Liste der Herrscher der Moldau
Diese Liste enthält die Herrscher des Fürstentums Moldau (auch als Fürstentum Moldawien bekannt).
Herrschaft | Name |
1352–1353 | Dragoș |
1354–1358 | Sas |
1359 | Bâlc |
1359–1367 | Bogdan I. |
1367–1368 | Petru I. |
1368–1373 | Lațcu |
1373–1375 | Costea |
1375–1391 | Petru II. |
1391–1394 | Roman I. Musat |
1394–1399 | Ștefan I. |
1399–1400 | Iuga |
1400–1432 | Alexandru cel Bun (Alexander der Gute) |
1432–1433 | Iliaș I. |
1433–1435 | Ștefan II. |
1435–1436 | Iliaș I. |
1436–1442 | Iliaș I. und Ștefan I. |
1442–1447 | Ștefan II. |
1447 | Petru III. |
1447–1448 | Roman II. |
1448–1449 | Petru III. |
1449 | Alexandrel |
1449–1451 | Bogdan II. |
1451–1452 | Petru Aron |
1452–1454 | Alexandrel Vodă |
1454–1455 | Petru Aron |
1455 | Alexandrel Vodă |
1455–1457 | Petru Aron |
1457–1504 | Ștefan cel Mare (Stephan der Große) |
1504–1517 | Bogdan III. cel Orb |
1517–1527 | Ștefăniță |
1527–1538 | Petru Rareș |
1538–1540 | Ștefan Lăcustă |
1540–1541 | Alexandru Cornea |
1541–1546 | Petru Rareș |
1546–1551 | Iliaș II. |
1551–1552 | Ștefan VI. Rareș |
1552 | Ioan Joldea |
1552–1561 | Alexandru Lăpușneanu |
1561–1563 | Despot Vodă (Ioan Iacob Eraclid) |
1563–1564 | Ștefan Tomșa |
1564–1568 | Alexandru Lăpușneanu |
1568–1572 | Bogdan IV. |
1572–1574 | Ioan Vodă cel Viteaz |
1574–1577 | Petru Șchiopul |
1577 | Ioan Potcoavă |
1578–1579 | Petru Schiopul |
1579–1582 | Iancu Sasul |
1582–1591 | Petru Șchiopul |
1591–1592 | Aron Tiranul |
1592 | Alexandru cel Rău |
1592 | Petru Cazacul |
1592–1595 | Aron Tiranul |
1595 | Ștefan Răzvan |
1595–1600 | Ieremia Movilă |
1600 | Mihai Viteazul (Michael der Tapfere) |
1600–1606 | Ieremia Movilă |
1606–1607 | Simion Movilă |
1607 | Mihail Movilă |
1607 | Constantin Movilă |
1607 | Mihail Movilă |
1607–1611 | Constantin Movilă |
1611–1615 | Ștefan II. Tomsa |
1615–1616 | Alexandru Movilă |
1616–1619 | Radu Mihnea |
1619–1620 | Gaspar Gratiani |
1620–1621 | Alexandru Ilias |
1621–1623 | Ștefan II. Tomsa |
1623–1626 | Radu Mihnea |
1626–1629 | Miron Barnovschi-Movilă |
1629–1630 | Alexandru Coconul |
1630–1631 | Moise Movilă |
1631–1633 | Alexandru Ilias |
1633 | Miron Barnovschi-Movilă |
1633–1634 | Moise Movilă |
1634–1653 | Vasile Lupu |
1653–1658 | Gheorghe Ștefan |
1658–1659 | Gheorghe Ghica |
1659 | Constantin Șerban Basarab |
1659–1661 | Ștefăniță Lupu |
1661 | Constantin Șerban Basarab |
1661 | Ștefăniță Lupu |
1661–1665 | Eustatie Dabija |
1665–1666 | Gheorghe Duca |
1666–1668 | Iliaș Alexandru |
1668–1672 | Gheorghe Duca |
1672–1673 | Ștefan Petriceicu |
1673 | Dumitrașcu Cantacuzino |
1673–1674 | Ștefan Petriceicu |
1674–1675 | Dumitrașcu Cantacuzino |
1675–1678 | Antonie Ruset (Rosetti) |
1678–1683 | Gheorghe Duca |
1683–1684 | Ștefan Petriceicu |
1684–1685 | Dumitrașcu Cantacuzino |
1685–1693 | Constantin Cantemir |
1693 | Dimitrie Cantemir |
1693–1695 | Constantin Duca |
1695–1700 | Antioh Cantemir |
1700–1703 | Constantin Duca |
1703 | Kanzler Ioan Buhus |
1703–1705 | Mihai Racoviță |
1705–1707 | Antioh Cantemir |
1707–1709 | Mihai Racoviță |
1709–1710 | Kanzler Ioan Buhus |
1709–1710 | Nicolae Mavrocordat |
1710–1711 | Dimitrie Cantemir |
1711 | Kaimakam (Fürststatthalter) Lupu Costachi |
1711 | Kaimakam Ioan Mavrocordat |
1711–1715 | Nicolae Mavrocordat |
1715–1726 | Mihai Racoviță |
1726–1733 | Grigore II. Ghica |
1733–1735 | Constantin Mavrocordat |
1735–1739 | Grigore II. Ghica |
1739 | Russische Besetzung |
1739–1741 | Grigore II. Ghica |
1741–1743 | Constantin Mavrocordat |
1743–1747 | Ioan Mavrocordat |
1747–1748 | Grigore II. Ghica |
1748–1749 | Constantin Mavrocordat |
1749 | Iordache Stavrachi |
1749–1753 | Constantin Racoviță |
1753–1756 | Matei Ghica |
1756–1757 | Constantin Racoviță |
1757–1758 | Scarlat Ghica |
1758–1761 | Ioan Teodor Callimachi |
1761–1764 | Grigore Callimachi |
1764–1767 | Grigore III. Ghica |
1767–1769 | Grigore Callimachi |
1769 | Constantin Mavrocordat |
1769–1774 | Russische Besetzung |
1774–1777 | Grigore III. Ghica |
1777–1782 | Constantin Moruzi |
1782–1785 | Alexandru Mavrocordat (Delibey) |
1785–1786 | Alexandru Mavrocordat (Firaris) |
1786–1788 | Alexandru Ipsilanti |
1787–1791 | österreichische Besetzung |
1788–1789 | Manole (Emanuel) Giani Ruset |
1788–1791 | russische Besetzung |
1792 | Alexandru Moruzi |
1792–1795 | Mihai Șutu |
1795–1799 | Alexandru Callimachi |
1799–1801 | Constantin Ipsilanti |
1801–1802 | Alexandru Sutu |
1802 | Kanzler Iordache Conta und andere Kaimakame |
1802–1806 | Alexandru Moruzi |
1806 | Scarlat Callimachi |
1806–1807 | Alexandru Moruzi |
1806–1812 | Russische Besetzung |
1807 | Alexandru Hangerli |
1807–1810 | Scarlat Callimachi (herrschte nicht eigentlich) |
1806 | Iordache Ruset-Roznovanu Kaimakam |
1807–1812 | Metropolit Veniamin Costache und andere Kaimakame |
1812–1819 | Scarlat Callimachi |
1819–1821 | Mihail Sutu |
1819 | Seneschalle Manu und Rizo |
1821 | Metropolit Veniamin Costache |
1821 | Alexandros Ypsilantis (Hetaeria) |
1821–1822 | Stefan Bogoridi Kaimakam |
1821–1822 | Osmanische Besetzung |
1822–1828 | Ioniță Sandu Sturdza |
1828–1834 | Russische Besetzung |
1834–1849 | Mihail Sturdza |
1849–1853 | Grigore Alexandru Ghica |
1853–1854 | Russische Besetzung |
1854–1856 | Grigore Alexandru Ghica |
1856 | Außerordentlicher administrativer Rat |
1856–1857 | Theodor Balsch |
1857–1858 | Nicolae Vogoride |
1858–1859 | Caimacam-Herrschaft der Drei: Ștefan Catargiu (tritt 1858 zurück, I. A. Cantacuzino folgt), Vasile Sturdza und Anastasie Panu |
1859 Vereinigung der Fürstentümer Moldau und Walachei, seit 1861 Fürstentum Rumänien | |
1859–1861 | Alexandru Ioan I. Cuza |
Siehe auch
- Liste der Staatsoberhäupter Rumäniens
- Liste der Herrscher der Walachei
- Liste der Ministerpräsidenten Rumäniens
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Stamp of Moldova 244.gif
Stamp of Moldova
Stamp of Moldova
Stamp of Moldova 278.gif
Petru Aron (1451-1452, 1454-1457). Son of Alexandru cel Bun. Orientated towards Turkey, paying a tribute to the sultan.
Petru Aron (1451-1452, 1454-1457). Son of Alexandru cel Bun. Orientated towards Turkey, paying a tribute to the sultan.
Stamp of Moldova 143.gif
Alexandru Lăpuşneanu (1552-1561, 1564-1568). Moved Moldova´s Capital from Suceava to Jassy. Treated the boyars cruelly, that fact cost him his life.
Alexandru Lăpuşneanu (1552-1561, 1564-1568). Moved Moldova´s Capital from Suceava to Jassy. Treated the boyars cruelly, that fact cost him his life.
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Stamp of Moldova
Stamp of Moldova
Stamp of Moldova 345.gif
Stamp of Moldova
Stamp of Moldova
Stamp of Moldova 196.gif
Stamp of Moldova
Stamp of Moldova
Coat of arms of Moldavia.svg
Coat of arms of Moldavia (reconstruction). Base: Seals of Stephen III of Moldavia
Coat of arms of Moldavia (reconstruction). Base: Seals of Stephen III of Moldavia
Stamp of Moldova 171.gif
Stamp of Moldova
Stamp of Moldova
Stamp of Moldova 189.gif
Stamp of Moldova - Dragoș, Voivode of Moldova
Stamp of Moldova - Dragoș, Voivode of Moldova