Liste der Wappen mit der Jakobsmuschel
Die Liste der Wappen mit der Jakobsmuschel enthält Kommunalwappen sowie weitere Wappen und Logos mit der Jakobsmuschel. Als Jakobs- oder Pilgermuscheln werden zwei nahe verwandte Arten von Muscheln bezeichnet, die beide zur Gattung Pecten gehören.
Der Name Jakobsmuschel geht auf den heiligen Jakobus, den Schutzpatron der Pilger, zurück, dessen Erkennungszeichen die Muschel ist. Daher ist die Jakobsmuschel auch als das Symbol der Pilger, insbesondere derer vom Jakobsweg, bekannt. Die christlichen Pilger des Mittelalters benutzten die Jakobsmuschel zum Wasserschöpfen. Ein unter Jakobspilgern verbreiteter Brauch war es, den Pilgergang 60 Kilometer weiter am Cap Finisterre zu beenden, um dort aus dem Meer eine echte Jakobsmuschel zu sammeln. Als Pilgerzeichen am Hutband des Hutes oder am Gürtel getragen, ist sie geschichtlich mit der Wallfahrt nach Santiago de Compostela verbunden, um damit an den Besuch des Grabs des heiligen Jakobus zu erinnern. Die Muschel war mehr als nur ein Souvenir. Nach der Rückkehr in die Heimat sicherte sie ihrem Träger Ansehen, und mancher ließ sich die Muschel ins Grab legen.
Kirchliche Wappen, Adels- und Familienwappen
Guinea-Bissau (seit 1973)
Hauptmerkmal des Wappens ist auf rotem Grund ein schwarzer Stern, der Teil der traditionellen Pan-Afrikanischen Symbole ist und als „Schwarzer Stern von Afrika“ bezeichnet wird; eine Muschel – Symbol für die Lage des Landes an der Küste Afrikas – am unteren Rand vereinigt zwei zueinander symmetrische Olivenzweige; oberhalb der Muschel ein Banner über den Olivenzweigen mit dem Nationalmotto Unidade, Luta, Progresso (port., „Einigkeit, Kampf, Fortschritt“)
Kap Verde (1975–1992)
Das Wappen zeigte eine rote Scheibe, auf ihr links und rechts je eine Maispflanze, unterhalb eine Jakobsmuschel, in der Mitte ein goldener Kreis mit einer Hacke, einem Zahnrad, einem aufgeschlagenen Buch und dem schwarzen Stern, dem Leitstern der afrikanischen Freiheit.[1]
- Américo de Campos
- Canavieiras
- Carmo do Paranaíba
- Catolé do Rocha
- Ibaté
- Iguaba Grande
- Jaboatão
- São João do Rio do Peixe
- Sape
- Taquarituba
- Las Condes
- La Pintana (Variante)
- Santiago (Variante)
- Amt Øster Herreds
- Ballerup Kommune
Dominikanische Republik
- Ehemalige Gemeinde Pargas
- London Borough of Camden
- Poole (1910)
- Poole (1925)
- Sicaneni
In Blau fünf goldene Muscheln, 2:1:2 gestellt
Kap Verde
- Mindelo (alt)
- Mosquera
- Isla Fernandina
- Binnenmaas (alt)
- Hummelo en Keppel
- Maire
- Mijnsheerenland
- Zurich (Friesland)
- Czarna
(dt. Schwarzendorf) - Morąg
(dt. Mohrungen) - Olsztyn
(dt. Allenstein) - Osiek
(dt. Ossiek) - Pakość
(dt. Pakosch) - Pałecznica
Puerto Rico
- Añasco, Variante
- Koclířov
- Libiš
- Paběnice
- Předměřice nad Jizerou
- Ratenice
- Velká Hleďsebe
(deutsch Groß Sichdichfür, auch Großsichdichfür) - Zápy
- Zalaszentjakab
- Caracas (neu)
Militär, Polizei usw.
- Ehemalige 4. Militär-Region „Noroeste“ der Spanischen Armee, 1997–2002
- Deputy Inspector des Generalbüros „Noroeste“ der Spanischen Armee
- Guardia Civil in La Rioja
- 7. Battalion (BZAP-VII)
BRILAG (Spanien) - Comandancia Naval de La Coruña, Armada Española
- Brasão de Armas do Comando Distrital de Setúbal da PSP
Universitäten, Colleges, Schulen
- Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Brasilien
- Chile
- St. Paul’s College, Hongkong
- Universität Burgos
Burgos, Spanien - University of Reading, UK
Das in Gold und Schwarz geteilte Wappen zeigt oben balkenweise drei goldene Muscheln und unten mittig eine rote Rose mit goldenem Butzen im silbernen gemeinen Schuppenkreuz - Lucy Cavendish College,
Cambridge, UK - Chard Scholl
UK - Churchill College,
Cambridge, UK - Darwin College,
Cambridge, UK - Gonville and Caius College,
Cambridge, UK - King's School
Rochester, UK - Linacre College,
Oxford, UK - Queen’s College (1921),
Oxford, UK - College of St. Hild and St. Bede; Durham, UK
- Solihull School
UK - Wadham College,
Oxford, UK - Sorin Hall, University of Notre Dame, USA
- Wesleyan University, USA
Weitere Symbole mit der Jakobsmuschel
- Pilgerzeichen auf dem Jakobsweg
- Pilgerzeichen, moderne Ausführung
- Pilgerzeichen in Süddeutschland
- Pilgerzeichen in der Pfalz
- Pilgerzeichen in Polen
- Sportverein Dammard
Frankreich - Atlético Arteixo
Spanien - CD Binissalem
Spanien - CX Sanxenxo
- Royal-Dutch-Shell-Logos seit den 1930ern
- „Herzogtum am Siebenwindigen Meer“
Siehe auch
- Liste der kirchlichen Wappen mit der Jakobsmuschel
Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien
Autor/Urheber: Skarabeusz, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Die stilisierte Jakobsmuschel ist das moderne Erkennungszeichen mehrerer Jakobswege.
On green field a golden anchor, on both sides accompanied by silvery escallops.
Znak obce Předměřice nad Jizerou
Coat of Arms of Chard School, Chard, Somerset, UK including motto Uniti Vireamus
Autor/Urheber: Carlos yo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Escudo de armas de Quinta Normal, Chile.
Autor/Urheber: Heralder, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the Army Fourth Deputy Inspector General's Office ”Noroeste” [Northwest], SUIGENOR (Spanish Army)
Coat of arms of the city of Morag
Autor/Urheber: made by User:Akjz, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Shield of Churchill College, Cambridge.
Autor/Urheber: w:User:Lupin, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Description at made by me in Inkscape. Additional description by User:JackyR: Shield of Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge.
Autor/Urheber: User:Danfosky, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Versão original vetorial
Autor/Urheber: Carlos yo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Escudo de armas de la ciudad de Quillota
Municipal coat of arms of Tachlovice village, Prague-West District, Czech Republic.
Autor/Urheber: Prefeitura de Rio das Ostras, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
A Lei Municipal que cria o Brasão de Armas e a Bandeira do Município de Rio das Ostras é a de nº 019/1993, datada de 03 de junho de 1993. O Brasão Municipal se constitui por um escudo português tripartido, tendo no plano esquerdo superior, fundo em campo azul e verde, uma canoa (em ouro) com um pescador remando, encimado por 03 gaivotas (em branco); no plano superior direito, o relevo de uma serra com dois cumes (em prata)se destacando de um fundo azul, os quais emergem de uma floresta (em verde) e tendo em destaque uma antiquada locomotiva a vapor (em negro) expelindo fumaça (em branco) com a respectiva via férrea (em dourado e negro).
Herb gminy Czarna (powiat łańcucki)
Autor/Urheber: James2813, based on File:Escudo_de_Estación_Central.svg, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of the commune of Estación Central, Chile.
Autor/Urheber: Carlos yo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of Ñuñoa, Chile: Lozengy azure field bordered by lines of Or, with a fleur-de-lis of the same metal in each lozenge, which are the arms of the conqueror Don Juan Jofré de Loaysa, first Hispanic owner of the region; silver chief with four toquis or stone axes of gules, placed in position of sticks, in homage to the húlmenes of Ñuñoa, Tobalahue (Tobalaba), Macul and Penilolen (Peñalolén), that at the arrival of the Castilians were the natural lords of the sectors that at the moment conserve their names. Azure border, with eight gold scallops, taken from the metropolitan coat of arms, for belonging to the great city of Santiago. Crown: mural crown in Or, of the municipalities of Chile.
Pargas landskommun was joined to Pargas in 1967.
Autor/Urheber: James2813, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of Las Condes commune. Traditional variant, using the bordure used by the communes of Santiago and the chilean municipal crown.
Autor/Urheber: Cookieman1.1.1 , Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms Añasco, Puerto Rico
, Lizenz: PD-Amtliches WerkWappen von Dolné Vestenice Slowakei
Diverse, für Royal Dutch Shell
, Lizenz: LogoEntwicklung des Shell-Logos
Autor/Urheber: Diese W3C-unbestimmte Vektorgrafik wurde mit Adobe Illustrator erstellt., Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Sacatepéquez department in Guatemala.
Coats of Krabbendijke in the Netherlands
Autor/Urheber: Andreas Tille, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo was taken using the following technique:
- Film:
- Lens: 2.8/100 Macro
- Filter: none
- Body: Minolta 7
- Support: none
- Source:
Herb wsi i gminy Pałecznica.
Autor/Urheber: SanchoPanzaXXI, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Escudo de la ciudad de Caracas (Venezuela) según el blasón de la Academia Nacional de la Historia de Venezuela: "tiene por armas en campo de plata un León de color pardo, puesto en pie, teniendo entre los brazos una venera de oro con la Cruz roja de Santiago, y por timbre un coronel de cinco puntas de oro".. Existen versiones de conjuntos heráldicos con ornamentos diversos y adornos exteriores, si bien, mantienen el balsón original. El león está inspirado de esta labra [1]
Znak obce Boršov nad Vltavou
Autor/Urheber: Heralder, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Colonial coat of arms of Guatemala City and Santiago de los Caballeros de Guatemala (Antigua), Guatemala (Viceroyalty of New Spain, Former Spanish Empire
Brasão do Município de Américo de Campos
Brasão da cidade de Sapé, Paraíba, Brasil
Autor/Urheber: AlexD, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
CoA College of the Venerable Bede
Autor/Urheber: Jack Ryan Morris, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of the London Borough of Bromley
Autor/Urheber: Luiz G. Corrêa, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
No primeiro de blau, uma asa aberta de prata, terminada por uma mão de carnação, formada de uma pena de ouro;
O segundo de golles, carregado de uma figueira folhada de cinco peças de ouro;
O terceiro de golles, carregado de dois bordões de Sant' Yago, de ouro, postos em haspas e encimados por uma vieira do mesmo metal;
O quarto de blau, onde surge uma estrela de prata, sobre um campo de sua cor e nela sancada uma cruz latina de ouro, gotada de golles; bordadura de blau com um cordão de São Francisco de ouro, posto em orla.
Em listel do mesmo esmalte e legenda de prata: HONOR SAPIENTIAE; que se traduz: Honra da Sabedoria.
Simbologia Histórica
A asa afirma o voo do tempo a nos transmitir a tradição que nos preserva a história, a ciência e a cultura.
O ramo da figueira, alude ao timbre dos Figueirôa, apelido que procede Espanha, desde os recuados tempos em que os discípulos do Apóstolo Sant' Yago converteram os tais à fé cristã; daí, passando a Portugal, tendo geração da qual descendeu BENTO LUIZ DE FIGUEIRÔA, colonizador da região que deu origem ao Município.
Os bordões de Sant ' Yago, trazem a imagem genealógica, sob as quais uma vieira de ouro tomada a tradicional proveniência ligado a pessoa de BERNARDO VIEIRA DE MELO. A cruz evoca o Monte dos Guararapes, marco da nacionalidade e patriotismo, levados pelo heroísmo e pela fé, sob a proteção da SANTA MÃE DE DEUS, prefigurada na estrela.
O síngulo, cinge como atributo ao religioso Frei Antonio de Santa Maria Jaboatão, que nos legou os mais remotos registros históricos.Coats of arms of former municipalities of South Holland
Autor/Urheber: Inkwina, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of Arms of Isla Local Council (Malta) making use of Image:Malta COA crown x3.svg
Autor/Urheber: Waldir, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Former coat of arms of Cape Verde
Coat of arms of Hummelo_en_keppel (Netherlands)
Coat of arms of the Dutch municipality of Binnenmaas 1985 version.
Autor/Urheber: Heralder, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of the Naval Command of A Coruña
Autor/Urheber: CeltBrowne, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Digital recreation of The Coat of Arms of County Sligo in the Republic of Ireland, based on the following official description: "Sable semée of escallops argent an open book proper thereon in the dexter a Celtic cross and in the sinister a rose gules, on a point [pointed] in base of the second a boar's head erased of the first armed of the fourth with the motto: Land of Heart's Desire."
Znak obce Rohozná (okres Jihlava)
Coat of Arms / Escutcheon / Badge Solihull School including motto Perseverantia. Quarterly, first, Argent, a fesse and in chief two mullets gules; second, Azure, a chevron between three lions passant or; third, Ermine, on each of two bars humetty gules, three escallop shells argent: fourth Argent, a fesse gules between two greyhounds courant proper.
Catolé do Rocha, PB - Brasão de Armas
Escudo del municipio de Canavieiras (Bahía, Brasil), diseñado bajo las condiciones del Taller de Heráldica y Vexilología de la Wikipedia en español. Referencias: [1]
Autor/Urheber: ANKAWÜ, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Deutschland - Baden-Württemberg - Bodenseekreis - Meckenbeuren - Brochenzell: Pilgerattribute (Stab mit Muschel und Kalebasse) in der Pfarrkirche St. Jakobus
Autor/Urheber: Heralder, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of the 10th Zone - La Rioja. Guardia Civil (Spain)
Coat of arms of Sviadnov, Frýdek-Místek District, Czech Republic
Autor/Urheber: ChevronTango, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Vector graphic coat of arms of the Oxford college without motto
Autor/Urheber: Kaboldy, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of Zalaszentjakab, Hungary
The Lesser Polish Way of Saint James (pilgrim's shell surrounded by stars of EU flag
Or a bull passant gules armed and ringed argent, carrying a flag gules charged with an escallop argent.
Escudo de la Ciudad de Santiago del Estero
Wappen der Gemeinde Vitanje, Slowenien
Coat of arms of Jakabszállás, Hungary
Brasão de armas do município de Carmo do Paranaíba, Minas Gerais, Brasil.
COA of the village of Zurich (Friesland) Netherlands
Autor/Urheber: Carlos yo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Escudo de Armas de Osorno, Chile: Escudo creado a través del Decreto de la Ilustre Municipalidad de Osorno, promulgado el 11 de octubre de 1956.
Primer cuartel: Familia O'Higgins: Campo de plata, salpicado en lágrimas y cortado por una faja de sable, cargado con tres torres de plata. Aparecen 68 lágrimas de sable; 34 ordenadas en jefe y 34 regladas en punta. Cada torre contiene una puerta central, terminada en semicírculo, dos troneras verticales rectangulares y cuatro alemenas. Segundo cuartel: Familia Breham: Cheurrón de armiño sobre campo de sable, acompañado de tres veneras de plata, dos en jefe y una en punta. El armiño está representado a la manera irlandesa. Las veneras corresponden a tres conchas semicirculares con orejuelas laterales y cinco estrías radiales. Tercer cuartel: Familia O'Fallon: Campo de plata, una espada en cruz con pomo de gules y dos perros lebreles en azur, empinantes a ella. Cuarto cuartel: Familia O'Connor: Una encina de sinople desarraigada, en campo de plata y una frase latina, "FIDELIDAD Y AMOR POR OSORNO". Centro inferior: Dos tambores orlados de amarillo y gules, entre ambos un par de baquetas en sotuer. Tocando los tambores, aparecen dos pares de cañones de sable, dos cañones en sotuer, de espalda, con la punta hacia arriba, detrás del Escudo y dos cañones con las puntas hacia afuera hacia el lado derecho e izquierdo. En ambos lados los elementos para el uso de los cañones; en la diestra un escobillón y una pala, en la siniestra una pala y tacón. Diestra: Dos estandartes en gules de caballería con corbata dorada, cubriendo parcialmente una bandera blanca de infantería, orlada de flecos dorados y una corbata encarnada cubriendo estandartes y banderas, una garza mirando la corona y tocando el ángulo superior diestro del Escudo, y apoyado en un cañón de sable con la punta hacia afuera. Tocando las patas de la garza una bandera de gules, con flecos y corbata dorada, que lleva en el centro un castillo de oro. Siniestra: Dos estandartes y una bandera de dimensines, forma y color igual a las que se ven en el flanco diestro cubriendo parcialmente estos símbolos,un aborígen de color natural, saludando la coroa con la mano derecha, y tocando el ángulo superior siniestro del Escudo. Lleva en su mano izquierda un arco y una flecha. Tocando la mano izquierda una banderola de plata con un león rampante de gules, coronado de oro de igual dimensión y adornos que la que aparece en el flanco diestro. El aborigen indígena se encuentra apoyado en un cañón de sable, con la punta hacia afuera. Bajo el brazo derecho una corneta dorada. Centro superior: Una corona de oro, correspondiente al grado de Marqués. En el flanco diestro, una cimitarra o alfanje, una alabarda y una lanza con penachos blancos. En el lado opuesto, una lanza igual a la otra anterior, además la punta de una carabina con bayoneta y una pica. Sobre la corona, una torre de bloques con dos troneras circulares y cinco almenas. En la cimera o crest, un grifo asomado con una espada en la mano derecha, en posición vertical y tocando con su mano izqueirda la torre. Detrás de la cimera, una cinta de plata con la frase en latín: "POR CHILE LAS DIFICULTADES NO NOS AMEDRENTAN", en letras negras mayúsculas de estilo romano, y forrada de oro.
Fuente: Garnica Vargas, Edgardo, Investigación histórica :"escudo de armas de Osorno", I. Municipalidad de Osorno, 1991Autor/Urheber: Lupin (talk) (Uploads), Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
University of Reading shield
Autor/Urheber: Carlos yo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Escudo de armas de San Ramón, Chile.
znak, Malenice, okres Strakonice
Herb gminy Osiek, powiat starogardzki • Coat of arms of gmina Osiek (Starogard county)
Znak obce Horní Libchava
Escudo de santiago de los caballeros
Municipal coat of arms of Církvice village, Kutná Hora District, Czech Republic.
Coat of arms of Simpelveld, Limburg, Netherlands.
Autor/Urheber: Lobsterthermidor (Diskussion) 10:42, 6 June 2020 (UTC), Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the London Borough of Camden: Argent, on a cross gules a mitre or on a chief sable three escallops argent. The red cross on a silver field is the Cross of St. George, which was present in the coat of arms of Holborn and represents the patron saint of two parish churches therein, namely St George the Martyr, Holborn and St George's, Bloomsbury. The gold mitre, like that in the coat of arms of Hampstead, refers to Westminster Abbey which held the manor of Hampstead for six centuries until 1539. The black chief with three silver escallops is from the coat of arms of Holborn and escallops were also present in the arms of St. Pancras; the chief and escallops are ultimately derived from the arms of the Russell family, Dukes of Bedford, which holds a large estate in Bloomsbury, now much reduced in size.
Autor/Urheber: James2813, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of the commune of La Reina, Chile. Adopted in 1988 by the municipal decree Nº193. Official description
Autor/Urheber: ACB Smith, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
* Author: ACB Smith
- My own work, a rework of the previous version based on bindings in the college library and the description of the armorial binding. Made using Illustrator CS5.
- Description of the Armorial Bearing: "Argent, on a chevron between 2 couple closes indented sable 3 escallops or impaling, or, semee of flowers gentle, in the middle of the chief a sengrene resting upon the heads of 2 serpents in pale, their tails knit together, all proper, resting upon a square marble stone vert, between their breasts a book sable garnished gules, buckles or; all within a bordure compony argent and sable"
Autor/Urheber: Robin S. Taylor, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
The armorial achievement of the town and civil parish of Woodbridge, Suffolk
Severo-Kurilsk rayon (Sakhalin oblast), coat of arms
Coat of arms of Øster Herred (Hundred) on Bornholm, a former administrative subdivision of Denmark, 1584 version. Illustration from the article Om danske By- og Herredsvaaben written by Anders Thiset and published in Tidsskrift for Kunstindustri 1893-1894.
Autor/Urheber: Heralder, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the 7th Military Engineering Battalion, BZAP-VII. 7th Brigade “Galicia” (Spanish Army)
Autor/Urheber: Milenioscuro, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Escudo del municipio de Mosquera, Nariño (Colombia):[1]
Autor/Urheber: Autor/-in unbekannt , Lizenz: CC0
Brasão de armas do município de Iguaba Grande, no estado do Rio de Janeiro (domínio público segundo os critérios legais).
Coat of arms of Vojkov, Benešov District, Czech Republic.
Autor/Urheber: Spanish Inquisition, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Bourscheid, Luxembourg
Coat of arms of the Dutch municipality of Binnenmaas.
Coat of arms of Velký Újezd, Olomouc district, Czech Republic
Autor/Urheber: B1mbo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of Talcahuano, Chile
Coat of Arms of the city of Ibaté, São Paulo state, Brazil. Based on the municipal website. Emerson
Coat of arms of Fülöpjakab, Hungary
Wappen von Bílá Třemešná
Autor/Urheber: B1mbo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of San Miguel, Chile
Arms of the Borough of Watford in Hertfordshire, England. Blazon: Gules on a Pale wavy Argent between two Escallops Or a Pallet wavy Azure charged with a Fasces erect of the second on a Chief of the third a Hurt charged with a Saltire also of the third between two Harts statant of the first.
Autor/Urheber: Tu5j4, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Blason compagnie d'arc de Dammard
Municipal coat of arms of Želetice village, Hodonín District, Czech Republic.
Autor/Urheber: Heraldicos, Lizenz: CC BY 3.0
Escudo de Revillagigedo, islas de (Colima)
Coat of arms of Keppel
Municipal coat of arms of Paběnice village, Kutná Hora District, Czech Republic.
Autor/Urheber: James2813, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of the commune of Cerro Navia, Chile.
Coat of arms of Ratenice, Kolín District, Czech Republic.
Autor/Urheber: Cakelot1, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham from the following blazon:
Escutcheon: Barry wavy Argent and Azure two hammers in saltire interlaced with a horseshoe Or on a chief Gules two swords in saltire Proper hilts and pommels Or a mitre of the last.
Crest: On a wreath Argent and Sanguine out of a mural crown of six turrets Or an ancient ship oars in action Sable sail set flags and pennon flying Sanguine the sail charged with two hammers in saltire interlaced with a horseshoe Or.
Mantling: Azure doubled Argent.
Supporters: On each side a male griffin Gules beaked and irradiated Or armed and langued Azure each gorged with a cord Or pendent from that of the dexter an escallop and from that of the sinister a cross crosslet Argent.
Motto: Spectemur Agendo (Let Us Be Judged By Our Actions)
[1]Znak obce Staňkov (okres Domažlice)
Coat of arms of the Dutch municipality of Menaldumadeel, province of Friesland, the Netherlands.
, Lizenz: PD-Amtliches WerkWappen von Brod Moravice Kroatien
Escudo de Providencia, Chile: Guarda azul con ocho veneras de oro, en campo de plata un obelisco de plata con un puente de plata, sobre ondas de azur y plata, como timbre con la corona mural de oro de las municipalidades de Chile.
Autor/Urheber: Bartleby08, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Diese Datei zeigt das Baudenkmal mit der Nummer 13972 in Südtirol.
Coat of arms of Maire (Netherlands)
Shield of Ballerup Municipality (2007)
Autor/Urheber: ChevronTango, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Vector graphic coat of arms of the Oxford college without motto
Coat of Arms of Oktiabrske Settlement, Krasnohvardiiskyi Raion, Crimea, Ukraine
Autor/Urheber: Diese Datei enthält Elemente, die von folgender Datei entnommen oder adaptiert wurden:, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of the town of Westport, in County Mayo, Ireland.
Municipal coat of arms of Suchdol village, Prostějov District, Czech Republic.
Autor/Urheber: Jack Ryan Morris, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of the London Borough of Camden
Autor/Urheber: Wilfredor, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of Carcacas City (Venezuela)
Autor/Urheber: PJPita, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Brasão de Armas do Comando Distrital de SETÚBAL da PSP
Universität Burgos
, Lizenz: LogoLogo Universität Burgos
Autor/Urheber: Heralder, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the Former 4th Military Region, "Noroeste", 1997-2002 (Spanish Army)
Autor/Urheber: A1 Aardvark, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of en:Darwin College, Cambridge.
Coat of Arms Escutcheon King's School Rochester
Municipal coat of arms of Panenské Břežany village, Prague-East District, Czech Republic.
The Coat of arms of the Spanish Colony of Cuba, which contains the Yokes and Arrows of the catholic Monarchs, 2 crocodiles, St. James Matamoros (which references Santiago de Cuba) on the bottom half of the Coat of arms, and the Virgin Mary on the top, with letters Y, (Representing Isabella the Catholic) F,(Representing Ferdinand the Catholic) and C (Representing Carlos I, who granted granted these arms to Cuba). Source: (pages 45-46)
Coat of arms of Limanu commune, Constanţa County, Romania
znak obce
Znak Obce Velká Losenice
Autor/Urheber: B1mbo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of La Pintana, Chile
Die stilisierte Jakobsmuschel ist das Erkennungszeichen des Pfälzischen Jakobswegs.
Coat of arms of the city of Sydney
, Lizenz: PD-Amtliches WerkWappen von Záhorská Ves Slowakei
Autor/Urheber: Spanish_Inquisition, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of arms of the municipality of Contern, Luxembourg
Autor/Urheber: B1mbo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of San Joaquín, Chile
Coat of arms Jakubów
Brasão da cidade de São João do Rio do Peixe, Paraíba, Brasil
Znak obce Stračov
Autor/Urheber: Internet Archive Book Images, Lizenz: No restrictions
Identifier: queenscollege01magr (find matches)
Title: The Queen's College
Year: 1921 (1920s)
Authors: Magrath, John Richard, 1839-1930
Subjects: Queen's College (University of Oxford)
Publisher: Oxford : The Clarendon Press
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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of which the first is 1 See .Appendix G, ii. 252. * See above, n. 1, p. l66. * Langtons windows, dated 1518, give Wolseys arms, his cardinals hat whichhe got in September, 1515, and the arms of the see of York as he modified them.The introduction of Wolseys arms seems to indicate some connexion betweenWolsey and Langtons ante-chapel in which the window was originally placed.In 1518 Wolsey was busy with foreign politics. His building activities atMagdalen ended with his compulsory resignation of the senior bursarship therein 1500. Though he could hardly have been on building work in Oxford at thesame time as Langton he might have been interested in other peoples buildingworks there. Pace, who had been with Cardinal Bainbridge at Rome, wassecretary to Wolsey in 1515, and Wolsey succeeded Bainbridge as Archbishop ofYork in 1514. He was at this time at work on Hampton Court Palace, which hebegan building in 1515, and handed over to Henry VHI in 1526. * See Appendix G, ii. 248. PLATE XV^Il
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THE CONFUSED COAT OF ROBERT LANGTON LANGTONS ARMS 169 charged with a key and the other with a dagger in bend, both or.^Mr. Everard Green (Somerset Herald) has been kind enough tosuggest that these arms indicate the holy places visited byLangton on his pilgrimages. The Tau cross would representSt. Antony of Egypt; the escallop, St. .Tames of Compostella;the wheel (really a demi-wheel), St. Catherine, who was buried onMount Sinai; the cross, really a cross-potent, would refer toJerusalem; the torteauxes with their emblems, St. Peter andSt. Paul (a sword, not a dagger), buried at Rome. What Woodcalls a plummet Mr. Green thinks may be the vase of precious oint-ment of St. Mary Magdalen, whose grave is at Tarascon. Langtonis otherwise known to have visited Compostella, and a quarto is saidto have been published in London in 1522 called the Pilgrimageof Mr. Robert Langton. clerk, to St. James of Compostell, ofwhich, however, no copy is known. A drawing of the confusedarms, as Wood rightly c
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Wappen der Gemeinde Mirna, Slowenien
Coat of arms of Baja California Sur. Shades on the coat of arms are as follows:
Coat of arms of Srbice municipality, Teplice District, Czech Republic.
Autor/Urheber: Eccekevin, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Coat of arms of Sorin Hall
Blazon: Azure a chevron or between in chief dexter a sun or and in chief sinister an escallop argent and in base a crown proper, on a chief flory-counter-flory or an otter proper
Brasão de Brejo do Cruz
Autor/Urheber: Carlos yo, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Escudo de Yumbel, Chile: Escudo Acuartelado. 1er cuartel: sobre campo de plata, tres fajas ajedrezadas de sable y oro, que representan las armas de Don Alonso de Sotomayor, fundador del Fuerte de Yumbel, con el nombre de San Felipe de Austria, el año 1585. 2º cuartel: sobre campo de gules un sol figurado, de oro interpretación de la voz Yumbel. 3º cuartel: campo de gules tres veneras de plata, 2 en jefe y una en punta, que simboliza las peregrinaciones al Santuario. 4º cuartel: de plata, un árbol de sinople atravezado de tres bastas del mismo color, en homenaje a San Sebastián, patrono de la ciudad. Bordura de azur, cargada de 7 torres de oro, que simboliza las siete fundaciones de la población. Timbrado con una corona en fuerte de ocho torres, de las cuales cuatro van a la vista. [1]
Znak obce Ovčáry (okres Kolín)