Olympische Sommerspiele 1952/Turnen – Mannschaftsmehrkampf (Frauen)
Sportart | Turnen | ||||||||
Disziplin | Mannschaftsmehrkampf | ||||||||
Geschlecht | Frauen | ||||||||
Teilnehmer | 128 Athletinnen aus 16 Nationen | ||||||||
Wettkampfort | Messuhalli, Helsinki | ||||||||
Wettkampfphase | 22. bis 23. Juli 1952 | ||||||||
| |||||||||
![]() Olympischen Spielen 1952 | ||
Barren | Männer | |
Boden | Frauen | Männer |
Pauschenpferd | Männer | |
Reck | Männer | |
Ringe | Männer | |
Schwebebalken | Frauen | |
Sprung | Frauen | Männer |
Stufenbarren | Frauen | |
Gruppengymnastik | Frauen | |
Einzelmehrkampf | Frauen | Männer |
Mannschaftsmehrkampf | Frauen | Männer |
Der Mannschaftsmehrkampf im Turnen der Frauen bei den Olympischen Sommerspiele 1952 wurde in der Messuhalli in der finnischen Hauptstadt Helsinki am 22. und 23. Juli ausgetragen.
Rang | Nation | Athletinnen | Geräte | Gesamt | ||||||||||||
Boden![]() | Stufenbarren![]() | Schwebebalken![]() | Sprung![]() | Einzel | Mannschaft | |||||||||||
Pf. | Kür | Ges. | Pf. | Kür | Ges. | Pf. | Kür | Ges. | Pf. | Kür | Ges. | |||||
1 | ![]() | Marija Gorochowskaja | 9,50 | 9,70 | 19,20 | 9,43 | 9,70 | 19,13 | 9,63 | 9,63 | 19,26 | 9,63 | 9,56 | 19,19 | 76,78 | 527,03 |
Nina Botscharowa | 9,40 | 9,30 | 18,70 | 9,46 | 9,76 | 19,22 | 9,56 | 9,43 | 18,99 | 9,80 | 9,23 | 19,03 | 75,94 | |||
Galina Minaitschewa | 9,36 | 9,60 | 18,96 | 9,13 | 9,53 | 18,66 | 9,36 | 9,53 | 18,89 | 9,73 | 9,43 | 19,16 | 75,67 | |||
Galina Urbanowitsch | 9,43 | 9,56 | 18,99 | 9,40 | 9,53 | 18,93 | 9,16 | 9,46 | 18,62 | 9,70 | 9,40 | 19,10 | 75,64 | |||
Pelageja Danilowa | 9,23 | 9,43 | 18,60 | 9,26 | 9,50 | 18,76 | 9,43 | 9,56 | 18,99 | 9,46 | 9,16 | 18,62 | 75,03 | |||
Galina Schamrai | 9,23 | 9,63 | 18,86 | 9,43 | 9,36 | 18,79 | 9,33 | 9,60 | 18,93 | 9,03 | 9,36 | 18,39 | 74,97 | |||
Medea Dschugeli | 9,30 | 9,30 | 18,60 | 9,13 | 9,36 | 18,49 | 9,23 | 9,50 | 18,73 | 9,73 | 9,40 | 19,13 | ||||
Jekaterina Kalintschuk | 8,83 | 8,90 | 17,73 | 8,96 | 9,36 | 18,32 | 9,30 | 9,36 | 18,66 | 9,70 | 9,50 | 19,20 | ||||
Gesamt | 454,03 | |||||||||||||||
2 | ![]() | Margit Korondi | 9,40 | 9,60 | 19,00 | 9,46 | 9,56 | 19,02 | 9,70 | 9,70 | 19,40 | 9,10 | 9,30 | 18,40 | 75,82 | 520,96 |
Ágnes Keleti | 9,50 | 9,86 | 19,36 | 9,43 | 9,53 | 18,96 | 9,46 | 9,70 | 19,16 | 8,90 | 9,20 | 18,10 | 75,58 | |||
Edit Weckinger-Perényi | 9,16 | 9,66 | 18,82 | 9,06 | 9,30 | 18,36 | 9,40 | 9,56 | 18,96 | 9,33 | 9,30 | 18,63 | 74,77 | |||
Olga Tass | 9,23 | 9,66 | 18,89 | 9,40 | 9,46 | 18,86 | 9,30 | 9,10 | 18,40 | 9,26 | 9,30 | 18,56 | 74,71 | |||
Erzsébet Gulyás-Köteles | 9,26 | 9,73 | 18,99 | 9,06 | 9,33 | 18,39 | 9,23 | 9,40 | 18,63 | 9,30 | 9,30 | 18,60 | 74,61 | |||
Mária Kövi-Zalai | 9,16 | 9,43 | 18,59 | 8,60 | 9,30 | 17,90 | 9,26 | 9,36 | 18,62 | 9,46 | 9,30 | 18,76 | 73,87 | |||
Andrea Bodó | 9,16 | 9,10 | 18,26 | 9,03 | 7,50 | 16,53 | 9,33 | 9,16 | 18,49 | 9,23 | 9,16 | 18,39 | ||||
Irén Karcsics-Daruházi | 9,03 | 9,00 | 18,03 | 9,13 | 7,42 | 16,56 | 9,06 | 9,53 | 18,59 | 8,66 | 9,03 | 17,69 | ||||
Gesamt | 449,36 | |||||||||||||||
3 | ![]() | Eva Věchtová | 9,36 | 9,23 | 18,59 | 9,03 | 9,53 | 18,56 | 9,16 | 9,36 | 18,52 | 9,00 | 9,20 | 18,20 | 73,87 | 503,32 |
Alena Chadimová | 9,20 | 9,03 | 18,23 | 8,83 | 9,33 | 18,16 | 8,50 | 9,30 | 17,80 | 9,23 | 8,83 | 18,06 | 72,25 | |||
Jana Rabasová | 9,03 | 8,76 | 17,79 | 8,93 | 9,13 | 18,06 | 9,06 | 9,06 | 18,12 | 9,10 | 9,06 | 18,16 | 72,13 | |||
Božena Srncová | 9,00 | 8,56 | 17,56 | 9,13 | 9,06 | 18,19 | 8,93 | 9,20 | 18,13 | 9,00 | 9,20 | 18,20 | 72,08 | |||
Hana Bobková | 9,13 | 8,60 | 17,73 | 8,63 | 9,30 | 17,93 | 8,73 | 9,20 | 17,93 | 8,93 | 9,00 | 17,93 | 71,52 | |||
Matylda Šínová | 9,03 | 8,40 | 17,43 | 8,73 | 9,36 | 18,06 | 8,46 | 9,36 | 17,82 | 9,40 | 8,73 | 18,13 | 71,47 | |||
Věra Vančurová | 9,20 | 8,76 | 17,96 | 9,00 | 9,50 | 18,50 | 8,10 | 9,20 | 17,30 | 9,16 | 8,46 | 17,62 | ||||
Alena Reichová | 9,06 | 8,43 | 17,49 | 8,66 | 8,00 | 16,66 | 9,06 | 9,16 | 18,22 | 9,10 | 8,93 | 18,03 | ||||
Gesamt | 433,32 | |||||||||||||||
4 | ![]() | Karin Lindberg | 9,23 | 9,10 | 18,33 | 8,76 | 9,26 | 18,02 | 9,03 | 8,96 | 17,99 | 9,36 | 9,43 | 18,79 | 73,13 | 501,83 |
Gun Röring | 9,30 | 8,93 | 18,23 | 8,83 | 9,33 | 18,16 | 8,86 | 8,66 | 17,52 | 9,13 | 9,03 | 18,16 | 72,07 | |||
Evy Berggren | 8,86 | 9,03 | 17,89 | 8,26 | 9,36 | 17,62 | 8,56 | 8,70 | 17,26 | 9,10 | 9,20 | 18,30 | 71,07 | |||
Göta Pettersson | 8,86 | 9,03 | 17,89 | 8,40 | 9,03 | 17,43 | 8,86 | 8,56 | 17,42 | 9,03 | 9,20 | 18,23 | 70,97 | |||
Ann-Sofi Pettersson | 8,90 | 9,40 | 18,30 | 8,43 | 8,43 | 16,86 | 8,26 | 8,70 | 16,96 | 9,36 | 9,23 | 18,59 | 70,71 | |||
Ingrid Sandahl | 9,40 | 8,20 | 17,60 | 8,33 | 8,86 | 17,19 | 8,43 | 8,46 | 16,89 | 8,80 | 9,20 | 18,00 | 69,68 | |||
Hjördis Nordin | 8,93 | 8,80 | 17,73 | 8,30 | 8,93 | 17,23 | 8,26 | 8,30 | 16,56 | 8,73 | 9,03 | 17,76 | ||||
Vanja Blomberg | 9,03 | 8,96 | 17,99 | 8,36 | 7,93 | 16,29 | 8,13 | 8,20 | 16,33 | 8,23 | 9,00 | 17,23 | ||||
Gesamt | 427,63 | |||||||||||||||
5 | ![]() | Irma Walther | 8,80 | 8,93 | 17,73 | 8,80 | 9,23 | 18,03 | 9,06 | 9,00 | 18,06 | 9,20 | 8,93 | 18,13 | 71,95 | 495,20 |
Hanna Grages | 9,06 | 9,03 | 18,09 | 8,46 | 9,13 | 17,59 | 8,90 | 8,93 | 17,83 | 9,23 | 9,03 | 18,26 | 71,77 | |||
Elisabeth Ostermeyer | 9,00 | 8,63 | 17,63 | 8,36 | 8,70 | 17,06 | 8,86 | 8,93 | 17,79 | 9,30 | 9,13 | 18,43 | 70,91 | |||
Wolfgard Voß | 8,93 | 8,53 | 17,46 | 8,66 | 8,66 | 17,32 | 8,60 | 8,33 | 16,93 | 9,13 | 9,16 | 18,29 | 70,00 | |||
Inge Sedlmaier | 8,96 | 8,70 | 17,66 | 8,56 | 8,53 | 17,09 | 8,46 | 8,90 | 17,36 | 9,16 | 8,56 | 17,72 | 69,83 | |||
Lydia Zeitlhofer | 9,13 | 8,86 | 17,99 | 8,80 | 8,93 | 17,73 | 8,86 | 8,86 | 17,72 | 7,50 | 8,63 | 16,13 | 69,57 | |||
Brigitte Kiesler | 9,13 | 8,30 | 17,43 | 6,70 | 8,30 | 15,00 | 8,70 | 8,56 | 17,26 | 9,13 | 9,16 | 18,29 | ||||
Hildegard Koop | 8,66 | 8,30 | 16,96 | 4,46 | 7,36 | 11,82 | 8,90 | 7,66 | 16,56 | 9,03 | 9,03 | 18,06 | ||||
Gesamt | 424,03 | |||||||||||||||
6 | ![]() | Lidia Pitteri | 8,63 | 8,86 | 17,49 | 8,46 | 9,03 | 17,49 | 9,03 | 8,86 | 17,89 | 9,50 | 9,23 | 18,73 | 71,60 | 494,74 |
Miranda Cicognani | 8,83 | 0,26 | 18,09 | 8,56 | 8,86 | 17,42 | 9,10 | 8,33 | 17,43 | 9,43 | 9,13 | 18,56 | 71,50 | |||
Licia Macchini | 8,90 | 8,73 | 17,63 | 8,23 | 8,96 | 17,19 | 9,03 | 8,80 | 17,83 | 9,43 | 9,16 | 18,59 | 71,24 | |||
Liliana Scaricabarozzi | 8,70 | 8,96 | 17,66 | 8,60 | 8,70 | 17,30 | 8,96 | 8,73 | 17,69 | 9,30 | 8,86 | 18,16 | 70,81 | |||
Grazia Bozzo | 8,43 | 9,33 | 17,76 | 8,46 | 8,83 | 17,29 | 8,90 | 8,73 | 17,63 | 9,03 | 9,06 | 18,09 | 70,77 | |||
Luciana Reali | 8,83 | 9,10 | 17,93 | 8,36 | 8,53 | 16,89 | 9,00 | 8,70 | 17,70 | 9,20 | 8,90 | 18,10 | 70,62 | |||
Elisabetta Durelli | 8,86 | 8,90 | 17,76 | 8,46 | 8,56 | 17,02 | 8,66 | 8,83 | 17,49 | 9,36 | 8,76 | 18,12 | ||||
Renata Bianchi | 8,36 | 8,96 | 17,32 | 8,36 | 8,50 | 16,86 | 8,66 | 9,00 | 17,66 | 9,26 | 8,66 | 17,92 | ||||
Gesamt | 426,54 | |||||||||||||||
7 | ![]() | Zwetanka Stantschewa | 9,16 | 9,20 | 18,36 | 9,43 | 9,43 | 18,86 | 9,03 | 9,36 | 18,39 | 9,16 | 8,90 | 18,06 | 73,67 | 493,77 |
Iwanka Dolschewa | 9,06 | 8,96 | 18,02 | 9,36 | 9,30 | 18,66 | 8,90 | 9,20 | 18,10 | 9,20 | 8,83 | 18,03 | 72,81 | |||
Saltirka Spassowa | 9,03 | 8,43 | 17,46 | 9,26 | 9,33 | 18,59 | 8,76 | 9,20 | 17,96 | 9,33 | 8,96 | 18,29 | 72,30 | |||
Wassilka Stantschewa | 9,10 | 8,33 | 17,43 | 9,16 | 9,06 | 18,22 | 8,73 | 8,90 | 17,63 | 9,40 | 8,96 | 18,36 | 71,64 | |||
Rajna Grigorowa | 9,23 | 8,80 | 18,03 | 9,00 | 8,96 | 17,96 | 8,73 | 8,73 | 17,46 | 8,80 | 7,93 | 16,73 | 70,18 | |||
Jordanka Jowkowa | 8,60 | 8,00 | 16,60 | 8,86 | 8,73 | 17,59 | 7,96 | 7,06 | 15,02 | 9,13 | 8,03 | 17,16 | 66,37 | |||
Stojanka Angelowa | 8,63 | 8,00 | 16,63 | 8,76 | 9,03 | 17,79 | 8,40 | 8,70 | 17,10 | 5,93 | 7,40 | 13,33 | ||||
Penka Prissadaschka | 9,06 | 8,50 | 17,56 | 8,50 | 6,63 | 15,13 | 8,83 | 3,33 | 12,16 | 9,30 | 8,76 | 18,06 | ||||
Gesamt | 426,97 | |||||||||||||||
8 | ![]() | Stefania Świerzy | 9,26 | 8,90 | 18,16 | 8,43 | 9,33 | 17,76 | 8,10 | 9,20 | 17,30 | 9,53 | 8,93 | 18,46 | 71,68 | 483,72 |
Stefania Reindl | 9,06 | 9,00 | 18,06 | 7,43 | 9,10 | 16,53 | 8,56 | 9,30 | 17,86 | 9,46 | 9,00 | 18,46 | 70,91 | |||
Helena Rakoczy | 9,26 | 9,03 | 18,29 | 8,26 | 9,40 | 17,66 | 6,60 | 9,40 | 16,00 | 9,53 | 9,26 | 18,79 | 70,74 | |||
Zofia Kowalczyk | 8,86 | 8,83 | 17,69 | 8,20 | 9,10 | 17,30 | 8,06 | 8,86 | 16,92 | 8,96 | 8,33 | 17,29 | 69,20 | |||
Honorata Marcińczak | 8,50 | 8,50 | 17,00 | 8,00 | 9,03 | 17,03 | 8,46 | 9,00 | 17,46 | 8,96 | 8,40 | 17,36 | 68,85 | |||
Barbara Wilk | 9,16 | 8,73 | 17,89 | 8,10 | 9,10 | 17,20 | 8,56 | 9,20 | 17,76 | 7,33 | 7,96 | 15,29 | 68,14 | |||
Dorota Horzonek | 8,66 | 8,70 | 17,36 | 7,76 | 9,20 | 16,96 | 6,76 | 9,00 | 15,76 | 9,13 | 8,36 | 17,49 | ||||
Urszula Łukomska | 8,46 | 8,66 | 17,12 | 7,86 | 4,50 | 12,36 | 8,90 | 8,90 | 17,80 | 7,36 | 8,26 | 15,62 | ||||
Gesamt | 419,52 | |||||||||||||||
9 | ![]() | Olga Göllner | 9,00 | 9,13 | 18,13 | 8,80 | 9,13 | 17,93 | 8,33 | 9,03 | 17,36 | 9,43 | 9,00 | 18,43 | 71,85 | 482,06 |
Stela Perin | 8,73 | 8,83 | 17,56 | 9,16 | 8,96 | 18,12 | 8,83 | 9,03 | 17,86 | 8,13 | 8,40 | 16,53 | 70,07 | |||
Ileana Gyarfaș | 8,73 | 8,83 | 17,56 | 8,63 | 9,03 | 17,66 | 8,73 | 8,40 | 17,13 | 8,70 | 8,56 | 17,26 | 69,61 | |||
Olga Munteanu | 8,93 | 8,73 | 17,66 | 8,80 | 8,56 | 17,36 | 8,83 | 8,93 | 17,76 | 8,16 | 8,06 | 16,22 | 69,00 | |||
Helga Bîrsan | 8,86 | 8,30 | 17,16 | 8,60 | 8,66 | 17,26 | 7,90 | 8,36 | 16,26 | 9,06 | 8,26 | 17,32 | 68,00 | |||
Eveline Slavici | 8,36 | 8,66 | 17,02 | 8,53 | 7,33 | 15,86 | 8,56 | 8,53 | 17,09 | 9,36 | 8,40 | 17,76 | 67,73 | |||
Elisabeta Abrudeanu | 7,83 | 8,50 | 16,33 | 8,16 | 5,83 | 13,99 | 8,23 | 7,86 | 16,09 | 9,06 | 8,26 | 17,32 | ||||
Teofila Băiașu | 8,30 | 8,53 | 16,83 | 8,56 | 8,60 | 17,16 | 8,70 | 8,56 | 17,26 | - | 8,26 | 8,26 | ||||
Gesamt | 416,26 | |||||||||||||||
10 | ![]() | Ida Kadletz | 9,16 | 8,73 | 17,89 | 7,86 | 8,60 | 16,46 | 8,53 | 8,80 | 17,33 | 8,93 | 9,13 | 18,06 | 69,74 | 477,80 |
Gerti Fesl | 8,90 | 8,60 | 17,50 | 8,16 | 8,80 | 16,96 | 8,50 | 8,73 | 17,23 | 8,96 | 7,80 | 16,76 | 68,45 | |||
Trude Gollner | 8,83 | 8,23 | 17,06 | 7,80 | 8,93 | 16,73 | 8,10 | 8,70 | 16,80 | 8,80 | 8,86 | 17,66 | 68,25 | |||
Hedwig Traindl | 9,06 | 8,53 | 17,59 | 8,16 | 8,86 | 17,02 | 7,96 | 8,26 | 16,22 | 8,66 | 8,53 | 17,19 | 68,02 | |||
Gertrude Barosch | 8,86 | 8,43 | 17,29 | 8,26 | 7,93 | 16,19 | 8,30 | 8,33 | 16,63 | 9,10 | 8,66 | 17,76 | 67,87 | |||
Gertrude Gries | 8,36 | 7,90 | 16,26 | 7,93 | 8,43 | 16,36 | 8,83 | 8,56 | 17,39 | 8,40 | 8,66 | 17,06 | 67,07 | |||
Edeltraud Schramm | 8,80 | 7,96 | 16,76 | 8,06 | 8,56 | 16,62 | 7,86 | 8,50 | 16,36 | 7,36 | 8,40 | 15,76 | ||||
Hildegard Grill | 8,70 | 7,46 | 16,16 | 7,90 | 7,83 | 15,73 | 7,23 | 8,53 | 15,76 | 7,86 | 7,73 | 15,59 | ||||
Gesamt | 409,40 | |||||||||||||||
11 | ![]() | Sonja Rožman | 8,70 | 8,86 | 17,56 | 8,33 | 9,06 | 17,39 | 7,93 | 8,73 | 16,66 | 8,93 | 8,96 | 17,89 | 69,50 | 477,34 |
Tanja Žutić | 8,63 | 8,40 | 17,03 | 8,40 | 8,53 | 16,93 | 7,86 | 8,63 | 16,49 | 9,10 | 8,66 | 18,03 | 68,48 | |||
Anka Drinić | 8,93 | 8,63 | 17,56 | 7,86 | 8,64 | 16,32 | 8,66 | 8,40 | 17,06 | 8,73 | 8,93 | 17,39 | 68,33 | |||
Nada Spasić | 8,63 | 8,16 | 16,79 | 8,40 | 8,50 | 16,90 | 7,50 | 8,63 | 16,13 | 9,10 | 8,86 | 17,96 | 67,78 | |||
Milica Rožman | 8,56 | 8,30 | 16,86 | 8,43 | 9,13 | 17,56 | 8,60 | 8,46 | 17,06 | 6,83 | 8,83 | 15,66 | 67,14 | |||
Ada Smolnikar | 8,63 | 8,60 | 17,23 | 8,50 | 8,33 | 16,83 | 7,53 | 7,96 | 15,49 | 8,73 | 8,63 | 17,36 | 66,91 | |||
Marica Ivandekić | 8,53 | 7,53 | 16,06 | 8,30 | 8,80 | 17,10 | 8,33 | 8,56 | 16,89 | 8,40 | 8,16 | 16,56 | ||||
Tereza Kočiš | 8,93 | 8,83 | 17,76 | 8,43 | 7,80 | 16,23 | 8,66 | 8,40 | 17,06 | 0,00 | 9,10 | 9,10 | ||||
Gesamt | 408,14 | |||||||||||||||
12 | ![]() | Ginette Durand | 8,60 | 9,06 | 17,66 | 8,66 | 9,40 | 18,06 | 9,06 | 7,96 | 17,02 | 8,86 | 8,96 | 17,82 | 70,56 | 476,35 |
Irène Pittelioen | 8,46 | 8,53 | 16,99 | 8,30 | 9,40 | 17,70 | 9,03 | 9,06 | 18,09 | 8,43 | 8,96 | 17,39 | 70,17 | |||
Alexandra Lemoine | 8,80 | 9,16 | 17,96 | 8,46 | 9,23 | 17,69 | 5,50 | 8,36 | 13,86 | 9,16 | 8,76 | 17,92 | 67,43 | |||
Madeleine Jouffroy | 8,90 | 8,60 | 17,50 | 8,53 | 6,80 | 15,33 | 8,90 | 8,80 | 17,70 | 9,00 | 7,70 | 16,70 | 67,23 | |||
Liliane Montagne | 8,73 | 8,03 | 16,76 | 8,40 | 9,10 | 17,50 | 7,90 | 8,06 | 15,96 | 8,73 | 7,70 | 16,43 | 66,65 | |||
Colette Hué | 8,90 | 8,26 | 17,16 | 8,40 | 7,96 | 16,36 | 8,40 | 7,40 | 15,80 | 8,86 | 8,33 | 17,19 | 66,51 | |||
Colette Fanara | 8,80 | 8,30 | 17,10 | 8,20 | 7,43 | 15,63 | 8,06 | 8,66 | 16,72 | 8,76 | 8,10 | 16,86 | ||||
Jeannette Vogelbacher | 8,40 | 8,20 | 16,60 | 7,83 | 8,33 | 16,16 | 8,83 | 9,00 | 17,83 | 8,00 | 7,56 | 15,56 | ||||
Gesamt | 408,55 | |||||||||||||||
13 | ![]() | Raili Tuominen | 9,16 | 8,76 | 17,92 | 9,10 | 9,10 | 18,20 | 7,93 | 8,60 | 16,53 | 8,60 | 8,83 | 17,43 | 70,08 | 473,92 |
Vappu Salonen | 9,10 | 8,76 | 17,86 | 8,60 | 8,70 | 17,30 | 8,30 | 8,36 | 16,66 | 8,96 | 8,83 | 17,79 | 69,61 | |||
Arja Lehtinen | 9,03 | 8,83 | 17,86 | 8,50 | 8,86 | 17,36 | 8,26 | 8,13 | 16,39 | 8,86 | 8,96 | 17,82 | 69,43 | |||
Raili Hoviniemi | 8,53 | 8,26 | 16,79 | 8,23 | 8,96 | 17,19 | 7,80 | 7,83 | 15,63 | 7,90 | 8,30 | 16,20 | 65,81 | |||
Pirkko Vilppunen | 8,76 | 8,26 | 17,02 | 8,46 | 8,70 | 17,16 | 6,66 | 7,83 | 14,49 | 8,16 | 8,26 | 16,42 | 65,09 | |||
Maila Nisula | 8,86 | 8,36 | 17,22 | 8,03 | 8,83 | 16,86 | 6,90 | 6,56 | 13,46 | 7,86 | 7,90 | 15,76 | 63,30 | |||
Pirkko Pyykönen | 8,73 | 8,30 | 17,03 | 8,46 | 6,33 | 14,79 | 6,13 | 7,86 | 13,99 | 7,76 | 7,86 | 15,62 | ||||
Raija Simola | 8,86 | 7,90 | 16,76 | 8,23 | 6,33 | 14,56 | 6,86 | 8,23 | 15,09 | 8,16 | 6,73 | 14,89 | ||||
Gesamt | 403,32 | |||||||||||||||
14 | ![]() | Lenie Gerrietsen | 8,33 | 8,56 | 16,89 | 8,53 | 9,00 | 17,53 | 8,50 | 8,56 | 17,06 | 8,93 | 9,06 | 17,99 | 69,47 | 473,02 |
Huiberdina Krul | 8,03 | 8,50 | 16,53 | 8,13 | 8,70 | 16,83 | 8,00 | 8,83 | 16,83 | 9,13 | 9,10 | 18,23 | 68,42 | |||
Annie Ros | 8,36 | 8,03 | 16,39 | 8,33 | 8,96 | 17,29 | 8,20 | 8,10 | 16,30 | 8,00 | 8,93 | 16,93 | 66,91 | |||
Tootje Selbach | 8,03 | 7,86 | 15,89 | 8,40 | 8,90 | 17,30 | 7,90 | 8,23 | 16,13 | 8,36 | 9,00 | 17,36 | 66,68 | |||
Nanny Simon | 8,50 | 7,93 | 16,43 | 8,06 | 8,20 | 16,26 | 8,20 | 7,80 | 16,00 | 8,90 | 8,60 | 17,50 | 66,19 | |||
Jo Cox-Ladru | 8,20 | 8,13 | 16,33 | 7,96 | 8,30 | 16,26 | 8,10 | 7,83 | 15,93 | 8,03 | 8,80 | 16,83 | 65,35 | |||
Toetie Selbach | 8,36 | 8,06 | 16,42 | 8,16 | 6,76 | 14,92 | 8,13 | 8,33 | 16,46 | 7,36 | 7,90 | 15,26 | ||||
Cootje Kampen | 7,80 | 7,93 | 15,73 | 8,20 | 8,70 | 16,90 | 8,20 | 6,63 | 14,83 | 7,26 | 6,33 | 13,59 | ||||
Gesamt | 403,02 | |||||||||||||||
15 | ![]() | Marian Barone | 8,30 | 8,46 | 16,76 | 8,23 | 8,86 | 17,09 | 8,96 | 8,73 | 17,69 | 8,90 | 8,86 | 17,76 | 69,30 | 467,36 |
Ruth Grulkowski | 8,96 | 8,63 | 17,59 | 8,56 | 8,90 | 17,46 | 8,90 | 8,13 | 17,03 | 8,90 | 8,30 | 17,20 | 69,28 | |||
Clara Lomady | 9,10 | 8,96 | 18,06 | 8,40 | 6,96 | 15,36 | 9,00 | 8,50 | 17,50 | 8,63 | 8,83 | 17,46 | 68,38 | |||
Ruth Topalian | 8,33 | 8,33 | 16,66 | 8,13 | 8,20 | 16,33 | 8,60 | 8,30 | 16,90 | 8,96 | 8,96 | 17,92 | 67,81 | |||
Dorothy Dalton | 8,43 | 8,33 | 16,76 | 8,03 | 7,40 | 15,43 | 8,36 | 8,06 | 16,42 | 8,46 | 8,66 | 17,06 | 65,67 | |||
Marie Hoesly | 8,70 | 8,20 | 16,90 | 8,40 | 6,30 | 14,70 | 8,66 | 8,73 | 17,39 | 7,73 | 8,60 | 16,33 | 65,32 | |||
Meta Elste | 8,96 | 8,46 | 17,42 | 8,20 | 8,96 | 17,16 | 8,73 | 8,70 | 17,43 | — | 8,66 | 8,66 | ||||
Doris Kirkman | 7,96 | — | 7,96 | 8,10 | — | 8,10 | 8,40 | — | 8,40 | 7,10 | — | 7,10 | ||||
Gesamt | 405,76 | |||||||||||||||
16 | ![]() | Gwynedd Lewis | 8,70 | 8,43 | 17,13 | 8,40 | 8,83 | 17,23 | 7,66 | 8,26 | 15,92 | 9,13 | 8,60 | 17,73 | 68,01 | 457,31 |
Patricia Hirst | 8,43 | 8,46 | 16,89 | 8,40 | 7,23 | 15,63 | 8,30 | 8,43 | 16,73 | 8,93 | 9,03 | 17,96 | 67,21 | |||
Cissy Davies | 8,03 | 7,70 | 15,73 | 8,46 | 8,90 | 17,36 | 6,63 | 8,46 | 15,09 | 8,86 | 8,63 | 17,49 | 65,67 | |||
Margo Morgan | 8,06 | 7,83 | 15,89 | 8,03 | 8,10 | 16,13 | 7,16 | 7,96 | 15,12 | 8,90 | 8,63 | 17,53 | 64,67 | |||
Margaret Thomas | 7,63 | 7,83 | 15,46 | 8,03 | 7,96 | 15,99 | 8,13 | 7,80 | 15,93 | 8,83 | 8,43 | 17,26 | 64,64 | |||
Irene Hirst | 8,06 | 7,83 | 15,89 | 7,93 | 6,80 | 14,73 | 7,93 | 7,93 | 15,86 | 8,93 | 8,70 | 17,63 | 64,11 | |||
Valerie Mullins | 8,06 | 7,66 | 15,72 | 8,00 | 6,10 | 14,10 | 6,46 | 7,66 | 14,12 | 8,83 | 8,63 | 17,46 | ||||
Marjorie Raistrick | 7,93 | 6,96 | 14,89 | 7,53 | 8,56 | 16,09 | 8,00 | 3,16 | 11,16 | 9,10 | 8,86 | 17,96 | ||||
Gesamt | 394,31 |
- Ergebnisse in der Datenbank von Olympedia.org (englisch)
Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Autor/Urheber: B1mbo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
Zeichnung einer Goldmedaille, basierend auf Olympic rings.svg.
this is the flag of the Soviet Union in 1936. It was later replaced by File:Flag of the Soviet Union (1955-1980).svg.
this is the flag of the Soviet Union in 1936. It was later replaced by File:Flag of the Soviet Union (1955-1980).svg.
Autor/Urheber: B1mbo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
Zeichnung einer Silbermedaille, basierend auf Olympic rings.svg.
Autor/Urheber: B1mbo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
Zeichnung einer Bronzemedaille, basierend auf Olympic rings.svg.
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Gymnastics (artistic). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Flag of Italy from 1946 to 2003, when exact colors were specified.
Autor/Urheber: Scroch, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
National Flag of the People's Republic of Bulgaria (1948-1968). Tha flag has got the coat-of-arms from 1948
Autor/Urheber: Scroch, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
National Flag of the People's Republic of Bulgaria (1948-1968). Tha flag has got the coat-of-arms from 1948
Flag of Second Polish Republic and later People's Republic of Poland in period from March 29, 1928 to March 10, 1980. Red shade used here is HTML "vermilion" #E34234. Proportion 5:8.
Flag of Second Polish Republic and later People's Republic of Poland in period from March 29, 1928 to March 10, 1980. Red shade used here is HTML "vermilion" #E34234. Proportion 5:8.
Flag of Romania (28 March 1948 - 24 September 1952)

Construction sheet of the Flag of Romania as depicted in Decree nr. 972 from 5 November 1968.
- l = 2/3 × L
- C = 1/3 × L
- S = 2/5 × l
Flagge Österreichs mit dem Rot in den österreichischen Staatsfarben, das offiziell beim österreichischen Bundesheer in der Charakteristik „Pantone 032 C“ angeordnet war (seit Mai 2018 angeordnet in der Charakteristik „Pantone 186 C“).
US Flag with 48 stars. In use for 47 years from July 4, 1912, to July 3, 1959.
Flagge des Vereinigten Königreichs in der Proportion 3:5, ausschließlich an Land verwendet. Auf See beträgt das richtige Verhältnis 1:2.
Flagge des Vereinigten Königreichs in der Proportion 3:5, ausschließlich an Land verwendet. Auf See beträgt das richtige Verhältnis 1:2.
Illustration du sol, engin de compétition en gymnastique artistique
Autor/Urheber: NikNaks, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Illustration du saut de cheval, engin de compétition en gymnastique artistique
Autor/Urheber: NikNaks, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Illustration de la poutre, engin de compétition en gymnastique artistique.
Flag of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).
The design (blazon) is defined in Article 4 of the Constitution for the Republic of Yugoslavia (1946). [1]
Autor/Urheber: Jamcib, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Illustration des barres asymétriques, engin de compétition en gymnastique artistique.