Olympische Sommerspiele 2008/Teilnehmer (Schweden)


Schweden nahm 2008 in Peking zum 25. Mal an Olympischen Sommerspielen teil. Es gingen 123 Athleten (50 Männer und 73 Frauen) in 81 Wettbewerben in 20 Sportarten ins Rennen. Fahnenträger bei der Eröffnungsfeier war der Leichtathlet Christian Olsson. Bei der Schlussfeier trug der Tischtennisspieler Jörgen Persson die Schwedische Fahne.


Magnus PeterssonMänner EinzelVorrunde64649.[1]
Runde der letzten 64Crispin Duenas (Kanada Kanada)108:108weiter
Runde der letzten 32Maksim Kunda (Belarus Belarus)110:112ausgeschieden







  • Emma Samuelsson
    Degen, Einzel: 8. Platz





  • 8. Platz
Jessica Enström
Therese Islas Helgesson
Johanna Wiberg
Linnea Torstenson
Therese Bengtsson
Madeleine Grundström
Isabelle Gulldén
Frida Toveby
Sara Eriksson
Annika Wiel Fredén
Teresa Utkovic
Tina Flognman
Matilda Boson
Sara Holmgren
Johanna Ahlm



  • Sofia Paldanius













  • Lassi Karonen
    Männer, Einer


  • Håkan Dahlby
    Männer, Doppeltrap





  • Laser
    Rasmus Myrgren
  • Laser Radial
    Karin Söderström
  • Finn-Dinghy
    Daniel Birgmark
  • 470er Männer
    Anton Dahlberg
    Sebastian Östling
  • 470er Frauen
    Therese Torgersson
    Vendela Santén
  • 49er
    Jonas Lindberg
    Karl Torlén









  • Karolina Kedzierska
  • Hanna Zajc


  • Elina Eggers
    Frauen, Turmspringen 10 m


  1. Archery – Men's Individual Ranking Round (Memento vom 16. März 2009 im Internet Archive)
  2. Football – Women's First Round – Group E – Match 02 / CHN vs SWE (Memento vom 16. März 2009 im Internet Archive)
  3. Football – Women's First Round – Group E – Match 07 / SWE vs ARG (Memento vom 16. März 2009 im Internet Archive)
  4. Football – Women's First Round – Group E – Match 16 / SWE vs CAN (Memento vom 16. März 2009 im Internet Archive)
  5. Women's Q/Final – Match 21 – E2 vs F2 (Memento vom 16. März 2009 im Internet Archive)


Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien



, Lizenz: Logo

Logo der Olympischen Spiele

Olympic flag.svg
Olympische Flagge
Gold medal-2008OB.svg
Olympic Gold medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic's Gold medal
Silver medal-2008OB.svg
Olympic Silver medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic's Gold medal
Bronze medal-2008OB.svg
Olympic Bronze medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic's Gold medal
Archery pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Archery. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Flag of Canada introduced in 1965, using Pantone colors. This design replaced the Canadian Red Ensign design.
Boxing pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Boxing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Fencing pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Fencing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Football pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Football. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Handball pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Handball. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Canoeing (flatwater) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Canoeing (flatwater). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Cycling (road) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Cycling (road). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Wrestling pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Wrestling. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Rowing pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Rowing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Shooting pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Shooting. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Swimming pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Swimming. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Sailing pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Sailing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Taekwondo pictogram.svg
Piktogramm der olympischen Sportart Taekwondo. Dies ist ein inoffizielles Beispielbild. Offizielle Piktogramme für die Sommerolympiade 1948 und alle olympischen Sommerspiele seit 1964 können in den Offiziellen Berichten gefunden werden.
Tennis pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Tennis. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Table tennis pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Tennis. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Triathlon pictogram.svg
Pictogramme officiel triathlon olympique
Olympic rings.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Olympic rings without rims.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Badminton pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Badminton. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Diving pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Diving. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.