Liste der Pseudobasiliken in der Republik Irland
▶ Liste(n) von Pseudobasiliken – Übersicht
– siehe auch: Liste der Hallenkirchen in der Republik Irland (46) –
Anzahl: 35, davon 4 auch unter Hallenkirchen (3 Grenzfälle, 1 unvollständige Ruine)
- AS = Archaeological Survey of Ireland
- NIAH = National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (Einzelne Bereiche wie die südöstlichen Außenbezirke von Dublin und die Stadt Carlow sind noch nicht elektronisch aufbereitet.)
Ort | Bauwerk | Anmerkungen | Fotos | |
Ardfert, County Kerry | St.-Brendan-Kathedrale AS KE01242 | heute Ruine, Bausubstanz aus 11., 13. und 15. Jh., romanisch und gotisch, Südseitenschiff am Langhaus hatte wohl Anlehndach, unterhalb des Zinnenkranzes des Hauptschiffs. | ||
Ardfert Friary (Franziskanerkloster) AS KE020-047--- | Hauptschiff ab 1260; daran 14. Jh. Südseitenschiff mit anglehntem Pultdach; später Wände des Hauptschiffs erhöht und Süd-„Querhaus“ (evtl. als Eingangsbau) angebaut | |||
Askeaton, County Limerick | Kirche des Franzis- kanerklosters (CC) AS LI011-092006- | heute Ruine, ab 14. Jh., Chor und Langhaus einschiffig, aber Nordquerhaus (15. Jh.) mit westlichem Seitenschiff unter gering geneigtem Pultdach, siehe Anschluss an Langhauswand | ||
Athenry, County Galway | Dominikanerkirche Athenry AS GA084-001014- | heute Ruine, gegründet 1241, niedrige, bis an die Oberkanten der Arkaden reichende Seitenschiffe an der Nordseite des Langhauses und der Westseite des Nordquerhauses n | ||
Ballinrobe, County Mayo | St. Mary’s Church (CC) NIAH 31215035 | 1849–1859, neugotisch, dreischiffig, Seitenschiffe unter Flachdächern knapp unterhalb der Traufen von Mittelschiff und Querhaus | Innenfotos bei NIAH | |
Ballyferriter, County Kerry | St Vincent’s Church (CC) NIAH 21304201 | dreischiffig, deutlich abgesetzte Schleppdächer, um 1865, neugotisch | ||
Barntown, County Wexford | Ch. of the Blessed Virgin Mary (CC) NIAH 15703738 | dreischiffig, Schleppdächer, 1844–50, neugotisch | ||
Cashel, Co. Tipperary | kath. Kirche St. John the Baptist (CC) NIAH 22105075 | 1772–1804, klassizistisch, dreischiffig, Seitenschiffe mit Emporen und flachen Decken, Mittelschiff mit Folge von Quertonnen | Innenfotos (NIAH) teilw. dunkel | |
Claregalway, County Galway | Franziskanerkirche Claregalway AS GA070-035001- | heute Ruine, gegründet 1252, Pseudobasilika oder Hallenkirche, Langhaus aus Hauptschiff, dessen Dach der Arkade aufsaß, und Nordseitenschiff von dem keine obere Stirnwand erhalten | ||
Cloyne, County Cork | St. Colman’s Cathedral (CC) NIAH 20826015 AS CO088-019006- | um 1280, Langhsue dreischiffig, abgesetzte Schleppdächer | ||
8 km W v. Kinvara, County Clare | Corcomroe Abbey (CC) AS CL003-029002 | Zisterzienserabtei, heute Ruine, Kirche 1210–1225, am Hauptschiff Südseitenschiff mit Schleppdach (Nordseitenschiff wohl nie gebaut) | ||
Cork | kath. Kirche St. Mary (CC) NIAH 20512203 | 1832, neoklassizistisch, tonnengewölbtes Mittelschiff, flachdeckige Seitenschiffe, vor der Vierung Pseudobasilika, dahinter Basilika | ||
Donegal | St. Patrick’s RC Church (CC) NIAH 40843029 | 1931–1935, neugotisch u. a., 3 x 3 Joche Hallenkirche, Seitenschiffe unter Zwerchdächern, aber Chorpartie pseudobasilikal, „Kapellen“ unter niedrigen Paralleldächern | ||
Dublin | St. Bartholomew’s Church[1] (CC) | mit Vorbhelt: Pseudobasilika-ähnliche Struktur aus Hauptschiff u. niedrigeren doppelten Querhausarmen, beidseitig je 2 x 2 Joche; 1865–67, neugotisch | ||
St. Catherine’s Church (CC) NIAH 50080587 | 1852–1858, dreischiffig, Seitenschiffe unter Schleppdächern | |||
St James’ Church of Ireland (CC) NIAH 50080312 | breites Hauptschiff, Seitenschiff mit Paralleldach und gemeinsamer Traufe, aber deutlich niedriger und schmaler, Stufenhalle oder Pseudobasilika, 1861, neugotisch | |||
Church of the Holy Family (CC) NIAH 50070048 | dreischiffig, Seitenschiffe unter Flachdächern, 1876, neugotisch | |||
Farran, County Cork | Ch. of the Immacu- late Conception (CC) NIAH 20907220 | 1860, neugotisch, Hauptschiff und breites Nordseitenschiff, Schleppdach | ||
Faugheen, Co. Tipperary | St Patrick’s Church (CC) NIAH 22207904 | 1885, neoromanisch, dreischiffig, abgesetzte Schleppdächer | Innenfotos siehe NIAH | |
Greystones, County Wicklow | St Patrick’s Church (CC) NIAH 16304036 | 1857, neugotisch, Querhäuser 1875 und 1888; Innenräume der beidseitigen doppelgiebligen Querhäuser niedriger als Hauptschiff, ergeben pseudobasilikale Seitenschiffe | ||
Holycross, Co. Tipperary | Zisterzienser- abtei Holy Cross AS TN047-030001- | ab 1180, dreischiffig, Mittelschiff mit offenem Dachstuhl, Arkaden und südliche Außenwand schon bis Anf. 13. Jh. | ||
Kilconnell, County Galway | Franziskanerkirche AS GA03895 | heute Ruine, gegründet 1414, an Langhaus und Südquerhaus, deren Dächer den Arkaden aufsaßen, Seitenschiffe mit zu den Außenwänden hin abfallenden Dächern | ||
Kilbride, County Wicklow | Manor Church (kein Denkmal?) | Neugotisch, dreischiffig, fensterlose Hochschiffswände außen sichtbar, Lage außer halb des Herrensitzes (Manor) im Dorf | Schrägansicht bei Google Streetwiew[2] | |
Kilkenny | Black Abbey AS KK019-026021- NIAH 12005006 | Dominikaner-(„Schwarzbrüder-“)Kloster gegründet 1225, Erweiterung zu T-Form mit langem Südquerhaus und Seitenschiffen um 1325, erhalten: Langhaus und längeres Südquerhaus mit je einem Seitenschiff unter Schleppdächern | ||
Lisdoonvarna, County Clare | Corpus Christi Church (CC) NIAH 20300105 | zweischiffig seit 1900, Seitenschiff unter Flachdach, Hauptschiff 1865, neugotisch | ||
Lispole, County Kerry | Ch. of John the Baptist (CC) NIAH 21304401 | dreischiffig, abgesetzte Schleppdächer, um 1865, neugotisch | ||
Listowel, County Kerry | St Mary’s Church (CC) NIAH 21400212 | dreischiffig, Schleppdächer, 1865, neugotisch | Google Streetview[3] | |
Moate, Co. Westmeath | SS Peter and Paul’s Ch. (CC) NIAH 15317024 | 1867, neugotisch, äußerlich beidseits Verbindungen zweier ungleich breiter Querhausarme, innen durch dreibogige Arkaden angebundene Seitenräume | Seiten- und Innenfotos siehe NIAH | |
Nenagh, Co. Tipperary | St. Mary’s Church (CC) NIAH 22305009 | um 1865, neugotisch, Gebäudeachse von NW nach SO, schmales SW Seitenschiff unter leicht abgesetztem Schleppdach | ||
Newcastle, Co. Tipperary | St Mary’s RC Church (CC) NIAH 22208812 | dreischiffig,>br />niedrige Seitenschiffe von 3/5 der Kirchenlänge unter Paralleldächern, aber keine Obergaden | Innenfotos siehe NIAH | |
Timoleague, County Cork | Timoleague Friary (Franziskanerkirche) AS CO123-050002- | 13./14. Jh., Seitenschiff wohl erst 15. Jh., heute Ruine, Seitenschiff(e) an Langhaus und Südquerhaus, Schleppdach gerade Fortsetzung des Mittelschiffsdachs | ||
Tullow, County Carlow | Church of the Most Holy Rosary (CC) NIAH 10400329 | Mittelschiffs-„Gewölbe“ mit trapezförmigem Querschnitt überragt Arkaden und flachdeckige Seitenschiffe; Gauben in den Dachschrägen; 1835 und 1880, eher „Gothick“ als Neugotik | ||
Waterford | Mary’s Catholic Ch. (CC) NIAH 22504022 | 1834 vollendet, Neoklassizistische dreischiffige Stufenhalle an der Grenze zur Pseudobasilika Mittelschiff Tonnengewölbe, Seitenschiffe Kreuzgratgewölbe hinter durchgehendem Architrav | ||
Wexford | Wexford Friary (CC) [1] | 1779–1784, klassizistisch, tonnengewölbtes Mittelschiff, flachdeckige Seitenschiffe; Vorgänger: Abteikirche 1260 und Scheunenkirche | ||
Youghal County Cork | Stiftskirche St Mary (CC) NIAH 20823029 | begonnen 1220, erweitert in den folgenden Jahrhunderten, dreischiffig, Schleppdächer |
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Autor/Urheber: Dronningmaudland, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
This is the interior of St. Mary's church, Pope's Quay, Cork. The high altar, baldicchino , pulpit and tiles designed by George Goldie (1828-1887).
Autor/Urheber: Alexander Redfern, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
County Tipperary, St Mary's Church.
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
Waterford, County Waterford, Ireland
Church of the Franciscan Friary in Waterford, Lady Lane, as seen from the southwest.
Autor/Urheber: Cqui, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Church and main street of Lisdoonvarna, Clare county, Ireland.
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
South-west view of the cathedral, looking through the ruins of the south aisle into the nave.
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
Corcomroe Abbey, County Clare, Ireland
South East view
Autor/Urheber: DubhEire, Lizenz: CC0
St. James' Church and Cemetery, Dublin
Autor/Urheber: DubhEire, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
St. Catherine's, Meath Street. Catholic Church on Meath Street, Dublin, Ireland. Showing the inside of the church.
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
View of south aisle and south transept as seen from the nave, looking south-east.
Autor/Urheber: Ulamm (Diskussion), Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Counties of Éire/Ireland and disticts of Northern Ireland
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
Corcomroe Abbey, County Clare, Ireland
Side chapel in south transept
(c) Hamish Bain, CC BY-SA 2.0
Manor Kilbride Church Co Wicklow
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
View from the south aisle through the nave to the north aisle, looking north-west.
Autor/Urheber: Avramescu Marius, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Holycross, Holy Cross Abbey.
Autor/Urheber: Gerard Michael Lynch, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
County Westmeath, SS Peter and Paul's Church.
(c) Pam Brophy, CC BY-SA 2.0
Church at Lispole. This church lies on the N86.
Autor/Urheber: Avramescu Marius, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Holycross, Holy Cross Abbey.
(c) William Murphy, CC BY-SA 3.0
Aughrim Street Parish Church is based in the Stoneybatter area of Dublin
Autor/Urheber: Jonjobaker, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
County Tipperary, St Mary's Church.
Autor/Urheber: MickReynolds, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
County Mayo, Saint Marys Catholic Church.
(c) Jonathan Thacker, CC BY-SA 2.0
The Church of the Immaculate Conception, Currahaly
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
Interior, as seen from the north-west corner of the nave, looking east. From left to right: East window, series of the south windows in the choir, access to south transept (roofed), and piers of south aisle.
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
View of the nave, constructed 1803 in the neoclassic style, looking east.
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
West gable of the nave.
Autor/Urheber: Walcott, Mackenzie E. C. (Mackenzie Edward Charles), 1821-1880, Lizenz: No restrictions
Identifier: churchconventual00walc (find matches)
Title: Church and conventual arrangement. With copious references, a complete glossary, and an index. And illustrated by a series of ground-plans and plates of the arrangements of churches in different countries and at successive periods, and of the conventual plans adopted by the various orders
Year: 1861 (1860s)
Authors: Walcott, Mackenzie E. C. (Mackenzie Edward Charles), 1821-1880
Subjects: Church architecture Convents
Publisher: London, Atchley and Co
Contributing Library: Getty Research Institute
Digitizing Sponsor: Getty Research Institute
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e irregularity of the site, largespaces of ground not being attainable. The stalls of thebrotherhood occupied the nave, and the congregation occupiedthe parallel aisle. The cloister of the Jacobins of Paris andAgen were on the north side. The churches in those towns,as at Toulouse, was oblongs of two aisles; but the latter, ofthe latter part of the thirteenth century, has a chevet withfive chapels. That of Oberwesel has a choir with a trigonalapse and a north chapel, a nave with a large north aisle, andtriple sedilia of wood. Usually there was no chancel.6 Chapelswere not ordinarily added until the fourteenth and fifteenthcenturies. The refectory at Toulouse and Paris stood out atright angles to the church. The Austin Friars house at St. 1 Jour. Arch. Ass. xiv. 80; Harrods Gleanings.2 Schayes, iii. 153-4.3 Arch. Jour. iii. 141 ; Proc. R. I. B. A. 1858-9, p. 143.4 Bloomfield, Norfolk, iv. 422.5 Lenoir, ii. 205 ; Viollet le Due, i. 297 ; Ecclesioiogist, No. exxxiii.6 Archseol. xxxvi. 6.
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Autor/Urheber: Sarahwalshireland, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
County Tipperary, St Patrick's Church.
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
Wexford friary, as seen from the School Street and with the Church of the Immaculate Conception in the background.
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
Kilconnell Friary, County Galway, Ireland
South range of Kilconnell Friary. From left to right: nave, south aisle of nave, south transept with the tower in the background that divides nave and choir, side chapel of the south transept in front of the choir, sacristy. (The gate at the right side bars the passage between the side chapel and the sacristy.)
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
Athenry, County Galway, Ireland
North transept of Athenry Priory along with its west aisle.
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
Waterford, County Waterford, Ireland
Nave of the Franciscan Church in Waterford, constructed in 1908 and 1930, consecrated in 1944 (according to this web page by the Franciscan friaries in Ireland).
Autor/Urheber: Internet Archive Book Images, Lizenz: No restrictions
Identifier: dioceseoflimeric00begl (find matches)
Title: The diocese of Limerick, ancient and medieval
Year: 1906 (1900s)
Authors: Begley, John
Subjects: Catholic Church Limerick (Ireland : Diocese) Ireland -- Church history
Publisher: Dublin : Browne & Nolan
Contributing Library: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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of ornament.High up in the chancel wall at the gospel side there isthe figure of an ecclesiastic carved in stone clad in vest-ments holding in his left hand a crozier with the crookturned out, the sign of jurisdiction, and the right handraised in blessing. Judging from the round shaped mitreit looks like the effigy of a Pope. Further down at thesame side there was a transept running north. At theepistle side, and near the altar on the chancel wall, thereis an elaborate monument to the Stephenson family, nowmuch injured, and about which we may have much to sayat some future time, as its history is outside the scopeof this work. The cloister, which is composed of a beautiful seriesof arches, forms a quadrangle, measuring 51^ feet square,and is the most pleasing feature of the building. At thenorth-east end of the cloister there is a statue of St.Francis in a recess, the face of which is partly worn awayby the kisses of devout pilgrims. The Chapter-room is 1 See B.B.L., p. 144, 4 FRACMCr
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ORIGINALADDITIONS Ii MODERN n FOUNDATIONS PLAN OF ASKEATOX ABBEY. (1 Sod i la. Lr, >aiMl > jluiL. ,,„.,j ■„ f>or.oco C, Sedilia D, Passage. H, Garderobes. L, Readers Recess. ( face page 358. MEDIEVAL RELIGIOUS FOUNDATIONS. 359 in a good state of preservation, and contains a tomb ofthe Nash family. The other buildings were the refectory and kitchen.The upper rooms of dormitory are in a very dilapidatedcondition. The Franciscan Convent of -Adare.This convent i was founded in the year 1464 by ThomasEarl of Kildare, and his wife Johanna, daughter of JamesEarl of Desmond, who built the church and fourth partof the cloister at their own expense. They also furnishedthe windows of the church with glass and presented thebell and two silver chalices. The friars took possessionof the convent on the feast of All Saints the same year.The church was dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel,and consecrated on his feast in the year 1466. Theother parts of the building were built by pious
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Autor/Urheber: Antony-22, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Interior of the Black Abbey in Kilkenny, Ireland in 2018
Autor/Urheber: DubhEire, Lizenz: CC0
St. Bartholomew's Church, Clyde Road, Dublin
Autor/Urheber: The Speckled Bird, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
St Marys Collegiate College Church Youghal
Autor/Urheber: Jim Linwood, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0
The St. Vincent's Catholic Church, Ballyferriter, Dingle Peninsula, Kerry, Ireland.
Autor/Urheber: The Speckled Bird, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
St Marys Collegiate College Church Youghal
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
Nave, looking east.
Autor/Urheber: Tony Webster from Portland, Oregon, United States, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0
The RC Church of St John the Baptist in Cashel, Republic of Ireland
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
Athenry Priory, County Galway, Ireland
West window of the nave, as seen from the Abbey Road.
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
South-west view of Ardfert Friary.
Autor/Urheber: Charles Mount/Cmount, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Claregalway Abbey, Co. Galway, Ireland
(c) liam murphy, CC BY-SA 2.0
Tullow Church A fine Church, near the centre of Tullow, is an imposing building.
Autor/Urheber: William Murphy, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0
Greystones has variety of Christian denominations in the locality, with most divisions of mainstream Christianity represented. There is a Roman Catholic, a Presbyterian, an Anglican (Church of Ireland), an Evangelical Reformed, and an Evangelical Arminian church in Greystones. Carraig Eden Theological College is the premier Pentecostal centre for theological study and ministerial training in Ireland, offering degrees in Applied Theology. The majority of residents are Roman Catholic, however Greystones is the town with the highest population of Protestants in the Republic of Ireland with 9.77% of residents claiming to be Church of Ireland (according to the 2006 census).
Autor/Urheber: Thommcg1980, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
County Wexford, Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
Nave, choir, and south transept as seen from the tower.
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland
South west view of the Black Abbey.
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
View from south-west of Timoleague Friary, looking north-east.
(c) Andreas F. Borchert, CC BY-SA 4.0
Exterior view of the south aisle.
(c) louise price, CC BY-SA 2.0
St Patrick's Church; Tawnawilly Parish Built from granite from the Blue Stacks in 1935.