NGC 3318
Galaxie NGC 3318 | |
(c) Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, ESO, R. J. Foley Acknowledgement: R. Colombari, CC BY 4.0 | |
Aufnahme der Galaxie mithilfe des Hubble-Weltraumteleskops und des Very Large Telescope | |
AladinLite | |
Sternbild | Segel des Schiffs |
Position Äquinoktium: J2000.0, Epoche: J2000.0 | |
Rektaszension | 10h 37m 15,5s[1] |
Deklination | -41° 37′ 39″[1] |
Erscheinungsbild | |
Morphologischer Typ | SAB(rs)b[1] |
Helligkeit (visuell) | 11,5 mag[2] |
Helligkeit (B-Band) | 12,3 mag[2] |
Winkelausdehnung | 2,3′ × 1,2′[2] |
Positionswinkel | 78°[2] |
Flächenhelligkeit | 12,5 mag/arcmin²[2] |
Physikalische Daten | |
Zugehörigkeit | LGG 199[1][3] |
Rotverschiebung | 0.009255 ±0.000021[1] |
Radialgeschwindigkeit | (2775 ± 6) km/s[1] |
Hubbledistanz vrad / H0 | (114 ± 8) · 106 Lj (35,0 ± 2,5) Mpc [1] |
Geschichte | |
Entdeckung | John Herschel |
Entdeckungsdatum | 2. März 1835 |
Katalogbezeichnungen | |
NGC 3318 • PGC 31533 • ESO 317-052 • MCG -07-22-026 • IRAS 10350-4122 • 2MASX J10371552-4137395 • SGC 103503-4122.1 • AM 1035-412 • |
NGC 3318 ist eine Balken-Spiralgalaxie vom Hubble-Typ SBb im Sternbild Segel des Schiffs am Südsternhimmel. Sie ist schätzungsweise 114 Millionen Lichtjahre von der Milchstraße entfernt.
Das Objekt wurde am 2. März 1835 von John Herschel entdeckt.[4]
Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien
(c) Credit:
ESA/Hubble & NASA, ESO, R. J. Foley
Acknowledgement: R. Colombari, CC BY 4.0Sail of Stars
The spiral arms of the galaxy NGC 3318 are lazily draped across this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. This spiral galaxy lies in the constellation Vela and is roughly 115 [Million??] light-years away from Earth. Vela was originally part of a far larger constellation, known as Argo Navis after the fabled ship Argo from Greek mythology, but this unwieldy constellation proved to be impractically large. Argo Navis was split into three separate parts called Carnina, Puppis, and Vela — each named after part of the Argo. As befits a galaxy in a nautically inspired constellation, the outer edges of NGC 3318 almost resemble a ship’s sails billowing in a gentle breeze.
Despite its placid appearance, NGC 3318 has played host to a spectacularly violent astronomical phenomenon, a titanic supernova first detected by an amateur astronomer in 2000. Thanks to NGC 3318’s distance from Earth, the original supernova must have taken place in or around 1885 [??]. Coincidentally, this was the year in which the only supernova ever to be detected in our neighbouring galaxy Andromeda was witnessed by 19th-century astronomers.
ESA/Hubble & NASA, ESO, R. J. Foley Acknowledgement: R. Colombari
Coordinates Position (RA): 10 37 16.23 Position (Dec): -41° 37' 39.10" Field of view: 2.54 x 1.74 arcminutes Orientation: North is 0.0° left of vertical
Colours & filters Band Wavelength Telescope Optical V 555 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical V 555 nm Very Large Telescope (VLT) MUSE Optical i 785 nm Very Large Telescope (VLT) MUSE Optical I 814 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical V 555 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Optical V 555 nm Very Large Telescope (VLT) MUSE Optical i 785 nm Very Large Telescope (VLT) MUSE Optical I 814 nm Hubble Space Telescope WFC3.