinoda (1960)
  • 58 The literary mind and the carving of dragons: a study of thought and pattern in Chinese literature by Liu Hsieh; translated with an introduction and notes by Vincent Yu-chung Shih (1959)
  • 59 The Taiheiki: a chronicle of medieval Japan translated, with an introduction and notes by Helen Craig McCullough (1959)
  • 60 The letters of Gerbert, with his papal privileges as Sylvester II translated with an introduction by Harriet Pratt Lattin (1961)


  • 61 The murder of Charles the Good, count of Flanders by Galbert of Bruges; translated with an introduction and notes by James Bruce Ross (1960)
  • 62 Luxorius: a Latin poet among the Vandals; together with a text of the poems and an English translation, Morris Rosenblum (1961)
  • 63 The Council of Constance: the unification of the Church translated by Louise Ropes Loomis; edited and annotated by John Hine Mundy and Kennerly M. Woody (1961)
  • 64 The Didascalicon of Hugh of St. Victor: a medieval guide to the arts translated from the Latin with an introduction and notes by Jerome Taylor (1961)
  • 65 Records of the grand historian of China translated from the Shih chi of Ssuma Chʿien by Burton Watson (1971) v. 1 , v. 2
  • 66 Four Major plays of Chikamatsu translated by Donald Keene Columbia, Unesco collection of representative works Japanese series
  • 67 Imperial lives and letters of the eleventh century translated by Theodor E. Mommsen and Karl F. Morrison; with an historical introduction by Karl F. Morrison; edited by Robert L. Benson (1962)
  • 68 Instructions for practical living and other neo-Confucian writings by Wang Yang-ming; translated, with notes, by Wing-tsit Chan (1963)
  • 69 Crusaders as conquerors: the chronicle of morea translated from the Greek, with notes by Harold E. Lurier (1964)
  • 70 The Manyōshū: the Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkōkai translation of one thousand poems, with the texts in romaji with a new foreword by Donald Keene (1965) Unesco collection of representative works, Japanese serie


  • 71 The Mahābhārata: an English version based on selected verses Chakravarthi V. Narasimhan (1965)
  • 72 The register of Eudes of Rouen translated by Sydney M. Brown; edited with an introduction, notes, and appendix by Jeremiah F. O’Sullivan (1964)
  • 73 John Hus at the Council of Constance translated from the Latin and the Czech with notes and introduction by Matthew Spinka (1965)
  • 74 Basic writings of Mo Tzu, Hsün Tzu, and Han Fei Tzu translated by Burton Watson Columbia University Press 1964 (?), UNESCO collection of representative works. Chinese series
  • 75 Reflections on things at hand: the neo-Confucian anthology compiled by Chu Hsi and Lü Tsu-chʿien; translated from the Chinese with notes by Wing-tsit Chan (1967)
  • 76 The platform sutra of the sixth patriarch: the text of the Tun-huang manuscript with translation, introduction, and notes by Philip B. Yampolsky (1967)
  • 77 The pillow book of Sei Shōnagon; translated and edited by Ivan Morris (1967), Unesco collection of representative works, Japanese series v. 1 , v. 2
  • 78 Essays in idleness: the Tsurezuregusa of Kenkō translated by Donald Keene (1967), Unesco collection of representative works, Japanese ser.
  • 79 The Saturnalia, Macrobius; translated with an introduction and notes by Percival Vaughan Davies (1969)
  • 80 The complete works of Chuang Tzu translated by Burton Watson (1968) Unesco collection of representative works. Chinese series, Translations from the Asian classics


  • 81 Heresies of the high Middle Ages. Selected sources translated and annotated by Walter L. Wakefield and Austin P. Evans (1969)
  • 82 The romance of Alexander the Great by Pseudo-Callisthenes translated from the Armenian version with an introduction by Albert Mugrdich Wolohojian (1969)
  • 83 The Fihrist of al-Nadīm: a tenth-century survey of Muslim culture, Bayard Dodge, editor and translator (1970), v. 1 , v. 2
  • 84 The marriage of Philology and Mercury, Martianus Capella; translated by William Harris Stahl and Richard Johnson, with E.L. Burge (1977) Records of western civilization. Martianus Capella and the seven liberal arts; v. 2 // The quadrivium of Martianus Capella: Latin traditions in the mathematical sciences by William Harris Stahl (1971). Martianus Capella and the seven liberal arts; v. 1
  • 85 Twenty plays of the Nō theatre, edited by Donald Keene, with the assistance of Royall Tyler; illustrated with drawings by Fukami Tanrō and from the Hōshō texts (1970) Unesco collection of representative works Japanese ser. ,
  • 86 The Zen Master Hakuin: selected writings translated by Philip B. Yampolsky (1971)
  • 87 Kūkai: major works translated, with an account of his life and a study of his thought, by Yoshito S. Hakeda (1972), Unesco collection of representative works Japanese series
  • 88 Bibliography of English translations from medieval sources, 1943-1967 by Mary Anne Heyward Ferguson (1974)
  • 89 The Cosmographia of Bernardus Silvestris / a translation with introd. and notes by Winthrop Wetherbee.
  • 90 On royal and papal power, John of Paris; a translation, with introduction, of the De potestate regia et papali of John of Paris [by] Arthur P. Monahan (1974)


  • 91 Two Renaissance book hunters: the letters of Poggius Bracciolini to Nicolaus de Niccolis translated from the Latin and annotated by Phyllis Walter Goodhart Gordan (1974)
  • 92 Guillaume d’Orange: four twelfth-century epics. Translated, with an introd., by Joan M. Ferrante (1974)
  • 93 Eneas: a twelfth-century French romance. Translated with an introd. and notes by John A. Yunck (1974)
  • 94 Scripture of the lotus blossom of the fine dharma, translated from the Chinese of Kumārajīva by Leon Hurvitz (1976) Buddhist studies and translations, Translations from the oriental classics
  • 95 Deeds of John and Manuel Comnenus, by John Kinnamos; translated by Charles M. Brand (1976)
  • 96 Visions of the end: apocalyptic traditions in the Middle Ages, Bernard McGinn (1979)
  • 97 Lancelot, the knight of the cart, Chrétien de Troyes; translated by Deborah Webster Rogers; introduction by W.T.H. Jackson (1984)
  • 98 The miracles of the Kasuga deity, Royall Tyler (1990)


  1. Zur Geschichte der Columbia University Press, siehe History