Liste der United States Highways

Das Highway-Netz in der Planung vom 11. November 1926

United States Highways sind mit den deutschen Bundesstraßen vergleichbar. Die ersten Highways wurden 1924 geplant und 1926 eröffnet. Die Bezeichnung „U.S. Highway“ wird von der American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) vergeben. Sie werden genauso wie die State Routes von den einzelnen Bundesstaaten finanziert.

Das Nummernschema kennt ein-, zwei- und dreistellige Nummern. Die U.S. Highways mit den Nummern 1 bis 101 sind transkontinentale Highways. Highways mit geraden Nummern verlaufen von Ost nach West, während Highways mit ungeraden Nummern von Nord nach Süd führen. Wichtige Nord-Süd-Straßen enden mit der Ziffer 1, wichtige Ost-West-Straßen mit der Ziffer 0. Je weiter die Straße im Westen bzw. Süden gelegen ist, desto höher die Straßennummer. Im Gegensatz dazu verwenden die Interstate Highways ein umgekehrtes Nummernschema. Straßennummern über 101 sind in der Regel von untergeordneter verkehrlicher Bedeutung, sie werden nach den Hauptrouten nummeriert, von denen sie abgeleitet sind; beispielsweise ist der U.S. Highway 331 die dritte Nebenstraße, die vom U.S. Highway 31 abzweigt.

Der ehemalige U.S. Highway 66 ist wahrscheinlich der bekannteste U.S. Highway. Der längste ist U.S. Highway 20, der von Boston an der Ostküste über mehr als 5400 Kilometer quer durch den Kontinent bis nach Newport am Pazifik verläuft.

Diese Liste enthält die wichtigsten U.S. Highways („Main Routes“) mit Start- und Zielort, Länge (in Meilen und Kilometern), Zeitraum des Bestehens sowie Zubringer- und Umgehungsstraßen. Die ehemaligen U.S. Highways sind kursiv markiert.

ZeitraumZubringer und Umgehungen
H1 US 1Fort KentKey West23903846seit 1926US 201, US 301, US 401, US 501, US 601, US 701
H2 US 2 (Ost)HoultonRouses Point460740seit 1926US 202, US 302
H2 US 2 (West)St. IgnaceEverett21193410seit 1926
H3 US 3ChartiervilleCambridge277445seit 1926
H4 US 4PortsmouthEast Greenbush249402seit 1926US 104
H5 US 5Derby LineNew Haven300482seit 1926
H6 US 6ProvincetownBishop32055158seit 1926US 106, US 206
H7 US 7Highgate SpringsNorwalk308496seit 1926
H8 US 8NorwayForest Lake281452seit 1926US 208
H9 US 9Champlain TownNorth Cape May522840seit 1926US 109, US 209, US 309
H10 US 10Bay CityWest Fargo565909seit 1926US 110, US 210, US 310, US 410
H11 US 11Rouses PointNew Orleans16452647seit 1926US 11W, US 11E, US 111, US 211, US 311, US 411, US 511, US 611, US 711
H12 US 12DetroitAberdeen24833996seit 1926US 112, US 212, US 312
H13 US 13MorrisvilleEastover517833seit 1926US 113, US 213
H14 US 14ChicagoYellowstone14292300seit 1926
H15 US 15Painted PostWalterboro7911274seit 1926
H16 US 16Rapid CityYellowstone540869seit 1926US 116, US 216
H17 US 17WinchesterPunta Gorda11891914seit 1926US 117, US 217
H18 US 18MilwaukeeOrin10431679seit 1926US 118, US 218
H19 US 19ErieMemphis14062262seit 1926US 119, US 219, US 319
H20 US 20BostonNewport33655415seit 1926US 120, US 220, US 320, US 420
H21 US 21WythevilleHunting Island395636seit 1926US 121, US 221, US 321, US 421, US 521
H22 US 22NewarkCincinnati6471041seit 1926US 122, US 222, US 322, US 422, US 522, US 622
H23 US 23Mackinaw CityJacksonville15352471seit 1926US 123, US 223
H24 US 24ClarkstonMinturn15402478seit 1926US 124, US 224
H25 US 25CovingtonBrunswick7501207seit 1926
H26 US 26OgallalaSeaside14852390seit 1926US 126
H27 US 27Fort WayneMiami13732210seit 1926US 127, US 227
H28 US 28OntarioFlorence4627431926–1952
H29 US 29Mount HebronPensacola10361667seit 1926US 129
H30 US 30Atlantic CityAstoria30734945seit 1926US 130, US 230, US 330, US 430, US 530, US 630, US 730, US 830
H31 US 31Mackinaw CitySpanish Fort12802061seit 1926US 131, US 231, US 331, US 431
H32 US 32ChicagoCouncil Bluffs5118221926–1934
H33 US 33DunlapRichmond7091141seit 1937
H34 US 34BerwynGranby11221806seit 1926
H35 US 35Michigan CitySt. Albans424682seit 1934
H36 US 36UhrichsvilleRocky Mountains14142276seit 1926US 136
H37 US 37SellersburgChattanooga2043281935–1944
H38 US 38OmahaGreeley5989621926–1931US 138
H40 US 40Atlantic CityPark City22853678seit 1926US 140, US 240, US 340
H41 US 41Fort WilkinsMiami20003218seit 1926US 141, US 241, US 341, US 441, US 541, US 641
H42 US 42ClevelandLouisville355571seit 1926
H43 US 43ColumbiaMobile410649seit 1934US 143
H44 US 44PlymouthKerhonkson236380seit 1934
H45 US 45OntonagonMobile13002087seit 1926
H46 US 46Fort LeeColumbia75121seit 1935
H48 US 48StrasburgWeston148238seit 2002
H49 US 49PiggottGulfport516830seit 1926
H50 US 50Ocean CityWest Sacramento30734946seit 1926US 150, US 250, US 350, US 450, US 550, US 650
H51 US 51HurleyLa Place12862070seit 1926US 151
H52 US 52CharlestonPortal20723335seit 1926US 152
H53 US 53International FallsLa Crosse403649seit 1926
H54 US 54GriggsvilleEl Paso11971926seit 1926US 154
H55 US 55MinneapolisDavenport3685921926–1982
H56 US 56Kansas CitySpringer6401030seit 1957US 156
H57 US 57MooreEagle Pass103166seit 1970
H58 US 58Virginia BeachCumberland Gap508818seit 1931US 158, US 258
H59 US 59LancasterLaredo19113075seit 1935US 159, US 259
H60 US 60Virginia BeachBrenda Junction26704300seit 1926US 160, US 260, US 360, US 460
H61 US 61WyomingNew Orleans14002253seit 1926US 161
H62 US 62Niagara FallsEl Paso22483617seit 1930
H63 US 63BenoitRuston12862070seit 1926
H64 US 64Nags HeadTeec Nos Pos23263743seit 1926US 164
H65 US 65Albert LeaClayton9981590seit 1926US 165
H66 US 66ChicagoSanta Monica245039431926–1985US 166, US 266, US 366, US 466, US 566, US 666
H67 US 67SabulaPresidio15602511seit 1926US 167
H68 US 68FindlayReidland560901seit 1926US 168
H69 US 69Albert LeaPort Arthur11361667seit 1926US 169
H70 US 70AtlanticGlobe23853838seit 1926US 170, US 270, US 370, US 470
H71 US 71International FallsKrotz Springs15322465seit 1926US 171, US 271, US 371
H72 US 72ChattanoogaMemphis337542seit 1926
H73 US 73DawsonKansas City112180seit 1926
H74 US 74Wrightsville BeachChattanooga524843seit 1926
H75 US 75NoyesDallas12391994seit 1926US 175, US 275
H76 US 76Wrightsville BeachChattanooga548882seit 1926US 176, US 276
H77 US 77Sioux CityBrownsville13052100seit 1926US 177, US 277, US 377
H78 US 78CharlestonMemphis7151151seit 1926US 178, US 278, US 378
H79 US 79RussellvilleRound Rock8551376seit 1935
H80 US 80Tybee IslandDallas10321661seit 1926US 180, US 280, US 380
H81 US 81PembinaFort Worth12201963seit 1926US 181, US 281
H82 US 82BrunswickAlamogordo16092589seit 1932
H83 US 83WesthopeBrownsville18943048seit 1926US 183, US 283, US 383
H84 US 84MidwayPagosa Springs19193088seit 1926
H85 US 85FortunaEl Paso14792380seit 1926US 185, US 285, US 385, US 485
H87 US 87HavrePort Lavaca19983215seit 1926US 187, US 287
H89 US 89PieganFlagstaff12522015seit 1926US 189
H90 US 90Jacksonville BeachVan Horn16332628seit 1926US 190, US 290
H91 US 91Idaho FallsBrigham City120193seit 1926US 191, US 491
H92 US 92Daytona BeachSaint Petersburg177285seit 1926US 192
H93 US 93EurekaWickenburg14572345seit 1926
H94 US 94MiamiNaples1101771926–1949
H95 US 95EastportSan Luis15742553seit 1926US 195, US 295, US 395
H96 US 96RosenburgBrownsville170274seit 1939
H97 US 97OrovilleWeed6631067seit 1926US 197
H98 US 98West Palm BeachBude9641551seit 1933
H99 US 99BlaineCalexico156925251926–1972US 199, US 299, US 399
H101 US 101OlympiaLos Angeles15402478seit 1926
H163 US 163Green RiverKayenta201323seit 1971
H400 US 400JoplinGranada488785seit 1994
H412 US 412ColumbiaSpringer11311820seit 1982
H425 US 425Pine BluffNatchez219352seit 1989

U.S. Highway 1

U.S. Highway 9

U.S. Highway 12

U.S. Highway 15

U.S. Highway 17

U.S. Highway 23

U.S. Highway 27

U.S. Highway 30

U.S. Highway 32

U.S. Highway 36

U.S. Highway 40

U.S. Highway 41

U.S. Highway 45

U.S. Highway 50

U.S. Highway 52

U.S. Highway 55

U.S. Highway 58

U.S. Highway 61

U.S. Highway 163

U.S. Highway 66

U.S. Highway 68

U.S. Highway 72

U.S. Highway 75

U.S. Highway 83

U.S. Highway 89

U.S. Highway 90

U.S. Highway 92

U.S. Highway 96

U.S. Highway 412

Siehe auch


Commons: Fotos der US-amerikanischen Highways – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

US 27.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 67.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Autor/Urheber: Der ursprünglich hochladende Benutzer war Royalbroil in der Wikipedia auf Englisch, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5

Looking west down en:Highway 96 (Wisconsin) at its intersection with en:U.S. Route 41 in en:Appleton, Wisconsin.

This image was taken August 31, 2006 by User:Royalbroil

en:Category:Images of Wisconsin highways
US 40.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 101.svg
750 mm × 600 mm (30 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 72.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 62.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 10.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 30 in Devon 4.JPG
A wider section of US 30 in Devon, where a center turn lane is present.
US 9 north of Red Hook, NY.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Daniel Case, Lizenz: CC BY 3.0
Countryside on US 9 north of Red Hook, NY, USA
US 28.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Green US 27.jpg
Green US 27 shield north of Lake Placid, Florida. Taken August 16, 2003 by User:SPUI.
US 45.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Traveling west on U.S. 52 (near Ohio State Route 125 and Friendship, Scioto County, Ohio, United States)
US 9.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 66.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 30.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Beschilderung an der Kreuzung des U.S. Highways 23 mit den US 58 und 421 nahe Duffield, Virginia. Die U.S. Highways 58 und 421 sind als Daniel Boone Heritage Trail ausgeschildert.
MS 304 interchange signage at U.S. 61.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Chris Lawrence from Clayton, MO, USA, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0
Note that this is "to I-69"; I-69 doesn't make it to U.S. 61 yet. [Actually I-69 won't use this road - MS 304 - to reach US 61.] Photo by G. Clark.
US 58.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 81.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Skull Rock Pass.JPG
Autor/Urheber: Davemeistermoab, Lizenz: CC-BY-SA-3.0
U.S. route 50 down the eastern descent from Skull Rock Pass in Western Utah
US 400.svg
750 mm × 600 mm (30 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 56.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 83.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 29.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 68.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 94.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 79.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 59.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Autor/Urheber: Der ursprünglich hochladende Benutzer war Royalbroil in der Wikipedia auf Englisch, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5

Travelling on en:U.S. Route 12 and en:Highway 120 (Wisconsin) in en:Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

This image was taken on October 1, 2006 by User:Royalbroil.

en:Category:Images of Wisconsin highways
US 37.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 24.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 44.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 26.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 38.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 19.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 64.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Corridor V US 72.JPG
Autor/Urheber: unknown, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
US 63.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 77.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 4.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 53.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 93.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Autor/Urheber: User:Royalbroil, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
Looking north at en:Peshtigo, Wisconsin, USA on en:U.S. Route 41.
US 87.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 8.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Autor/Urheber: unknown, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
US 35.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 54.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 34.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 15.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 17 north at US 17 Alt.jpg
US 17 north at unsigned US 17 Alternate in Jacksonville, Florida. Taken August 10, 2003 by SPUI.
Junction Routes 5 20 414.jpg
(c) I, TwinsMetsFan, CC-BY-SA-3.0
"Junction US 20/NY 5/NY 414" combination junction sign on the River Road Connector in Seneca Falls, New York.
US 14.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 85.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 70.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 97.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 2.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 13.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 84.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 82.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 5.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 25.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 76.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 65.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Autor/Urheber: Infrogmation, Lizenz: CC BY 2.5
New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina: Severly damaged Lake St. Catherine area. View of Chef Menteur Highway (part of US Highway 90) looking east from the at this time still closed Chef Pass Bridge.
US 30 x US 322.JPG
US 30 at the US 322 (Manor Avenue) exit.
US 96.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 32.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 69.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 36.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 98.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)

Der ursprünglich hochladende Benutzer war Royalbroil in der Wikipedia auf Englisch

(Originaltext: self), Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
Die Ausfahrt zur Wisconsin State Route 55 auf dem U.S. Highway 41 nahe Kaukauna, Wisconsin.
US 71.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 55.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 3.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 412 Scenic.JPG
Autor/Urheber: Der ursprünglich hochladende Benutzer war Rt66lt in der Wikipedia auf Englisch, Lizenz: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Scenic US 412 in Kansas, Oklahoma
US 99.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Autor/Urheber: User:Royalbroil, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
Looking north at en:Clintonville, Wisconsin, USA at the northern junction of en:U.S. Route 45 and en:Wisconsin Highway 22.
US 78.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Glen canyon bridge.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Die Autorenschaft wurde nicht in einer maschinell lesbaren Form angegeben. Es wird RJHall als Autor angenommen (basierend auf den Rechteinhaber-Angaben)., Lizenz: CC-BY-SA-3.0
U.S. Highway 89 bridge across Glen Canyon near Page, Arizona.
US 16.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 21.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 91.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 7.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 22.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 90.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 31.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 57.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Daytona Beach US 92 bridge01.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Ebyabe, Lizenz: CC BY 2.5
International Speedway Boulevard/US 92 bridge over the Halifax River, in Daytona Beach, Florida
US 92.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 12.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 1.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Old US 80 West of Descanso Junction.JPG
(c) Rsduhamel in der Wikipedia auf Englisch, CC BY-SA 3.0

A section of old U.S. Route 80 west of Descanso Junction, California. Taken in March 2007. This section is not open to vehicular traffic.

Photographer: Bob DuHamel
US 52.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 75.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 73.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 60.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 11.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 49.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 17.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 80.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 163.svg
750 mm × 600 mm (30 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 42.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 425.svg
750 mm × 600 mm (30 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
High Five Interchange.jpg
Autor/Urheber: unknown, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0
US 74.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 43.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 61.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 50.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 89.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Autor/Urheber: unknown, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
US 41.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
USA 10191 x10207 Monument Valley Luca Galuzzi 2007.jpg
(c) I, Luca Galuzzi, CC BY-SA 2.5
Monument Valley, between Arizona and Utah, USA.
US 51.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 20.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 23.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 95.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Key west end of route 1.JPG
Author: Marcin Wichary & Tomasz Grabowski
US 48.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 33.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 46.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
Scott City.jpg
Main intersection (of US 83 and K-96) in Scott City in far western Kansas. Picture taken by Nyttend on 22 July 2006.
US 412.svg
750 mm × 600 mm (30 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 6.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 18.svg
600 mm × 600 mm (24 in × 24 in) U.S. Highway shield, made to the specifications of the 2004 edition of Standard Highway Signs. (Note that there is a missing "J" label on the left side of the diagram.) Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.)
US 15 in Rochester NY.jpg
Autor/Urheber: TwinsMetsFan, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.5
The "To US 15" assembly at the intersection of South Avenue and Court Street in downtown Rochester, New York. Based on the look of the sign, this assembly probably dates back to when US 15 entered Rochester. The route that this sign directs travelers to is now NY 15, but the sign is still correct as NY 15 connects to US 15 in Corning 80 miles to the south.
US 23 Virginia.JPG
Autor/Urheber: Der ursprünglich hochladende Benutzer war ChristopherM in der Wikipedia auf Englisch, Lizenz: CC BY 2.5
Taken by me on Dec. 18, 2006