Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer (Venezuela)


Venezuela nahm bei den Olympischen Spielen 2008 in Peking zum 16. Mal an Olympischen Sommerspielen teil. Die venezolanische Delegation bestand aus 108 Sportlern, 51 Athletinnen und 57 Athleten, die größten Gruppen bildeten dabei die Volleyballteams der Männer und Frauen sowie das Softballteam. In den Individualsportarten stellten die Schwimmer mit 13 Teilnehmern das größte Kontingent. Dalia Contreras gewann die einzige Medaille, die elfte in der Olympischen Geschichte Venezuelas.

Fahnenträgerin bei der Eröffnungsfeier war die Softballspielerin María Soto.


Bronzemedaille – 3. Platz Bronze

Dalia ContrerasTaekwondoFrauen 49 kg
EinzelLeydis Brito
Halbfliegengewicht (bis 48 kg)Eduard Bermúdez
Bantamgewicht (bis 54 kg)Héctor Manzanilla
Federgewicht (bis 57 kg)Jonny Sánchez
Mittelgewicht (bis 75 kg)Alfonso Blanco
Halbschwergewicht (bis 81 kg)Luis Alberto González
Superschwergewicht (über 91 kg)José Payares
Einzel DegenSilvio Fernández
Rubén Limardo
Wolfgang Mejías
María Martínez
Einzel SäbelCarlos BravoAlejandra Benítez
Einzel FlorettMariana González Parra
Team DegenSilvio Fernández
Francisco Limardo
Rubén Limardo
Wolfgang Mejías
bis 53 kgJudith Chacón
bis 63 kgSolenny Villasmil
bis 69 kgIsrael José RubioIriner Jiménez
bis 77 kgJosé Ocando, Octavio Mejías
bis 85 kgHerbys Márquez
bis 52 kgFlor Velásquez
bis 60 kgJavier Guédez
bis 63 kgIsis Barreto
bis 66 kgLudwig Ortíz
bis 73 kgRichard León
bis 90 kgJosé Gregorio Camacho
bis 100 kgAlbenis Rosales
K-2 500 mGabriel Rodríguez
José Giovanni Ramos
K-1 500 mZulmarys Sánchez
200-Meter-LaufJosé Acevedo
800-Meter-LaufEduard Villanueva
MarathonlaufLuis Fonseca
SpeerwurfMaría González
BMXJonathan Suárez
StraßenrennenJackson Rodríguez (30.)Danielys García (54.)
Angie González (57.)
SpringreitenPablo Barrios
bis 48 kgMayelis Caripá
bis 55 kgMarcia Andrade
bis 96 kgLuis Vivenes
  • Dhison Hernández
Luftgewehr; KleinkalibergewehrDiliana Méndez
50 Meter FreistilJonathan CamachoArlene Semeco
100 Meter FreistilAlbert SubiratsArlene Semeco
200 Meter FreistilCrox Acuña
400 Meter FreistilDaniele TirabassiYanel Pinto
800 Meter FreistilAndreina Pinto
1500 Meter FreistilRicardo Monasterio
100 Meter SchmetterlingOctavio Alessi, Albert Subirats
200 Meter SchmetterlingAlexis Márquez
200 Meter BrustLeopoldo Andara
100 Meter RückenErin Volcán
200 Meter RückenErin Volcán
200 Meter LagenLeopoldo Andara
10 KilometerErwin MaldonadoAndreina Pinto
3 mRamón Fumadó
SurfenCarlos Flores
LaserJosé Ruíz
FinnJhonny Bilbao

Yurubi Alicart, Mariangee Bogado, Marianella Castellanos, Zuleyma Cirimele, Denisse Fuenmayor, Johana Gómez, Bheiglys Mujica, Yusmari Pérez, Jineth Pimentel, Geraldine Puertas, Maribel Riera, Mayles Rodríguez, Rubilena Rojas, Yaciey Sojo, María Soto

bis 49 kgDalia Contreras (Bronze )
über 67 kgAdriana Carmona
bis 80 kgCarlos Vásquez
über 80 kgJuan Díaz
EinzelJose Luis FuentesJessica Lopez


Juan Carlos Blanco, Freddy Cedeño, Luis Díaz, Ernardo Gómez, Carlos Luna, Iván Márquez, Ronald Méndez, Andy Rojas, Joel Silva, Carlos Tejeda, Rodman Valera


Roslandy Acosta, Jayce Andrade, Aleoscar Blanco, Shirley Florian, Genesis Franchesco, Desiree Glod, Yessica Paz, María José Pérez, Geraldine Quijada, María Valero, Amarylis Villar

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Olympic flag.svg
Olympische Flagge
Gold medal-2008OB.svg
Olympic Gold medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic's Gold medal
Silver medal-2008OB.svg
Olympic Silver medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic's Gold medal
Bronze medal-2008OB.svg
Olympic Bronze medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic's Gold medal
Archery pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Archery. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Boxing pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Boxing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Fencing pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Fencing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Weightlifting pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Weightlifting. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Judo pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Judo. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for the 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Canoeing (flatwater) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Canoeing (flatwater). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Athletics pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports – . This is an unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Cycling (road) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Cycling (road). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Wrestling pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Wrestling. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Rowing pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Rowing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Shooting pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Shooting. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Swimming pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Swimming. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Diving pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Diving. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Sailing pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Sailing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Taekwondo pictogram.svg
Piktogramm der olympischen Sportart Taekwondo. Dies ist ein inoffizielles Beispielbild. Offizielle Piktogramme für die Sommerolympiade 1948 und alle olympischen Sommerspiele seit 1964 können in den Offiziellen Berichten gefunden werden.
Tennis pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Tennis. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Table tennis pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Tennis. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Gymnastics (artistic) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Gymnastics (artistic). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Volleyball (indoor) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Volleyball (indoor). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Olympic rings.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Olympic rings without rims.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Softball pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Softball. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.


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Logo der Olympischen Spiele