Portal:Latein/Autoren der Antike
Plautus: Amphitruo • Mostellaria
Marcus Porcius Cato der Ältere: De agri cultura
Marcus Tullius Cicero: In Catilinam • Philippische Reden • De re publica De officiis • Rede Pro Archia • Rede Pro Caelio
Gaius Iulius Caesar: Commentarii de bello Gallico • Commentarii de bello civili
Vergil: Appendix Vergiliana • Georgica • Aeneis
Ovid: Amores • Heroides • Ars amatoria • Fasti • Metamorphosen • Tristia • Epistulae ex Ponto
Seneca: Apocolocyntosis • Epistulae morales
Titus Petronius: Satyricon • Das Gastmahl des Trimalchio
Plinius der Ältere: Naturalis historia
Lucius Iunius Moderatus Columella: De re rustica
Publius Cornelius Tacitus: Germania
Aurelius Victor: Corpus Aurelianum • Origo gentis Romanae
Ammianus Marcellinus: Res Gestae
Boëthius: Der Trost der Philosophie
Isidor von Sevilla: Etymologiae
Siehe auch: Weitere Artikel zu antiken Autoren und Appendix Probi
Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien
Scanned from a book dated 1900. Original caption: "MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO. Photogravure from the marble bust in the Prado Gallery at Madrid. This is the most pleasing of all extant likenesses of the great Roman orator. It represents Cicero when he was about sixty years of age and at the zenith of his career." Presumably the bust is now in Madrid's Museum of Archeology, where most or all of the Museo del Prado's collection of works from Classical Antiquity were moved.
Medieval illustration of Anicius Manlius Severinus Boëthius (a late-antique philosopher).
Publius Ovidius Naso, "Ovid"
- Publius Ovidius Naso
- Nach einem Gemälde von A. v. Werner