O. P. Heggie

O. P. Heggie (1918)

Oliver Peters Heggie (* 17. September 1877 in Angaston, South Australia; † 7. Februar 1936 in Los Angeles) war ein australischer Theater- und Filmschauspieler.


O. P. Heggie immigrierte 1901 in die Vereinigten Staaten und setzte seine in Australien und London begonnene Schauspielkarriere am Broadway fort. 1907 trat er in den Stücken Nance Oldfield und Captain Brassbound's Conversion auf. 1915 spielte Heggie die Rolle des Zimmermanns Peter Quince in William Shakespeares Ein Sommernachtstraum im Wallack's Theatre. 1920 übernahm er die Regie und eine Nebenrolle im Drama Footloose im Greenwich Village Theatre. Seine letzte Rolle am Broadway spielte Heggie von Oktober 1933 bis März 1934 in dem Stück The Green Bay Tree.

1928 gab Heggie, zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits über 50 Jahre alt, in Film Die Komödiantin sein Debüt auf der Kinoleinwand. 1929 drehte er mit Jeanne Eagels als Partnerin den Film The Letter sowie mit Warner Oland den Kriminalfilm The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu. 1934 übernahm er die Rolle des Matthew Cuthbert in der Literaturverfilmung Anne of Green Gables. Am dauerhaftesten in Erinnerung blieb er den Kinofans aber wohl durch seine Rolle im Filmklassiker Frankensteins Braut (1935): Er spielte die Rolle des blinden Eremiten, der sich mit dem Monster (Boris Karloff) in der wohl bekanntesten Szene des Filmes anfreundet. Sein letzter Film Der Gefangene der Haifischinsel wurde erst nach seinem Tod veröffentlicht.

O.P. Heggie war verheiratet und hatte drei Kinder. Er starb im Februar 1936 im Alter von 58 Jahren an einer Lungenentzündung.

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O. P. Heggie, c. 1918.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Internet Archive Book Images, Lizenz: No restrictions
O. P. Heggie, c. 1918

Identifier: thegreatestofthe00tayl (find matches)
Title: "The greatest of these--";
Year: 1918 (1910s)
Authors: Taylor, Laurette, 1884-1946
Subjects: Manners, John Hartley, 1870-1928 Actors
Publisher: New York, George H. Doran Company
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress

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ke the person warmly by thethroat who was responsible for the line, THERE IS NO HOLD-UP I wonder if Cleveland knows this. A friend ofmine called up to buy a box and was told therewere none on sale, all had been sold at one hundredand fifty dollars. She offered a thousand and,after much trouble and argument, got it! I sup-pose the originator of that elegant phrase con-sidered that the Red Cross was being held up byMrs. C for a thousand dollars! After the blunder of this short-sighted workerfor the cause of mercy we played Cleveland onlybecause we had the three weeks to do, and couldntafford to miss one performance, even though it wasto the mere pittance, comparatively, of $10,288(the smallest evening receipts of the tour, outsideof Providence, which is unto Cleveland as Davidunto Goliath, only in this case it was the Goliaththat had the jaw-bone of an ass). P.S.—Feeling a doubt about this, I have lookedit up and find it was Samson who used thejaw-bone of an ass. David had only a pea-
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O. P. HEGGIE THE GREATEST OF THESE 55 shooter. So we will change it to It wasthe Goliath (of a town) that had the pea-shooter.Mark Twain could have played with this idea ofa pea-shooter and followed it up until—under hischarmed pen—it blossomed into flower as a thingof fun and frolic that made you laugh and wonderat the humour in small things. Then, with thejaw-bone as a foundation, he would have buildedyou a beautiful jackass that swallowed the pea-blossoms and together they formed an alliance withSamson and David, and ended this war instanter. Being only me, I must beg that you let me offany unnecessary elaboration because in my newguise as authoress, the jackass and I are closelyrelated, and like should spare like. As for theother subject, I understand that when you havea garden you make three plantings at differentperiods, until you get so sick of fresh peas fromthe garden that you give them all to visitors. Well, anyway, it wasnt a pea-shooter David had,it was a sling-shot—

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