M66 motorway

Vorlage:Infobox hochrangige Straße/Wartung/GB-M
M66 motorway im Vereinigten Königreich
M66 motorway
Verlauf der M 66
Betreiber:Highways Agency
Straßenende:M60 motorway, Ausfahrt (junction) 18, Whitefield
Gesamtlänge:12.9 km (8 mi)


EnglandEngland England

M66 Motorway - geograph.org.uk - 129486.jpg
(c) Roger May, CC BY-SA 2.0
M66, junction 1 (Aufnahme 2006)
Anschlussstelle Links(-) A56 Edenfield, Autobahnanfang
Anschlussstelle Links(1) A56 Ramsbottom
Anschlussstelle Links(2) A58 Bury
Anschlussstelle Links(3) A58 Radcliffe
Knoten(4) M60 M62 M60 motorway (Manchester Ring Motorway), M62 motorway
(c) Paul Anderson, CC BY-SA 2.0
Morgenverkehr auf der M66 (2008)

Der großenteils im Jahr 1978 für den Verkehr freigegebene M66 motorway (englisch für Autobahn M66) ist eine rund 13 km lange Autobahn in England. Er verbindet den M60 motorway (Manchester Ring Motorway, Manchester Orbital) mit dem im Norden der Stadt gelegenen Bury und über die ihn fortsetzende A56 road mit Rawtenstall und Accrington sowie dem M65 motorway.


Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Motorway badge for the M62 motorway
M66 Motorway - geograph.org.uk - 129486.jpg
(c) Roger May, CC BY-SA 2.0
Looking northwest up the M66 from the road bridge at Baldingstone. Junction 1 exit to Summerseat and Ramsbottom is just ahead. The monument on the distant hill is Peel Tower, to the northwest.
Autobahnkreuz (Icon) in blau.
UK road A58.svg
Autor/Urheber: Mauls, Lizenz: OGL 3
Uk road number patch
Motorway badge for the M60 motorway
Early Morning on the M66 - geograph.org.uk - 715736.jpg
(c) Paul Anderson, CC BY-SA 2.0
Early Morning on the M66. Looking South down the M66 from Junction 1 the early morning traffic starts to build up.

The rush hour seems to get earlier and earlier as this picture was taken at 07:00 just after sunrise. 391972 looking North. Construction of this section of the M66 started in August 1975 and opened to traffic in May 1978.

Source The Motorway Archive http://www.iht.org/motorway/page1.htm
Manchester Congestion Charge.png
Autor/Urheber: jza84, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0

Map of Greater Manchester, UK with the following information shown:

  • Administrative borders
  • Coastline, lakes and rivers
  • Roads and railways
  • Urban areas
  • The two proposed congestion charging zones for Greater Manchester (in red).

The data includes both primary routes and railway lines.

Equirectangular map projection on WGS 84 datum, with N/S stretched 165%

Geographic limits:

  • West: 2.80W
  • East: 1.90W
  • North: 53.70N
  • South: 53.32N
Motorway badge for the M66 motorway
UK road A56.svg
Autor/Urheber: Mauls, Lizenz: OGL 3
UK road number patch