Raccordo autostradale 1

Vorlage:Infobox hochrangige Straße/Wartung/IT-R
Raccordo autostradale RA 1 in Italien
Tangenziale di Bologna

(Tangente Bologna)

Raccordo autostradale 1
Straßenbeginn:Casalecchio di Reno
(44° 29′ 10″ N, 11° 15′ 50″ O)
Straßenende:S. Lazzaro di Savena
(44° 28′ 50″ N, 11° 26′ 0″ O)
Gesamtlänge:22,2 km


Emilia-Romagna Emilia-Romagna

Ausbauzustand:2 × 2 Fahrstreifen
Die Tangente von Bologna mit Überführung des Marconi Express
Region Emilia-Romagna
Vorlage:AB/Wartung/Leer4-streifiger Ausbau
(0,5) Milano – Firenze A1 E35Ast Casalecchio A14
(0,8) Mautstelle „Bologna Casalecchio
(0,9) MA Route 1.svg Bologna stadioospedale MaggioreCasalecchio di Reno

MA Route 1.svgbis Bazzano – Vignola – Maranello – Zola Perdosa SS64

(3,0) MA Route 2.svg Bologna Borgo Panigale
(4,5) MA Route 3.svg Ast „Ramo Verde“ RA1
(8,9) MA Route 4.svg Bologna via del Triumvirato – via Emilia Ponente

MA Route 4.svgbis Marconi Symbol: FlugFlughafenCalderara di Reno

(12,7) MA Route 5.svg Bologna Lame – Tanari
(13,9) MA Route 6.svg CastelmaggioreBologna Giuriolo
(14,3) Padova A13
(14,7) MA Route 7.svg Bologna via Stalingrado

MA Route 7.svgbis Ferrara SS64

(16,1) MA Route 8.svg Bologna fiera

MA Route 8.svgbis Granarolo dell'EmiliaC.A.A.B.

(16,8) MA Route 9.svg Bologna S. Donato
Symbol: Links S. Donino (290 / --- m) Lärmschutztunnel; 1 Röhre für jeweils 1 Fahrbahn von A14 und RA1
(17,6) MA Route 10.svg FICO Eataly World – Roveri
(18,7) MA Route 11.svg Bologna S. Vitale – S. Orsola – Malpighi
(19,2) MA Route 11.svgbis CastenasoRavenna SS253
(20,3) MA Route 12.svg Bologna Mazzini – Bellaria
(21,6) MA Route 13.svg Via Emilia SS9S. Lazzaro
(22,0) MA Route blank.svg Symbol: Rauf Idice – "Croce dell'Idice" SP28Complanare sud (nur Abfahrt)
(22,2) Mautstelle „BolognaS. Lazzaro
(22,3) Bologna – Ancona A14 E45
  • In Bau
  • In Planung
  • Der Autobahnzubringer 1 (RA 1) (gemäß ANAS-Nummer), besser bekannt als Tangenziale di Bologna (Tangente von Bologna), ist eine in Form einer Nebenstraße zur A14 gebaute und als Autobahn eingestufte Verkehrsader. Sie verläuft nördlich des Stadtgebiets von Bologna und verbindet die Ortschaften Casalecchio di Reno und S. Lazzaro. Der gesamte Abschnitt verfügt über keine eigene Kilometrierung, jedoch werden die Kilometrierungen der Nebenstraßen (Ramo Casalecchio und A14) 1 : 1 übernommen.

    Die Tangente (als alternative Kreuzungsverbindung zwischen den Autobahnen A1, A13 und A14) umfasst auch einen Abzweig (Ramo Verde), welcher sich von der Hauptachse in der Nähe von Borgo Panigale löst und in die A14 im Gebiet La Pioppa, in der Nähe der gleichnamigen Raststätte, einmündet. Die Verkehrsader hat zwei Fahrspuren pro Fahrtrichtung, inklusive Standstreifen.

    Die Bezeichnung RA 1 erscheint auf keinem Verkehrszeichen. Um auf die Tangente-RA 1 zu gelangen, müssen Autofahrer den Verkehrszeichen mit der Aufschrift tangenziale oder den Beschilderungen für die verschiedenen von ihr erreichbaren Ortschaften bzw. Gegenden folgen.

    Die gesamte Strecke ist mautfrei und wird vom Betreiber Autostrade per l’Italia verwaltet.


    Die Tangente wurde von den Ingenieuren Francesco Fantoni und Giorgio Mondini entworfen und nach dreijähriger Arbeit am 12. Juli 1967 eingeweiht.


    Die Tangente von Bologna wurde als Autobahn mit d.m. vom 22. August 1967 (ABl. 275 vom 11. März 1967) zusammen mit den ersten Abschnitten der A14, zu denen sie parallel verläuft, klassifiziert.

    Das Gesetzesdekret vom 29. Oktober 1999, n. 461 umfasste die Tangente von Bologna nicht als italienische Autobahnen, sondern als Teil des normalen Straßennetzes von nationalem Interesse. An den Verkehrsschildern hat sich jedoch nichts geändert (es gibt immer noch Verkehrszeichen für den Beginn und das Ende der Autobahn).

    Mit dem Dekret des Präsidenten des Ministerrates vom 21. September 2001 (Amtsblatt Nr. 226 vom 28. September 2001) wurde der Verbindung die Nummer RA 01 zugewiesen.

    Ramo Verde

    Vorlage:Infobox hochrangige Straße/Wartung/IT-R
    Raccordo autostradale RA 1 in Italien
    Ramo Verde
    Raccordo autostradale 1
    Straßenbeginn:Bologna / Zola Predosa
    (44° 31′ 18″ N, 11° 14′ 10″ O)
    (44° 31′ 15″ N, 11° 16′ 45″ O)
    Gesamtlänge:3,3 km


    Emilia-Romagna Emilia-Romagna

    Ausbauzustand:2 × 2 Fahrstreifen
    Region Emilia-Romagna
    Vorlage:AB/Wartung/Leer4-streifiger Ausbau
    (0,0) Milano A1 E35E45Ancona A14 E45
    Lavino auf dem Knoten
    (0,0) Mautstelle „Bologna – Borgo Panigale“
    (0,1) Bologna centro – Borgo Panigale

    Via Emilia – Modena S9

    (1,2) S. Giovanni in Persiceto
    (2,9) Tangente Bologna RA1
  • In Bau
  • In Planung
  • Vorlage:Infobox hochrangige Straße/Wartung/Weitere_Infobox

    Dieser Abschnitt verbindet die Tangente von Bologna mit der A1 in Richtung Norden (Mailand). AISCAT betrachtet diesen Abschnitt als Abzweig der Tangente, wird jedoch im zusätzlichen Kennzeichnungsfeld der Überführungen als A14 angegeben. Im Gegensatz zur Tangente von Bologna, verfügt der Ramo Verde über eine komplett eigenständige Kilometrierung.


    Commons: Raccordo autostradale RA1 – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien

    Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

    Autobahnkreuz (Icon) in blau und grün. Vorlage entnommen aus der Straßenverkehrsordnung, eingefärbt von Christaras A. Eine große Version (in schwarz) findet sich unter Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg.
    Nach links zeigendes schwarzes Dreieck , U+25C0 aus dem Unicode-Block Geometrische Formen (25A0–25FF)
    Italian traffic signs - inizio autostrada.svg
    Segnale di inizio autostrada (figura II 345 dell'articolo 135 del Regolamento di attuazione del Codice della Strada).
    Dimensioni: larghezza 170 cm, altezza 300 cm.
    Autor/Urheber: Gambo7, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
    Simbolo dell'Emilia-Romagna.
    MA Route 13.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    MA Route 7.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    MA Route 2.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    MA Route 10.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    MA Route 6.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    MA Route 1.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    Italian traffic signs - strada europea 35.svg
    Icon of european road 35, Italy.
    Autostrada A13 Italia.svg
    Icon of autostrada A13, Italy.
    Autostrada A14 Italia.svg
    Icon of autostrada A14 "Autostrada Adriatica", Italy.
    MA Route 8.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    MA Route blank.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    Italian traffic signs - raccordo autostradale 1.svg
    segnale verticale del raccordo autostradale 1.
    MA Route 11.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    MA Route 9.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    Nach oben zeigendes schwarzes Dreieck , U+25B2 aus dem Unicode-Block Geometrische Formen (25A0–25FF)
    MA Route 3.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    Strada Provinciale 28 Italia.svg
    Icon of provincial road SP28 Italy.
    Autostrada A1 Italia.svg
    Icon of autostrada A1 "Autostrada del Sole", Italy.
    Mappa autostrada RA1 Italia.svg
    Autor/Urheber: ColdShine, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
    Map of raccordo autostradale RA01 "Tangenziale Nord di Bologna", Italy.
    MA Route 5.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    Zeichen 391 - Mautpflichtige Strecke, StVO 2003.svg
    Zeichen 391 – Mautpflichtige Strecke, StVO 2003. Farblich korrekte Umsetzung der Originalvorlage mit dem digitalen RAL-Farbton „Verkehrsrot“. Im Verkehrsblatt, Heft 24, 1976, Seite 786, wird das Zeichen „Zollstelle“, aus dem Zeichen 391 abgeleitet wurde, in seinen Details abgebildet. Die Gesamtgröße beträgt in der Regel 600 x 600 mm, in Ausnahmefälle ist eine andere Größe möglich. Die Lichtkantenbreite beträgt 10 mm, der rote Rahmen ist 24 mm breit. Die Versalhöhe beträgt bei Zeichen 391 insgesamt 100 mm. Der Ausrundungshalbmesser am linken und rechten Ende des schwarzen Balkens beträgt 50 mm.
    Strada Statale 9 Italia.svg
    Icon of state road SS9 Emilia, Italy.
    Strada Statale 64 Italia.svg
    Icon of state road SS64 Italy.
    MA Route 12.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    Wellenlinie als Gewässersymbol für die Formatvorlage Autobahn
    MA Route 4.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    (Autobahn)tunnel (Icon). Gezeichnet nach dem Vorbild schweizerischer Verkehrsschilder.
    Sistema Autostradale Bologna.svg
    Autor/Urheber: Xander89, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
    Bologna Highway system.
    Ponte del People Mover sulla tangenziale - marzo 2017 - 02.jpg
    Autor/Urheber: biblioteca.salaborsa, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
    Ponte del People Mover sulla tangenziale
    Italian traffic signs - strada europea 45.svg
    Icon of european road 45, Italy.
    Strada Statale 253 Italia.svg
    Icon of state road SS253 Italy.