Peter Joseph Hundt

Wappen von Peter Joseph Hundt
Wappen von Peter Joseph Hundt als Bischof von Corner Brook und Labrador

Peter Joseph Hundt (* 26. August 1956 in Hanover) ist ein kanadischer Geistlicher und römisch-katholischer Erzbischof von Saint John’s, Neufundland.


Peter Joseph Hundt empfing am 16. Mai 1970 die Priesterweihe.

Papst Benedikt XVI. ernannte ihn am 11. Februar 2006 zum Weihbischof in Toronto und Titularbischof von Tarasa in Byzacena. Die Bischofsweihe spendete ihm der Erzbischof von Toronto, Aloysius Matthew Kardinal Ambrozic, am 25. April desselben Jahres; Mitkonsekratoren waren Anthony Frederick Tonnos, Bischof von Hamilton, und Matthew Francis Ustrzycki, Weihbischof in Hamilton.

Am 1. März 2011 wurde er zum Bischof von Corner Brook und Labrador ernannt und am 13. April desselben Jahres in das Amt eingeführt.

Papst Franziskus ernannte ihn am 12. Dezember 2018 zum Erzbischof von Saint John’s, Neufundland.[1] Die Amtseinführung erfolgte am 29. Januar 2019.



  1. Rinuncia dell’Arcivescovo di Saint John’s Newfoundland (Canada) e nomina del successore. In: Tägliches Bulletin. Presseamt des Heiligen Stuhls, 12. Dezember 2018, abgerufen am 12. Dezember 2018 (italienisch).
Martin William CurrieErzbischof von Saint John’s, Neufundland
seit 2018
David Douglas Crosby OMIBischof von Corner Brook und Labrador
Bartolomeus van Roijen

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Coat of arms of Peter Joseph Hundt.svg
(c) I, SajoR, CC BY-SA 2.5
Coat of arms of the Canadian Bishop Peter Joseph Hundt, Bishop of Corner Brook und Labrador.

The Coat of Arms of Bishop Peter Hundt is divided into two fields.

Atop the main design is a field known as the Chief. It is in green. On this field depicted in gold, appear the crossed keys symbolizing his patron Saint, Peter the Apostle. Suspended from the juncture of the crossed keys, worked in silver and embellished in gold, is the huntsman’s horn, a tribute to his Germanic heritage as well as a “cant” to his surname.

The main field of the shield is a Paly of twelve vertical stripes of alternating green and silver, the Hundt family colours. The Paly itself is meant to represent the furrows of a ploughed field, calling to mind Bishop Hundt’s agricultural background as well as such scriptural references as 1 Kings 19:19-21, Luke 9:62 and 1 Corinthians 9:10. There are twelve furrows to represent the Twelve Apostles and the Apostolic Succession to which Bishop Hundt has been called.

Standing alone on the Paly is a simple Latin Cross worked in gold, emblematic of the words of Saint Paul: “May I never boast of anything except the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 6:14)

Surmounting the Episcopal shield is the pilgrim’s hat, the heraldic emblem for all prelates and priests of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church. The pilgrim’s hat is green, the colour of the Office of Bishop. Behind Bishop Hundt’s coat of arms is found the Episcopal cross. The cross is worked with maple leaves in recognition of his nationality and includes a gemstone, specifically the amethyst which is the stone of the Catholic episcopacy and the official provincial stone of Ontario.

The motto “Deus Caritas Est” (God is love) is from 1 John 4:16. These three words are also the title and opening exhortation of Pope Benedict XVI’s first encyclical to the Universal Church. It situates Bishop Hundt’s call to the episcopacy within the first year of Pope Benedict XVI’s pontificate and speaks to the call of the Bishop to be both preacher and exemplifier of God’s love.
