Orden (Religion)

Kirchenrechtlich werden die alten Orden, in denen die Ordensmitglieder feierliche Gelübde ablegen, in der römisch-katholischen Kirche von den später gegründeten Kongregationen unterschieden, deren Mitglieder einfache Gelübde ablegen und in der Regel nicht in der Klausur eines Klosters leben.
Orden sind dabei solche, die älter als 700 Jahre sind. Hierzu zählen die monastischen Orden, geistliche Ritterorden, Bettelorden und Regularkanoniker. Die Mitglieder von Kongregationen werden als Ordensschwestern oder, wenn sie nicht Kleriker sind, als Ordensbrüder bezeichnet. Angehörige der monastischen Orden sind dagegen Mönche oder Nonnen. Regularkanoniker nennt man Chorherren.
Im Codex Iuris Canonici (CIC) von 1917 wurde zwischen Orden und Kongregationen unterschieden. Im CIC von 1983 wird diese Unterscheidung nicht mehr ausdrücklich angeführt. Orden und Kongregationen werden nun einheitlich als Ordensinstitute bezeichnet; diesbezügliche Regelungen finden sich in den Canones 607–709. Zusammen mit den Säkularinstituten (Cann. 710–730) bilden sie die Institute des geweihten Lebens (Cann. 573–606).
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Autor/Urheber: Internet Archive Book Images, Lizenz: No restrictions
Identifier: antiquitiesofen01gros (find matches)
Title: The antiquities of England and Wales
Year: 1785 (1780s)
Authors: Grose, Francis, 1731?-1791
Publisher: London : S. Hooper
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto
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Index page 99 to 102
Vifitation of the feveral monafteries in 1535, in order to find pretences for their fuppreffion_The vifitors returns of the various abufes and impofitions practifed in the religious houfes-and in 1539 the total diffolution of the monafteries was effected and confirmed by act of parliament.
The names of the Attendant listed on page 90. in the succession in which they stand, beginning with the Nun on the left...
Full text as follows: The names of the orders delineated in the annexed plate, follow in the same succession in which the figures stand; beginning with the nun on the left, and reckoning towards the right: the same order is observed with respect to the sitting figures. A Benedictine nun; a monk of the same order; a Cluniac; a Cistercian; and a Carthusian; a nun of St. Gilbert; a regular canon of the same; a Trinitarian; a knight Templar; a knight Hospitaller; a secular canon; a Canon regular of the Premonstratensians. The sitting figures are, a regular canon of Saint Augustine; a regular canon of the Holy Sepulchre; a canon of the Hospital of Saint John at Coventry; chaplain of the order of St John of Jerusalem.
(n) The oracle of the law faith, a Inftit. p. 585, Twenty-fix abbots and two priors had baronies, and thereby were lords of parliament. In 1 Inftit. 97, he faith, There were an hundred and eighteen monafteries, founded by kings of England ;whereof fuch as held- per baroniam, and were called to parliament by writ, were lords of parliament, and had places and voices there; but not if they were not called by writ; for Feverfham was founded by King Stephen to hold by barony; but the abbot not being called to parliament, did not fit there. This is alfo in Weaver, p. 183. Cowel fub voce Mitred faith, Thefe abbots were not called to parliament becaufe they were mitred, but becaufe they received their temporals from the king. Collier,
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PREFACE. 91 that the abbots were called to parliament , (n) and fat and voted in the Houfe of Loords, had epifcopal power within the limits of their houfes, (o) gave folemn benediction, confirmed the lelfer orders, wore mitres, (p) fandals, &c. and carried croffes or paftorals in their hands, and fome of their houfes were exempted from the jurifdiction even of the archbifhop,(q) and fubject to the pope alone. Fuller fays, that Collier, Ecc. Hift. vol. ii. p. 164, faith, they held of the king in capite per baroniam; their endowment being at leaft an entire barony, which confifted of thirteen knights fees, and thereby they were advanced to the ftate and dignity of fpiritual lords : but of the parliamentary abbies, fome were founded by fubjecs, fome by kings of Mercia, &c. and about eight only by kings of England. The abbot of Thorney pleaded, A. D. 1338, that he did not hold by barony, but by frankal-moigne; Collect. Wren, vol. ii. p. 18, ex reg. Sim. Ex reg ESin. Elienf. and yet was then called to parliament, as Fuller, book vi. p. 292, and Stevens's Append, p. 15: the prior of Coventry likewise pleadedd,14 Rich. II. that he did not hold per baroniam, as Mon.Angl vol. i. p. 305. The abbey of Bardney was valued at no more than
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