Radikal 29

28 ⼛ ◄ 29► ⼝ 30
Pinyin:yòu (= wieder)
Hiragana:また mata
Kanji: mata (= wieder)
Hangeul: ddo (= wieder)
Sinokoreanisch:우 u

Das Radikal 29 mit der Bedeutung „wieder“ ist eines von 23 der 214 traditionellen Radikale der chinesischen Schrift, die mit zwei Strichen geschrieben werden.

Das Radikal wieder nimmt nur in der Langzeichen-Liste traditioneller Radikale mit 214 Radikalen die 29. Position ein. In modernen Kurzzeichen-Wörterbüchern kann es sich an ganz anderer Stelle finden. Im Neuen chinesisch-deutschen Wörterbuch aus der Volksrepublik China steht es zum Beispiel an 35. Stelle.

Das Schriftzeichen entwickelte sich aus der Darstellung einer Hand, die nach etwas greift. Dieses Radikal stellt, auf drei Finger reduziert, die rechte Hand dar. Ein Punkt darin, und wir haben die Gabel (). Zwei „Hände“, die sich in die gleiche Richtung bewegen, bedeuten Freundschaft (). Bisweilen ist die Ur-Bedeutung Hand auch heute noch zu erkennen wie zum Beispiel in

  • (= aufnehmen) oder
  • (= erhalten).

Das gilt auch für (= Onkel), das ursprünglich aufsammeln bedeutete.
Das Zeichen ist ähnlich dem Katakanazeichen „nu“ , und dem Zhuyinzeichen [ɔʊ̯] .

Bei den Kurzzeichen in der Volksrepublik China ist in verkürzten Zeichen zu einer häufig vorkommenden Komponente geworden, die verschiedene als kompliziert erachtete Teile ersetzte wie zum Beispiel in (Deng, der Familienname Deng Xiaopings) oder (= spielen, Theaterstück).


Einige Radikale sehen einander mehr oder weniger ähnlich:

UnicodeU+53C8U+5902U+590AU+5915U+5973U+652FU+6534 U+6535U+6587U+6B79 U+6B7A
Striche又夂夊夕女支攴 攵文歹 歺

Auch in anderen Systemen gibt es ähnliche Zeichen:

ähnlichdem Radikal 29Radikal 36Radikal 38
ZeichenKatakana "nu"Zhuyin "ou"Katakana "ta"Zhuyin "p"

Schriftzeichenverbindungen, die vom Radikal 29 regiert werden



+02及 友 双 反 収

+03叏 叐

+04发 叒


+06叔 叕 取 受 变

+07叙 叚 叛 叜 叝

+08叞 叟




Im Unicodeblock Kangxi-Radikale ist das Radikal 29 unter der Codepointnummer 12.060 (U+2F1C) codiert.


  • Edoardo Fazzioli: Gemalte Wörter. 214 chinesische Schriftzeichen – Vom Bild zum Begriff. Marixverlag, Wiesbaden 2004, ISBN 3-937715-34-7, S. 94.
Ausführliche Literaturangaben siehe Liste traditioneller Radikale: Literatur


Commons: Radikal 29 – Grafische Darstellungen von Radikal 29
Wiktionary: 又 – Bedeutungserklärungen, Wortherkunft, Synonyme, Übersetzungen

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Autor/Urheber: See user in the "File history" section., Lizenz: CC BY 3.0
This 夂-order.gif image depicting the stroke order of the character 夂 (Traditional Radical 034) in order.gif style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Radical bushou.svg
Chinese and Japanese word for "radical" ( shǒu) Font: Adobe 楷体 Std R
Autor/Urheber: See user in the "File history" section., Lizenz: CC BY 3.0
This 女-order.gif image depicting the stroke order of the character 女 (Traditional Radical 038) in order.gif style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor/Urheber: See user in the "File history" section., Lizenz: CC BY 3.0
This 歺-order.gif image depicting the stroke order of the character 歺 (Traditional Radical 078) in order.gif style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor/Urheber: See user in the "File history" section., Lizenz: CC BY 3.0
This 又-order.gif image depicting the stroke order of the character 又 (Traditional Radical 029) in order.gif style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor/Urheber: See user in the "File history" section., Lizenz: CC BY 3.0
This 文-order.gif image depicting the stroke order of the character 文 (Traditional Radical 067) in order.gif style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor/Urheber: See user in the "File history" section., Lizenz: CC BY 3.0
This 支-order.gif image depicting the stroke order of the character 支 (Traditional Radical 065) in order.gif style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor/Urheber: See user in the "File history" section., Lizenz: CC BY 3.0
This 攵-order.gif image depicting the stroke order of the character 攵 (Traditional Radical 066) in order.gif style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor/Urheber: See user in the "File history" section., Lizenz: CC BY 3.0
This 夕-order.gif image depicting the stroke order of the character 夕 (Traditional Radical 036) in order.gif style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor/Urheber: See user in the "File history" section., Lizenz: CC BY 3.0
This 夊-order.gif image depicting the stroke order of the character 夊 (Traditional Radical 035) in order.gif style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Bopomofo character „ㄡ“ (ou)
Autor/Urheber: See user in the "File history" section., Lizenz: CC BY 3.0
This 攴-order.gif image depicting the stroke order of the character 攴 (Traditional Radical 066) in order.gif style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Autor/Urheber: See user in the "File history" section., Lizenz: CC BY 3.0
This 歹-order.gif image depicting the stroke order of the character 歹 (Traditional Radical 078) in order.gif style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.
Japanes katakana character „タ“ (ta)
Japanes katakana character „ヌ“ (nu)
Autor/Urheber: Justinrleung, Lizenz: CC BY 3.0
This ㄆ-order.gif image depicting the stroke order of the character ㄆ in order.gif style.
This image is part of the Commons:Stroke Order Project(zh-de-ja), a project to create a complete set of images depicting the right stroke order (Protocols).
The 214 Kangxi radicals have been completed by hand. The next goal is to complete the missing animations from the page: GIF_progress. Help is welcome, on this link are the official guidelines.