Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Leichtathletik – 10.000 m (Männer)

Rio 2016 logo.svg
Teilnehmer34 Athleten aus 15 Ländern
WettkampfortEstádio Olímpico João Havelange
Wettkampfphase13. August 2016
Siegerzeit27:05,17 min
Vereinigtes KonigreichVereinigtes Königreich Mo Farah (GBR)
Kenia Paul Tanui (KEN)
Athiopien Tamirat Tola (ETH)
Innenraum des Estádio Olímpico João Havelange während der Spiele von Rio

Der 10.000-Meter-Lauf der Männer bei den Olympischen Spielen 2016 in Rio de Janeiro wurde am 13. August 2016 im Estádio Olímpico João Havelange ausgetragen. 34 Athleten nahmen teil.

Olympiasieger wurde der Brite Mo Farah. Die Silbermedaille gewann der Kenianer Paul Tanui. Bronze ging an den Äthiopier Tamirat Tola.

Athleten aus Deutschland, der Schweiz, Österreich und Liechtenstein nahmen nicht teil.

Aktuelle Titelträger

OlympiasiegerMo Farah (Vereinigtes Konigreich Großbritannien)27:30,42 minLondon 2012
Weltmeister27:01,13 minPeking 2015
EuropameisterPolat Kemboi Arıkan (Turkei Türkei)28:18,52 minAmsterdam 2016
Nord-/Zentralamerika-/Karibik-MeisterLopez Lomong (Vereinigte Staaten USA)29:49,03 minSan José 2015
Südamerika-MeisterBayron Piedra (Ecuador Ecuador)28:30,80 minLima 2015
AsienmeisterEl Hassan el-Abbassi (Bahrain Bahrain)28:50,71 minWuhan 2015
AfrikameisterStephen Mokoka (Sudafrika Südafrika)28:02,97 minDurban 2016
OzeanienmeisterMatthew Dryden (Neuseeland Neuseeland)34:18,41 minCairns 2015

Bestehende Rekorde

WeltrekordKenenisa Bekele (Athiopien Äthiopien)26:17,53 minBrüssel, Belgien26. August 2005[1]
Olympischer Rekord27:01,17 minFinale OS Peking, Volksrepublik China17. August 2008

Der bestehende olympische Rekord wurde bei diesen Spielen nicht erreicht. Die Siegeszeit des britischen Olympiasiegers Mo Farah im Rennen am 20. August betrug 27:05,17 min, womit er den Rekord nur knapp um genau vier Sekunden verfehlte. Zum Weltrekord fehlten ihm 43,64 Sekunden.

Alle Zeitangaben sind auf die Ortszeit Rio (UTC-3) bezogen.


Finalszene (v. l. n. r.): Abraham Cheroben, Hassan Chani, Tamirat Tola, Nguse Amlosom, Leonard Korir, Shadrak Kipchirchir,
El Hassan el-Abassi, Joshua Cheptegei, Moses Kurong
Finalszene (v. l. n. r.): Yūta Shitara, Hassan Chani, Olivier Irabaruta, Leonard Korir, Kota Murayama
Finalszene (v. l. n. r.): Abadi Hadis, Shadrak Kipchirchir, Mo Farah

Der Wettkampf wurde ohne Qualifikation direkt in einem Finallauf durchgeführt.

Finalszene (v. l. n. r.): Nguse Amlosom, Mohammed Ahmed, Shadrak Kipchirchir, Abadi Hadis, Galen Rupp
Finalszene (v. l. n. r.): Suguru Ōsako, Polat Kemboi Arıkan, Leonard Korir, Ross Millington, Zane Robertson
1000 m2:55,20 minLuis Ostos2:55,20 min
2000 m5:44,49 minOlivier Irabaruta2:49,29 min
3000 m8:30,70 minTamirat Tola2:46,21 min
4000 m11:12,29 minYigrem Demelash2:41,59 min
5000 m13:53,11 minTamirat Tola2:40,82 min
6000 m16:37,20 minPaul Kipngetich Tanui2:44,09 min
7000 m19:19,07 minBedan Karoki2:41,87 min
8000 m22:00,83 minYigrem Demelash2:41,76 min
9000 m24:36,95 minMo Farah2:36,12 min
10.000 m27:05,17 minMo Farah2:28,22 min
PlatzNameNationZeit (min)Anmerkung
1Mo FarahVereinigtes Konigreich Großbritannien27:05,17
2Paul Kipngetich TanuiKenia Kenia27:05,64
3Tamirat TolaAthiopien Äthiopien27:06,26
4Yigrem DemelashAthiopien Äthiopien27:06,27
5Galen RuppVereinigte Staaten USA27:08,92
6Joshua CheptegeiUganda Uganda27:10,06
7Bedan KarokiKenia Kenia27:22,93
8Zersenay TadeseEritrea Eritrea27:23,86
9Nguse AmlosomEritrea Eritrea27:30,79
10Abraham CherobenBahrain Bahrain27:31,86
11Geoffrey KamwororKenia Kenia27:31,94
12Zane RobertsonNeuseeland Neuseeland27:33,67NR
13Polat Kemboi ArıkanTurkei Türkei27:35,50
14Leonard KorirVereinigte Staaten USA27:35,65
15Abadi HadisAthiopien Äthiopien27:36,34
16David McNeillAustralien Australien27:51,71
17Suguru ŌsakoJapan Japan27:51,94
18Stephen MokokaSudafrika Südafrika27:54,57
19Shadrack KipchirchirVereinigte Staaten USA27:58,32
20Bashir AbdiBelgien Belgien28:01,49
21Luis OstosPeru Peru28:02,03
22Moses KurongUganda Uganda28:03,38
23Timothy ToroitichUganda Uganda28:04,84
24Goitom KifleEritrea Eritrea28:15,99
25Andrew VernonVereinigtes Konigreich Großbritannien28:19,36
26El Hassan el-AbbassiBahrain Bahrain28:20,17
27Olivier IrabarutaBurundi Burundi28:32,75
28Ben St. LawrenceAustralien Australien28:46,32
29Yūta ShitaraJapan Japan28:55,23
30Kōta MurayamaJapan Japan29:02,51
31Ross MillingtonVereinigtes Konigreich Großbritannien29:14,95
32Mohammed AhmedKanada Kanada29:32,84
DNFHassan ChaniBahrain Bahrain
Ali KayaTurkei Türkei

Das Rennen

Der britische Doppelolympiasieger von 2012 über 5000 und 10.000 Meter Mo Farah hatte als Doppelweltmeister über die beiden Bahnlangstrecken von 2013 und 2015 auch hier wieder die klare Favoritenrolle inne. Seine stärksten Gegner kamen aus den afrikanischen Ländern Kenia, Äthiopien und Eritrea. Vor allem die drei bei den letzten Weltmeisterschaften hinter Farah platzierten Kenianer Geoffrey Kamworor, Paul Tanui und Bedan Karoki hatten große Ambitionen, den Briten diesmal zu schlagen. Auch Farahs US-amerikanischer Trainingskollege Galen Rupp war wieder stark einzuschätzen.

Farah reihte sich in den ersten Runden wie von ihm gewohnt im Feld mit Kontakt zur Spitze ein. Die ersten tausend Meter wurden mit 2:55,20 min zurückhaltend gelaufen. Anschließend zogen die Läufer das Tempo immer mehr an. Nach drei Kilometern übernahmen die Äthiopier Tamirat Tola und Yigrem Demelash die Führungsarbeit. Über viele Runden arbeiteten diese beiden mit Wechseln an der Spitze zusammen und hielten das Tempo hoch. Die 1000-Meter-Abschnitte zwischen Kilometer drei und acht wurden in Zeiten von jeweils nur knapp über 2:40 min absolviert. Die Kenianer Tanui und Kamworor waren die ersten Verfolger der Äthiopier. Auch Farah gehörte dieser Spitzengruppe an. Kurz vor der Hälfte des Rennens kam er zu Fall, rappelte sich jedoch schnell wieder hoch und konnte das Rennen problemlos fortsetzen.

Auf dem vorletzten Kilometer wurde das Rennen noch schneller, die Führungsgruppe bestand auf den letzten Runden noch aus den sechs Läufern Tanui, Tola, Demelash, Farah, Rupp und Joshua Cheptegei aus Uganda. Tausend Meter vor Schluss ergriff Farah erstmals die Initiative und erhöhte das Tempo entscheidend. Cheptegei musste nun abreißen lassen.

Auf der Gegengeraden der Schlussrunde startete Tanui einen Angriff, das hohe Tempo sprengte die Führungsgruppe. Nur Farah blieb dem Kenianer auf den Fersen, dahinter riss jetzt eine Lücke auf. Auf der Zielgeraden zog Farah mit seinem starken Schlussspurt an Tanui vorbei und gewann damit seine dritte Goldmedaille insgesamt, die erste hier in Rio. Der WM-Dritte Paul Tanui errang Silber, Bronze ging Tamirat Tola vor Yigrem Demelash und Galen Rupp. Joshua Cheptegei belegte Rang sechs, Bedan Karoki wurde Siebter vor Zersenay Tadese aus Eritrea.

Nur um genau vier Sekunden verfehlte Mo Farah mit seiner Siegerzeit Kenenisa Bekeles olympischen Rekord von 2008. Den letzten Kilometer hatte der Brite in 2:28,22 min zurückgelegt.




  1. Athletics - Progression of outdoor world records, 10.000 m – Men, sport-record.de, abgerufen am 19. Mai 2022

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Olympic rings.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Olympic rings without rims.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Gold medal.svg
Autor/Urheber: B1mbo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
Zeichnung einer Goldmedaille, basierend auf Olympic rings.svg.
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Flagge des Vereinigten Königreichs in der Proportion 3:5, ausschließlich an Land verwendet. Auf See beträgt das richtige Verhältnis 1:2.
Silver medal.svg
Autor/Urheber: B1mbo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
Zeichnung einer Silbermedaille, basierend auf Olympic rings.svg.
Bronze medal.svg
Autor/Urheber: B1mbo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
Zeichnung einer Bronzemedaille, basierend auf Olympic rings.svg.
Flag of Ethiopia.svg
Flag of Ethiopia
Flag of South Africa.svg

Flagge Südafrikas

Verwendete Farbe: National flag | South African Government and Pantone Color Picker

     Grün gerendert als RGB 000 119 073Pantone 3415 C
     Gelb gerendert als RGB 255 184 028Pantone 1235 C
     Rot gerendert als RGB 224 060 049Pantone 179 C
     Blau gerendert als RGB 000 020 137Pantone Reflex Blue C
     Weiß gerendert als RGB 255 255 255
     Schwarz gerendert als RGB 000 000 000
Flag of Australia (converted).svg

Flag of Australia, when congruence with this colour chart is required (i.e. when a "less bright" version is needed).

See Flag of Australia.svg for main file information.
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Flag of Canada introduced in 1965, using Pantone colors. This design replaced the Canadian Red Ensign design.
20090817 Zersenay Tadesse cropped.jpg
Autor/Urheber: , Lizenz: GFDL
Zersenay Tadesse during Worldchampionships 2009 in Berlin
Hassan Chani - Rio 2016.jpg
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchichir finish 14th and 19th respectively in the men's 3,000-meter run Aug. 13 at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Both Soldiers in the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program turned in their season-best performaces, with Korir finishing in 27 minutes, 58.65 seconds and Kipchirchir clocked at 27:58.32. Mohamed Farah of Great Britain successfully defended his Olympic crown by winning the race in 27:05.17. Paul Kipnetech Tanui of Kenya took the silver in 27:05.64, and Tamirat Tola of Ethiopia claimed the bronze in 27:06.27.
CPH half Marathon2015 Bedan Karoki Muchiri (cropped).JPG
Autor/Urheber: Elgaard, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Half marathon Sep 13 2015 at 19.5 km Bedan Karoki Muchiri
Leonard Korir - Rio 2016.jpg
Autor/Urheber: U.S. Army photo by Tim Hipps, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchichir finish 14th and 19th respectively in the men's 3,000-meter run Aug. 13 at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Both Soldiers in the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program turned in their season-best performaces, with Korir finishing in 27 minutes, 58.65 seconds and Kipchirchir clocked at 27:58.32. Mohamed Farah of Great Britain successfully defended his Olympic crown by winning the race in 27:05.17. Paul Kipnetech Tanui of Kenya took the silver in 27:05.64, and Tamirat Tola of Ethiopia claimed the bronze in 27:06.27.
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchirchir run 10,000 meters (7).jpg
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchichir finish 14th and 19th respectively in the men's 3,000-meter run Aug. 13 at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Both Soldiers in the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program turned in their season-best performaces, with Korir finishing in 27 minutes, 58.65 seconds and Kipchirchir clocked at 27:58.32. Mohamed Farah of Great Britain successfully defended his Olympic crown by winning the race in 27:05.17. Paul Kipnetech Tanui of Kenya took the silver in 27:05.64, and Tamirat Tola of Ethiopia claimed the bronze in 27:06.27.
Shadrack Kipchirchir 2016.jpg
Autor/Urheber: U.S. Army, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0
Shadrack Kipchirchir
Olympic Stadium (Engenhão), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Rafael Henrique Serra, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Engenhão Stadium/Olympic Stadium, August 18, 2016.
Abadi Hadis Rio 2016.jpg
Autor/Urheber: U.S. Army, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchichir finish 14th and 19th respectively in the men's 3,000-meter run Aug. 13 at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Both Soldiers in the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program turned in their season-best performaces, with Korir finishing in 27 minutes, 58.65 seconds and Kipchirchir clocked at 27:58.32. Mohamed Farah of Great Britain successfully defended his Olympic crown by winning the race in 27:05.17. Paul Kipnetech Tanui of Kenya took the silver in 27:05.64, and Tamirat Tola of Ethiopia claimed the bronze in 27:06.27. U.S. Army photo by Tim Hipps, IMCOM Public Affairs #SoldierOlympians #ArmyOlympians #ArmyTeam #TeamUSA #RoadToRio #ArmyStrong #GoArmy
David McNeill.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Shannon Cole, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
David McNeill competing for Old Xaverians Athletic Club in an Athletics Victoria Cross Country race, Jells Park, Melbourne, 2019
Abraham Cheroben Rio 2016.jpg
Abraham Cheroben at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
Olivier Irabaruta - Rio 2016.jpg
Autor/Urheber: U.S. Army photo by Tim Hipps, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchichir finish 14th and 19th respectively in the men's 3,000-meter run Aug. 13 at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Both Soldiers in the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program turned in their season-best performaces, with Korir finishing in 27 minutes, 58.65 seconds and Kipchirchir clocked at 27:58.32. Mohamed Farah of Great Britain successfully defended his Olympic crown by winning the race in 27:05.17. Paul Kipnetech Tanui of Kenya took the silver in 27:05.64, and Tamirat Tola of Ethiopia claimed the bronze in 27:06.27.
Ali Kaya Rieti 2013.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Erik van Leeuwen, attribution: Erik van Leeuwen (bron: Wikipedia)., Lizenz: GFDL
Ali Kaya at the 2013 European Athletics Junior Championships in Rieti
Galen Rupp Celebrates 2012 Olympics (cropped).jpg
Autor/Urheber: Citizen59, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
L'athléte RUPP Galen célébrant sa médaille d'rgent dans la course du 10000 m au stade olympique de Londres
Goitom Kifle 2013.jpg
Autor/Urheber: user:Pit1233, Lizenz: CC0
Goitom Kifle at the 2013 IAAF World Cross Country Championships
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchirchir run 10,000 meters (5).jpg
Autor/Urheber: U.S. Army, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchichir finish 14th and 19th respectively in the men's 10,000-meter run Aug. 13 at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Both Soldiers in the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program turned in their season-best performaces, with Korir finishing in 27 minutes, 58.65 seconds and Kipchirchir clocked at 27:58.32. Mohamed Farah of Great Britain successfully defended his Olympic crown by winning the race in 27:05.17. Paul Kipnetech Tanui of Kenya took the silver in 27:05.64, and Tamirat Tola of Ethiopia claimed the bronze in 27:06.27. U.S. Army photo by Tim Hipps, IMCOM Public Affairs #SoldierOlympians #ArmyOlympians #ArmyTeam #TeamUSA #RoadToRio #ArmyStrong #GoArmy
El Hassan El-Abbassi Rio 2016.jpg
El Hassan El-Abbassi at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
Geoffrey Kipsang Kamworor 2015.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Erik van Leeuwen, attribution: Erik van Leeuwen (bron: Wikipedia)., Lizenz: GFDL
10000 m men final at the 2015 World Championships in Athletics : Geoffrey Kipsang Kamworor and Mo Farah.
Tamirat Tola Rio 2016.jpg
Tamirat Tola at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
Yigrem Demelash 2013.jpg
Autor/Urheber: User:Pit1233, Lizenz: CC0
Yigrem Demelash at the 2013 IAAF World Cross Country Championships
Andy Vernon (cropped).jpg
Autor/Urheber: Ian Robertson from East Lothian, Scotland, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0
Great Edinburgh International Cross Country 2018 – Senior Men's 8km
Zane Robertson Rio 2016.jpg
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchichir finish 14th and 19th respectively in the men's 3,000-meter run Aug. 13 at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Both Soldiers in the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program turned in their season-best performaces, with Korir finishing in 27 minutes, 58.65 seconds and Kipchirchir clocked at 27:58.32. Mohamed Farah of Great Britain successfully defended his Olympic crown by winning the race in 27:05.17. Paul Kipnetech Tanui of Kenya took the silver in 27:05.64, and Tamirat Tola of Ethiopia claimed the bronze in 27:06.27.
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchirchir run 10,000 meters (2).jpg
Autor/Urheber: U.S. Army photo by Tim Hipps, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchichir finish 14th and 19th respectively in the men's 3,000-meter run Aug. 13 at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Both Soldiers in the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program turned in their season-best performaces, with Korir finishing in 27 minutes, 58.65 seconds and Kipchirchir clocked at 27:58.32. Mohamed Farah of Great Britain successfully defended his Olympic crown by winning the race in 27:05.17. Paul Kipnetech Tanui of Kenya took the silver in 27:05.64, and Tamirat Tola of Ethiopia claimed the bronze in 27:06.27.
Mohammed Ahmed Rio 2016.jpg
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchichir finish 14th and 19th respectively in the men's 10,000-meter run Aug. 13 at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Both Soldiers in the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program turned in their season-best performaces, with Korir finishing in 27 minutes, 58.65 seconds and Kipchirchir clocked at 27:58.32. Mohamed Farah of Great Britain successfully defended his Olympic crown by winning the race in 27:05.17. Paul Kipnetech Tanui of Kenya took the silver in 27:05.64, and Tamirat Tola of Ethiopia claimed the bronze in 27:06.27.
Polat Kemboi Arıkan Helsinki 2012.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Erik van Leeuwen, attribution: Erik van Leeuwen (bron: Wikipedia)., Lizenz: GFDL
Polat Kemboi Arıkan during 2012 European Championships in Athletics in Helsinki
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchirchir run 10,000 meters (4).jpg
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchichir finish 14th and 19th respectively in the men's 3,000-meter run Aug. 13 at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Both Soldiers in the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program turned in their season-best performaces, with Korir finishing in 27 minutes, 58.65 seconds and Kipchirchir clocked at 27:58.32. Mohamed Farah of Great Britain successfully defended his Olympic crown by winning the race in 27:05.17. Paul Kipnetech Tanui of Kenya took the silver in 27:05.64, and Tamirat Tola of Ethiopia claimed the bronze in 27:06.27.
Suguru Osako - Rio 2016 (2).jpg
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchichir finish 14th and 19th respectively in the men's 3,000-meter run Aug. 13 at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Both Soldiers in the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program turned in their season-best performaces, with Korir finishing in 27 minutes, 58.65 seconds and Kipchirchir clocked at 27:58.32. Mohamed Farah of Great Britain successfully defended his Olympic crown by winning the race in 27:05.17. Paul Kipnetech Tanui of Kenya took the silver in 27:05.64, and Tamirat Tola of Ethiopia claimed the bronze in 27:06.27.
Ross Millington Great Edinburgh XCountry Men's 8k 9396 (24937277506) (cropped).jpg
Autor/Urheber: Ian Robertson from East Lothian, Scotland, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0
Great Edinburgh International Cross Country 2016 – Senior Men's 8 km
Nguse Tesfaldet Rio 2016.jpg
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchichir finish 14th and 19th respectively in the men's 3,000-meter run Aug. 13 at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Both Soldiers in the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program turned in their season-best performaces, with Korir finishing in 27 minutes, 58.65 seconds and Kipchirchir clocked at 27:58.32. Mohamed Farah of Great Britain successfully defended his Olympic crown by winning the race in 27:05.17. Paul Kipnetech Tanui of Kenya took the silver in 27:05.64, and Tamirat Tola of Ethiopia claimed the bronze in 27:06.27.
Rio 2016 logo.svg
Rio 2016 logo
Joshua Kiprui Cheptegei Eugene 2014.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Erik van Leeuwen, attribution: Erik van Leeuwen (bron: Wikipedia)., Lizenz: GFDL
Joshua Kiprui Cheptegei at the 2014 World Junior Championships in Athletics
Yuta Shitara - Rio 2016.jpg
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchichir finish 14th and 19th respectively in the men's 3,000-meter run Aug. 13 at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Both Soldiers in the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program turned in their season-best performaces, with Korir finishing in 27 minutes, 58.65 seconds and Kipchirchir clocked at 27:58.32. Mohamed Farah of Great Britain successfully defended his Olympic crown by winning the race in 27:05.17. Paul Kipnetech Tanui of Kenya took the silver in 27:05.64, and Tamirat Tola of Ethiopia claimed the bronze in 27:06.27.
2018 European Athletics Championships Day 2 (23).jpg
Autor/Urheber: Erik van Leeuwen, attribution: Erik van Leeuwen (bron: Wikipedia)., Lizenz: GFDL
2018 European Athletics Championships Day 2
Kota Murayama - Rio 2016.jpg
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchichir finish 14th and 19th respectively in the men's 3,000-meter run Aug. 13 at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Both Soldiers in the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program turned in their season-best performaces, with Korir finishing in 27 minutes, 58.65 seconds and Kipchirchir clocked at 27:58.32. Mohamed Farah of Great Britain successfully defended his Olympic crown by winning the race in 27:05.17. Paul Kipnetech Tanui of Kenya took the silver in 27:05.64, and Tamirat Tola of Ethiopia claimed the bronze in 27:06.27.
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchirchir run 10,000 meters (3).jpg
Spcs. Leonard Korir and Shadrack Kipchichir finish 14th and 19th respectively in the men's 3,000-meter run Aug. 13 at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Both Soldiers in the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program turned in their season-best performaces, with Korir finishing in 27 minutes, 58.65 seconds and Kipchirchir clocked at 27:58.32. Mohamed Farah of Great Britain successfully defended his Olympic crown by winning the race in 27:05.17. Paul Kipnetech Tanui of Kenya took the silver in 27:05.64, and Tamirat Tola of Ethiopia claimed the bronze in 27:06.27.
Timothy Toroitich of Uganda at the 2018 African Championships.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Bob Ramsak, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Timothy Toroitich of Uganda at the 2018 African Championships
20081214 mo farah.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Erik van Leeuwen, Lizenz: GFDL
Mo Farah during EC Cross 2008