Liste der politischen Parteien Südafrikas

Dies ist eine Liste der politischen Parteien in Südafrika, siehe Politisches System Südafrikas.

Parteien im Parlament

Aktuelle Parteien

Gesamte Nation

  • A Party
  • Abolition of Income Tax and Usury Party
  • Action Labour Party of South Africa
  • Africa Muslim Party
  • African Bond of Unity
  • African Christian Alliance-Afrikaner Christen Alliansie
  • African Christian Democratic Party
  • African Independent Congress
  • African National Congress
  • African National Freedom Party
  • African Nazareth Democratic Movement
  • African People’s Convention
  • African Reformation Party
  • African Transformation Movement
  • Afrika Borwa Kgutlisa Botho
  • Al Jama-ah
  • Alliance for Democracy and Prosperity
  • Alliance of Free Democrats
  • Azanian Native Socialist Congress
  • Black Consciousness Party
  • Boerestaat Party of S.A.
  • Cape Party/ Kaapse Party
  • Christen Party/Christian Party
  • Christian Democratic Alliance
  • Christian Democratic Party
  • Christian Front
  • Civic Alliance of South Africa
  • Congress of the People
  • Dabalorivhuwa Patriotic Front
  • Democratic Alliance/Demokratiese Alliansie
  • Democratic Congress
  • Dikwankwetla Party of South Africa
  • Ecopeace
  • Federal African Convention
  • Federal Congress
  • Federation of Democrats
  • Freedom Power
  • God’s People’s Party
  • Good
  • Great Kongress of South Africa
  • Green Party of South Africa
  • Hlanganani Sakhe Isizwe
  • Independent Civic Organisation of South Africa
  • Independent Democrats
  • Inkatha Freedom Party
  • Keep It Straight and Simple
  • Khoisan Aboriginal and Others Movement
  • Khoisan United Front
  • Kwa-Zulu Natal Transport Alliance
  • Merit Party
  • Minority Front
  • Movement Democratic Party
  • National Alliance
  • National Christian Democratic Party
  • National Convention of Azania
  • National Freedom Party
  • National Party South Africa
  • National Peoples Movement
  • National People’s Party
  • National Republican Party
  • National Seoposengwe Congress
  • National Success Party
  • New Vision Party
  • Pan Africanist Congress of Azania
  • Pan Africanist Movement
  • Peace and Justice Congress
  • People With Disability Democratic Party
  • People’s African Party
  • Peoples Alliance
  • People’s Democratic Movement
  • Regte Demokratiese Party
  • Regte Party/Right Party
  • Royal Loyal Progress
  • Simunye In Christ Organisation
  • Sindawonye Progressive Party
  • Social Democratic Party
  • Socialist Green Coalition
  • South African Business Party
  • South African Communist Party
  • South African Democratic Congress
  • South African National Councils Organisation
  • South African Political Alliance
  • South African Political Party
  • The Green Party of South Africa
  • The Real Congress
  • The Socialist Party of Azania
  • Truly Alliance
  • Ubumbano Lwesizwe Independent Residence Association
  • Ubuntu Party
  • Unemployed People’s Party
  • United Christian Democratic Party
  • United Democratic Movement
  • United Front
  • United Independent Front
  • United State of Africa Organisation
  • Universal Party
  • Vryheidsfront Plus
  • Women Forward
  • Workers International Vanguard League
  • Workers Party
  • World Solidarity Movement
  • Ximoko Party
  • Young People’s Party


  • Afrikan Alliance of Social Democrats
  • Belastingbetalersverening van Parys
  • Phumelela Ratepayers’ Association


  • Daveyton Community Peace Committee
  • Displacees Rate-Payers Association
  • Independent Ratepayers Association of SA
  • Khayalami Residents Association
  • Operation Khanyisa Movement


  • South African Determined Volunteers
  • United Action Front


  • African Democratic Change
  • Naboomspruit Belastings Vereniging
  • Onafhanklike Munisipale Kiesersforum


  • Greater Middelburg Residents Association


  • Christiana Belasting Betalers Vereniging
  • Die Maquassi Hills/Rante Gemeenskapsvereniging


  • Adelaide Residents Association
  • Bedford Residents’ Association
  • Jansenville Klipplaat Alliansie
  • Kouga 2000
  • Kouga Civic Alliance


  • Breedevallei Onafhanklik
  • Eden Forum
  • George Independent Forum
  • Kayamandi Community Alliance
  • Laingsburg Gemeenskaps Party
  • Oudtshoorn Civic Association
  • Western Cape Community

Nicht mehr bestehende Parteien

Gesamte Nation


  • Bohlokong Civic Association


  • African Renaissance Civic Movement
  • Gemini
  • Soshanguve Civic Association
  • Thembisa Concerned Residents Association
  • Tshwaranang Civic Organisation


  • Ratepayers and Residents Party Simunye
  • Scara Civic Party


  • Thabanorth Inwonersvereniging


  • Highveld Residents Concerned Party
  • Middelburg Residents Organisation


  • Barkly West Task Team


  • Potchefstroom Inwonersvereniging
  • Ratepayers Residents And Property Owners Association


  • Alliance For Community Transformation
  • Congress Movement of the Coloured People in South Africa


  • Knysna Community Forum
  • Mitchell’s Plain Independent Party
  • Oudtshoorn Eerste
  • United Democratic Party
  • Witzenberg Onafhanklike Vereniging
  • Details zu den Parteien (Memento vom 9. Juni 2010 im Internet Archive) (englisch; Archivversion)
  • Ergebnisse der Parlamentswahlen 2009 (englisch)

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Africa in the world (grey) (W3).svg
Autor/Urheber: TUBS Gallery, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Lage von Afrika in der Welt.