Olympische Jugend-Sommerspiele 2014/Teilnehmer (Japan)


Die Jugend-Olympiamannschaft aus Japan für die II. Olympischen Jugend-Sommerspiele vom 16. bis 28. August 2014 in Nanjing (Volksrepublik China) bestand aus 78 Athleten.

Athleten nach Sportarten







  • Hiroki Mutō
    Einzel: 6. Platz
    Mixed: 8. Platz (mit Suğraxanım Müqabilzadə Aserbaidschan Aserbaidschan)



  • Subaru Murata
    Halbfliegengewicht: Bronze
  • Goh Hosaka
    Leichtgewicht: 4. Platz
  • Toshihiro Suzuki
    Halbweltergewicht: Silber



  • Karin Miyawaki
    Florett Einzel: Silber
    Mixed: Gold (im Team Asien-Ozeanien 1)
  • Miho Yoshimura
    Degen Einzel: 6. Platz
    Mixed: 4. Platz (im Team Asien-Ozeanien 2)
  • Misaki Emura
    Säbel Einzel: 4. Platz
    Mixed: Gold (im Team Asien-Ozeanien 1)



  • Maria Shinohara
    Einzel: 8. Platz
    Mixed: 7. Platz


  • Ren Okazaki
    Einzel: 27. Platz
    Mixed: 7. Platz



  • 4. Platz
  • Yu Asai
  • Chiko Fujibayashi
  • Kimika Hoshi
  • Mami Karino
  • Motomi Kawamura
  • Miki Kozuka
  • Kanon Mori
  • Eika Nakamura
  • Moeka Tsubouchi



  • Honoka Yamauchi
    Klasse bis 44 kg: Bronze


  • Hifumi Abe
    Klasse is 66 kg: Gold
    Mixed: Bronze (im Team Xian)



  • Wakana Moriyama
    Kajak-Einer Slalom: 9. Platz
    Kajak-Einer Sprint: 9. Platz



  • Tomomi Kawamura
    200 m: 13. Platz
    8 × 100 m Mixed: 16. Platz
  • Hina Takahashi
    800 m: 8. Platz
    8 × 100 m Mixed: 37. Platz
  • Nozomi Musembi Takamatsu
    3000 m: Gold
    8 × 100 m Mixed: 55. Platz
  • Nana Fujimori
    100 m Hürden: disqualifiziert (Finallauf)
    8 × 100 m Mixed: 49. Platz
  • Sayori Matsumoto
    5 km Gehen: 4. Platz
    8 × 100 m Mixed: 48. Platz
  • Misaki Morota
    Stabhochsprung: 11. Platz
    8 × 100 m Mixed: 53. Platz
  • Nagisa Mori
    Speerwurf: Bronze
    8 × 100 m Mixed: Bronze


  • Kenta Oshima
    100 m: Silber
    8 × 100 m Mixed: 36. Platz
  • Jun Yamashita
    200 m: 6. Platz
    8 × 100 m Mixed: 28. Platz
  • Nao Kanai
    110 m Hürden: 13. Platz
    8 × 100 m Mixed: 63. Platz
  • Minoru Onogawa
    10 km Gehen: Gold
    8 × 100 m Mixed: 50. Platz
  • Yuji Hiramatsu
    Hochsprung: Silber
    8 × 100 m Mixed: 10. Platz
  • Yume Ando
    Diskuswurf: 4. Platz
    8 × 100 m Mixed: 37. Platz


  • Mixed Staffel: 4. Platz


  • Takaho Nakashima
  • Kiyoka Sakaguchi
    Kombination: 8. Platz


  • Masahiro Ishigami
  • Masaki Yamada
    Kombination: 24. Platz


  • Sayaka Fujiwara
    Springen Einzel: 19. Platz
    Springen Mannschaft: 6. Platz (im Team Asien)

Rhythmische Sportgymnastik


  • Takana Tatsuzawa
    Einzel: 12. Platz



  • Mayu Mukaida
    Freistil bis 52 kg: Gold


  • Yajuro Yamasaki
    Freistil bis 76 kg: Gold



  • Miharu Takashima
    Einer: 19. Platz



  • 6. Platz
  • Ryosuke Funahashi
  • Shimin Kohara
  • Toshiki Kuwayama
  • Doga Maeda
  • Eiya Miyazaki
  • Kosuke Naka
  • Shogo Nakano
  • Yuhei Shimada
  • Koki Takeyama
  • Shun Tomonaga
  • Kohei Toyoda
  • Kazuki Yamada



  • Tomohiko Hasegawa
    Luftgewehr 10 m: 10. Platz
    Mixed: 19. Platz (mit Hebah Arzouqi Kuwait Kuwait)



  • 4 × 100 m Freistil: 9. Platz
    4 × 100 m Lagen: 8. Platz
  • Rina Yoshimura
    200 m Freistil: 34. Platz
    200 m Schmetterling: 12. Platz
    4 × 100 m Freistil Mixed: 15. Platz
    4 × 100 m Lagen Mixed: 9. Platz
  • Miono Takeuchi
    50 m Rücken: 24. Platz
    100 m Rücken: 24. Platz
    200 m Rücken: 22. Platz
  • Jurina Shiga
    50 m Schmetterling: 21. Platz
    100 m Schmetterling: 11. Platz
    200 m Schmetterling: 6. Platz
    4 × 100 m Freistil Mixed: 15. Platz
    4 × 100 m Lagen Mixed: 9. Platz
  • Suzuna Onodera
    200 m Lagen: 13. Platz


  • 4 × 100 m Freistil: 10. Platz
    4 × 100 m Lagen: 7. Platz
  • Yudai Amada
    400 m Freistil: 20. Platz
    800 m Freistil: 22. Platz
    200 m Schmetterling: 15. Platz
  • Ippei Watanabe
    50 m Brust: 7. Platz
    100 m Brust: 4. Platz
    200 m Brust: Gold
    4 × 100 m Freistil Mixed: 15. Platz
    4 × 100 m Lagen Mixed: 9. Platz
  • Yuta Sato
    50 m Brust: 30. Platz
    100 m Brust: 24. Platz
  • Koki Tsunefuka
    200 m Brust: 11. Platz
    200 m Lagen: 11. Platz
    4 × 100 m Freistil Mixed: 15. Platz
    4 × 100 m Lagen Mixed: 9. Platz



  • Rina Niijima
    Windsurfen: 7. Platz


  • Kensei Ikeda
    Windsurfen: 7. Platz






  • Yuto Muramatsu
    Einzel: Silber
    Doppel: Silber



  • Rana Nakano
    Einzel: Silber



  • Minami Kubono
    Einzel: 5. Platz
    Mixed: 8. Platz (im Team Asien 1)


  • Koyo Yamasaki
    Einzel: 25. Platz
    Mixed: 13. Platz (im Team Asien 2)



  • Sae Miyakawa
    Einzelmehrkampf: 5. Platz
    Pferd: Bronze
    Stufenbarren: 5. Platz


  • Kenya Yuasa
    Einzelmehrkampf: 7. Platz
    Boden: Silber
    Barren: 6. Platz
    Reck: Gold


Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Olympic flag.svg
Olympische Flagge
Gold medal-2008OB.svg
Olympic Gold medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic's Gold medal
Silver medal-2008OB.svg
Olympic Silver medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic's Gold medal
Bronze medal-2008OB.svg
Olympic Bronze medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic's Gold medal
Badminton pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Badminton. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Silver medal.svg
Autor/Urheber: B1mbo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
Zeichnung einer Silbermedaille, basierend auf Olympic rings.svg.
Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg
Chinese Taipei Olympic Flag. According to the official website of Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, Blue Sky(circle) & White Sun(triangles) above the Olympic rings is neither the National Emblem of the Republic of China, nor the Party Emblem of Kuomintang (KMT), but a design in between, where the triangles do not extend to the edge of the blue circle, as registered at International Olympic Committee in 1981 and digitally rendered in 2013. Besides, the blue outline of the five-petaled plum blossom is broader than the red one. Moreover, the CMYK code of the blue one and the Blue Sky & White Sun is "C100-M100-Y0-K0", and different from the Olympic rings (C100-M25-Y0-K0). Note that it's the only version recognized by IOC.
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Flagge des Vereinigten Königreichs in der Proportion 3:5, ausschließlich an Land verwendet. Auf See beträgt das richtige Verhältnis 1:2.
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg
Flagge des Vereinigten Königreichs in der Proportion 3:5, ausschließlich an Land verwendet. Auf See beträgt das richtige Verhältnis 1:2.
Boxing pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Boxing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Bronze medal.svg
Autor/Urheber: B1mbo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
Zeichnung einer Bronzemedaille, basierend auf Olympic rings.svg.
Gold medal.svg
Autor/Urheber: B1mbo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
Zeichnung einer Goldmedaille, basierend auf Olympic rings.svg.
Athletics pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports – . This is an unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Cycling (road) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Cycling (road). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Rowing pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Rowing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Shooting pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Shooting. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Swimming pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Swimming. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Tennis pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Tennis. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Table tennis pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Tennis. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Gymnastics (artistic) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Gymnastics (artistic). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Olympic rings.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Olympic rings without rims.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here was specified in 2023 guidelines.
Gymnastics (trampoline) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Gymnastics (trampoline). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Gymnastics (rhythmic) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Gymnastics (rhythmic). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Sailing pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Sailing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Rugby union pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Rugby union. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Field hockey pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Field hockey. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Golf pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Golf. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Fencing pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Fencing. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Judo pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Judo. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for the 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Archery pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Archery. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Triathlon pictogram.svg
Pictogramme officiel triathlon olympique
Wrestling pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Wrestling. This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Canoeing (flatwater) pictogram.svg
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Canoeing (flatwater). This is unofficial sample picture. Images of official Olympic pictograms for 1948 Summer Olympics and all Summer Olympics since 1964 can be found in corresponding Official Reports.
Equestrian pictogram.svg
Pictograma de los juegos ecuestres.