Im Jahr 2015 lebten weltweit etwa 14,2 Millionen Juden.
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(c) Government Press Office (Israel), CC BY-SA 3.0
David Ben Gurion flanked by the members of his provisional government reading the Declaration of Independence in the Tel Aviv Museum Hall.
Yarmulke and Menorah from the Harry S. Truman collection.
Skullcap: Jewish yarmulke or kippah with Hebrew lettering. Polyester, metallic thread. Length 17.0, Width 16.1, T 1.0 cm. Harry S Truman National Historic Site, HSTR 20077a
Menorah: Jewish menorah or candelabrum with seven branches. President Truman was the first world leader to recognize Israel as a new nation. Metal. H 43.6, W 32.1, D 13.3 cm. Harry S Truman National Historic Site, HSTR 7337A Hebrew verb with nikkud, including:
- hiriq (the dot accent for the vowel i below the 1st letter yod, read from the right),
- sheva or schwa (the two-dot accent below the 2nd and 3rd letters kaf and tav, to mute or reduce their neutral implied vowel; the first vowel is a mute but the second is pronounced as a sheva na), and
- dagesh or mapiq (the dot accent in the middle of the 3rd and 5th letters kaf and vav, to be pronounced respectively as the occlusive k with dagesh rather than the fricative kh, and as the consonant v with mappiq/shuruk rather than the semivowel w).
- The 2nd and 3rd letters kh and t are also implicitly rafe due to the vowel and schwa accents being explicitly written on the letter before them, so the rafe accent is not explicitly written below them in modern Hebrew; the final vowel u is also not explicitly written on the last letter v as it is also implied.
(yiktevu), meaning “they write / will write”. Reception of Jews in Poland by Jan Matejko (1889), oil study held at the Royal Castle Museum in Warsaw (see final painting, below).
Letzte Seite des Traktates Sanhedrin des babylonischen Talmud, ca. 1400–1450
Die Plünderung der Frankfurter Judengasse während des Fettmilch-Aufstands; Stich von Matthäus Merian aus dem Jahr 1628
Autor/Urheber: datafox, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Sedertisch. Festmahl zum jüdischen Pesachfest. Im Vordergrund einige Haggadot-Bücher.