NGC 3244

NGC 3244
Antlia constellation map.png
VLT-Aufnahme der Galaxie (links); rechts im Bild: TYC 7713-527-1, ein galaktischer Vordergrundstern
VLT-Aufnahme der Galaxie (links); rechts im Bild: TYC 7713-527-1, ein galaktischer Vordergrundstern
ÄquinoktiumJ2000.0, Epoche: J2000.0
Rektaszension10h 25m 28,8s[1]
Deklination-39° 49′ 39″ [1]
Morphologischer TypSA(rs)cd / HII  [1]
Helligkeit (visuell)12,3 mag [2]
Helligkeit (B-Band)13,0 mag [2]
Winkel­ausdehnung2,1′ × 1,8′ [2]
Positionswinkel170° [2]
Flächen­helligkeit13,6 mag/arcmin² [2]
Physikalische Daten
Rotverschiebung0,009211 ± 0,000022  [1]
Radial­geschwin­digkeit2761 ± 7 km/s  [1]
vrad / H0
(114 ± 8) · 106 Lj
(34,8 ± 2,4) Mpc [1]
EntdeckungJohn Herschel
Entdeckungsdatum22. April 1835
NGC 3244 • PGC 30594 • ESO 317-024 • MCG -07-22-005 • IRAS 10232-3934 • 2MASX J10252885-3949392 • SGC 102318-3934.4 • GALEXASC J102528.79-394938.3 • LDCE 725 NED012

NGC 3244 ist eine Spiralgalaxie mit ausgedehnten Sternentstehungsgebieten vom Hubble-Typ Sc im Sternbild Luftpumpe am Südsternhimmel. Sie ist schätzungsweise 114 Millionen Lichtjahre von der Milchstraße entfernt und hat einen Durchmesser von etwa 75.000 Lj.
Im selben Himmelsareal befindet sich u. a. die Galaxie NGC 3250.

Die Typ-Ia-Supernova SN 2010ev wurde hier beobachtet.[3]

Das Objekt wurde am 22. April 1835 von John Herschel entdeckt und von Dreyer im New General Catalogue verzeichnet wurde.[4]


Commons: NGC 3244 – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien


  2. a b c d e SEDS: NGC 3244
  3. Simbad
  4. Seligman

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Antlia constellation map.png
Autor/Urheber: unknown, Lizenz: CC-BY-SA-3.0
NGC 3244.tif
Autor/Urheber: ESO, Lizenz: CC BY 4.0
This new image of the spiral galaxy NGC 3244 was taken with the help of the President of the Czech Republic, Václav Klaus, during his visit to ESO’s Paranal Observatory [1], on the night of 6 April 2011. The Czech Republic joined ESO in 2007, and this was the first visit of the country’s President to an ESO site.

This galaxy has attracted considerable interest from astronomers over the past nine months, thanks to the violent death of one of its stars, which was discovered on 27 June 2010. This supernova explosion, now known as Supernova 2010ev (SN 2010ev), is still visible as the — now faint — blue dot nestled within one of the thick spiral arms just to the left of the galaxy’s nucleus.

To the right of the galaxy, an unremarkable foreground star in our own Milky Way, TYC 7713-527-1, shines brightly enough to catch our attention. Although the star seems a great deal brighter than SN 2010ev, this is actually an illusion created by the large difference in the distances of the two objects. The galaxy is much further away, at a distance of about 90 million light years, while the star lies thousands of times closer, within our own galaxy.

At its brightest, SN 2010ev reached an apparent magnitude of about 14, making it about 1000 times dimmer than the naked eye can see, but it was still the third brightest supernova observed in 2010. In fact, if the supernova had been as close to Earth as TYC 7713-527-1, it would have been easily visible to the naked eye, unlike the aforementioned star.

The image was taken using the FORS2 instrument on the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT). The filters used for the image were B, V and R, which were coloured blue, green and red respectively. A framed print of the President’s Galaxy has been presented to Václav Klaus, as a memento of his visit to Paranal.