Nur Misuari

Nur Misuari (* 3. März 1939[1] in Jolo, Sulu) ist ein philippinischer Politiker und ehemaliger Anführer der Nationalen Befreiungsfront der Moro (deutsch für Moro National Liberation Front).
Seinen Abschluss machte er an der University of the Philippines. Danach lehrte er zeitweise an der Uni Politikwissenschaft und in den 1960ern gründete er die Mindanao Independence Movement, die zum Ziel hatte, einen unabhängigen islamischen Staat in den südlichen Philippinen zu gründen.

Aus der Mindanao Independence Movement ging dann die Nationale Befreiungsfront der Moros (MNLF) hervor, die politische Reformen von der philippinischen Regierung verlangte. Jedoch gelang es der Organisation nicht, die Regierung für Reformen zu gewinnen. So trug die M.N.L.F. unter Misuaris Führung den Konflikt zwischen 1972 und 1976 gegen die Regierung Ferdinand Marcos und ihren Unterstützern mit Gewalt aus. Das Vorhaben scheiterte und Misuari ging nach Saudi-Arabien ins Exil. 1986 kehrte er nach dem Sturz Marcos in die Philippinen zurück.
Von 1996 bis 2001 war er Gouverneur der Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.
Im April 2008 wurde er als Chef der MNLF abgesetzt.[2]
- ↑ Tom Stern (2012). Nur Misuari: An Authorized Biography. Published and exclusively distributed by Anvil Pub. ISBN 978-971-27-2624-8.
- ↑
- César A. Majul, "The Contemporary Muslim Movement in the Philippines" (Berkeley: Mizan Press, 1985).
Personendaten | |
NAME | Misuari, Nur |
KURZBESCHREIBUNG | philippinischer Politiker |
GEBURTSDATUM | 3. März 1939 |
GEBURTSORT | Jolo, Sulu |
Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien
Autor/Urheber: Ramon FVelasquez, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Latest/close-up picture of Nur Misuari [1] (with his friends including famous photographer Robert Balanay (right-beside Nur, wearing blue shirt) taken by me using Nikon D40 on August 10, 2011.
This is the only picture taken Friday March 9 2007 of Governor Misuari. There were hundreds of press upstairs waiting for him in the 3rd floor of the Saudi embassy. They did not get to see him. Not one picture was taken by the press. I was the only one among the diplomats who were sweating for over half an hour in the parking lot negotiating for Nur to enter the building unsuccessfully. Being an amateur photographer always with a camera in my pocket, I took the only picture shortly before Misuary left the Saudi Embassy in Manila without being able to pray that day with the OIC Ambassador and other Moslem Leaders in the country.
Had Nur Misuari been allowed to enter the building and the dozens of photographers had taken his picture picture would have been a dime a dozen as they say...but since I was the only one...who had the only was was the most memorable picture I have ever taken as an amateur was priceless! what do you do when you have something that is beyond value? give it to the news....and Wikipedia...que sera sera.
I don't normally do that...but Governor Nur looked so positive despite the immediate problem with the cool despite the pressure he was facing in the parking lot of the Saudi embassy...I could feel his energy and managed to capture it in this one picture...through his car window.
I had to share his picture with the my six years in the diplomatic circles I have taken hundreds of thousands of pictures ..they have all been for me and for friends who were in my pictures.. this is the first time I felt I had to make a picture public...and I just know Governor Misuari will like it.
Joseph Felix Assad the Consul of Lebanon to the Philippines.