Olympische Sommerspiele 2000/Teilnehmer (Georgien)

Gelbes Symbol für Goldmedaillen mit stilisierten Olympischen RingenGraues Symbol für Silbermedaillen mit stilisierten Olympischen RingenBraundes Symbol für Bronzemedaillen mit stilisierten Olympischen Ringen

Georgien nahm an den Olympischen Sommerspielen 2000 in Sydney mit einer Delegation von 36 Athleten (27 Männer und neun Frauen) an 41 Wettkämpfen in zwölf Sportarten teil. Fahnenträger bei der Eröffnungsfeier war der Gewichtheber Giorgi Assanidse.

Teilnehmer nach Sportarten


  • Asmat Diasamidse
    Einzel: 60. Platz
    Mannschaft: 12. Platz
  • Chatuna Putkaradse
    Einzel: 34. Platz
    Mannschaft: 12. Platz


  • Teimuras Curcilawa
    Bantamgewicht: 2. Runde


  • Mukhran Gogia
    Schwergewicht: DNF
  • Valeriane Sarava
    Superschwergewicht: 16. Platz


  • Aleksi Dawitaschwili
    Schwergewicht: 1. Runde
  • Georgi Gugava
    Mittelgewicht: 1. Runde
  • Iveri Jikurauli
    Halbschwergewicht: 7. Platz
  • Giorgi Revazishvili
    Leichtgewicht: 2. Runde


  • Ruslan Russidse
    100 Meter: Vorläufe


  • Tamara Schanidse
    100 Meter: Vorläufe


  • Inga Tawdischwili
    Einzel: 21. Platz in der Qualifikation


  • Gennadi Tschchaidse
    Schwergewicht, griechisch-römisch: 5. Platz
  • Koba Guliaschwili
    Federgewicht, griechisch-römisch: 14. Platz
  • Guram Mtschedlidse
    Mittelgewicht, Freistil: 13. Platz
  • Tariel Melelaschwili
    Mittelgewicht, griechisch-römisch: 8. Platz
  • David Pogosian
    Federgewicht, Freistil: 5. Platz
  • Aleksander Zerzwadse
    Bantamgewicht, griechisch-römisch: 15. Platz
  • Otar Tushishvili
    Leichtgewicht, Freistil: 15. Platz


  • Nino Luarsabischwili-Utschadse
    Luftpistole: 28. Platz
    Sportpistole: 33. Platz


  • Surab Beridse
    50 Meter Freistil: 54. Platz


  • Rusudan Choperia
    Einzel: 7. Platz


  • Ilia Giorgadse
    Einzelmehrkampf: 12. Platz in der Qualifikation
    Boden: 30. Platz in der Qualifikation
    Pferd: 54. Platz in der Qualifikation
    Barren: 12. Platz in der Qualifikation
    Reck: 6. Platz
    Ringe: 44. Platz in der Qualifikation
    Seitpferd: 40. Platz in der Qualifikation


  • Nana Nebieridse
    Turmspringen: 26. Platz

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Olympische Spiele Sydney 2000.svg


, Lizenz: Logo


Olympic flag.svg
Olympische Flagge
Gold medal-2008OB.svg
Olympic Gold medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic's Gold medal
Silver medal-2008OB.svg
Olympic Silver medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic's Gold medal
Bronze medal-2008OB.svg
Olympic Bronze medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic's Gold medal
Archery pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Archery. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Boxing pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Boxing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Weightlifting pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Weightlifting. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Judo pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Judo. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for the 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Athletics pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports – . This is an unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Wrestling pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Wrestling. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Shooting pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Shooting. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Swimming pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Swimming. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Gymnastics (trampoline) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Gymnastics (trampoline). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Gymnastics (artistic) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Gymnastics (artistic). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Diving pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Diving. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Olympic rings.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Olympic rings without rims.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Flag of Georgia (1990–2004).svg
Flag of Georgia used from 1990 to 2004, with slightly different proportions than the 1918 to 1921 flag.
Gymnastics (rhythmic) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Gymnastics (rhythmic). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Bronze medal icon blank.svg
icon that represents a bronze medal