NGC 6090

NGC 6090
Draco constellation map.png
Hubble Interacting Galaxy NGC 6090 (2008-04-24).jpg
Das Galaxienpaar NGC 6090 aufgenommen vom Hubble-Weltraumteleskop
ÄquinoktiumJ2000.0, Epoche: J2000.0
Rektaszension16h 11m 40,7s[1]
Deklination+52° 27′ 24″ [1]
Morphologischer TypSd pec;LIRG HII  [1]
Helligkeit (visuell)13,7 mag [2]
Helligkeit (B-Band)14,5 mag [2]
Winkel­ausdehnung2,4′ × 1′ [2]
Positionswinkel39° [2]
Flächen­helligkeit14,5 mag/arcmin² [2]
Physikalische Daten
Rotverschiebung0,029304 ± 0,000040  [1]
Radial­geschwin­digkeit(8785 ± 12) km/s  [1]
vrad / H0
(400 ± 28) · 106 Lj
(122,6 ± 8,6) Mpc [1]
EntdeckungLewis A. Swift
Entdeckungsdatum24. Juni 1887
NGC 6090 • UGC 10267 • PGC 57437 • CGCG 275-029/276-002 • MCG +09-26-64 • IRAS 16104+5235 • Mrk 496 • VV 626 • KCPG 486B • I Zw 135

NGC 6090 ist ein verschmelzendes Galaxienpaar im Sternbild Drache, das etwa 400 Millionen Lichtjahre von der Milchstraße entfernt ist.

Sie wurde am 24. Juni 1887 von dem US-amerikanischen Astronomen Lewis A. Swift entdeckt.[3]


Commons: NGC 6090 – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien


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Hubble Interacting Galaxy NGC 6090 (2008-04-24).jpg

NGC 6090 is a beautiful pair of spiral galaxies with an overlapping central region and two long tidal tails formed from material ripped out of the galaxies by gravitational interaction. The two visible cores are approximately 10,000 light-years apart, suggesting that the two galaxies are at an intermediate stage in the merging process. The Hubble image reveals bright knots of newborn stars in the region where the two galaxies overlap. The right hand component has a clear spiral structure if viewed face-on, while the other is seen edge-on with no spiral arms visible. NGC 6090 is located in the constellation of Draco, the Dragon, about 400 million light-years away from Earth. A number of fainter, and more distant, background galaxies is seen in the image. This system has much in common with the famous Antennae galaxies both in terms of how far the merger has progressed and in our viewing angle.

This image is part of a large collection of 59 images of merging galaxies taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and released on the occasion of its 18th anniversary on 24th April 2008.

About the object
Object name NGC 6090, Mrk 0496, VV 626, I Zw 135, KPG 486
Object description Interacting Galaxies
Position (J2000) 16 11 40.30
+52 27 25.0
Constellation Draco
Distance 400 million light-years (100 million parsecs)
About the data
Data description The Hubble image was created using HST data from proposals 10592 and 10575: A. Evans (University of Virginia, Charlottesville/NRAO/Stony Brook University) and G. Ostlin (Stockholm University)
Instrument ACS/WFC
Exposure date(s) September 18, 2005 and November 12, 2005
Exposure time 1 hour
Filters F435W (B), FR656N (Halpha), and F814W (I)