Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Rock Island County

Lage des Rock Island County in Illinois

Die Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Rock Island County in Illinois führt alle 26 Bauwerke und historischen Stätten im Rock Island County auf, die in das National Register of Historic Places aufgenommen wurden.[1]


NRHPHistoric Place
HDHistoric District
NHLNational Historic Landmark

Aktuelle Einträge

Lfd. Nr. Name im NRHP BildJahr der EintragungAdresse / LageOrt NRHP-IDBemerkungen
1Black Hawk Museum and LodgeBlack Hawk Museum and Lodge19851510 46th Avenue
41° 27′ 51″ N, 90° 34′ 21″ W
Rock Island85002402Im Colonial-Revival-Stil errichtetes Hotel innerhalb des State Parks, das zudem das Museum beherbergt
2Black’s StoreBlack’s Store19761st Avenue
41° 33′ 25″ N, 90° 24′ 51″ W
Hampton76000727Bei der Eröffnung in den 1840er Jahren war Black’s Store das größte Handelshaus in ganz Nordwest-Illinois. Im Gebäude gab es den ersten Aufzug in der Region
3Broadway Historic DistrictBroadway Historic District1998Abgegrenzt durch 17th und 23rd Street, 5th und 7th Avenue, Lincoln Court sowie 12th und 13th Avenue
41° 30′ 8″ N, 90° 34′ 18″ W
Rock Island98001046Historisches Distrikt, das mehr als 550 Häuser im viktorianischen Stil enthält
4Chippiannock CemeteryChippiannock Cemetery19942901 12th Street
41° 28′ 54″ N, 90° 34′ 40″ W
Rock Island94000437Almerin Hotchkiss entwarf den städtischen Friedhof nach dem Muster des Mount Auburn Cemetery in Massachusetts.
5Connor HouseConnor House1988702 2th Street
41° 30′ 18″ N, 90° 34′ 19″ W
Rock Island88001227Frühes Beispiel für den so genannten Queen Anne Style in Rock Island; das Gebäude befindet sich inmitten des Broadway Historic District
6John Deere HouseJohn Deere House20031217 11th Avenue
41° 30′ 6″ N, 90° 31′ 10″ W
Moline02001756Im Second-Empire-Stil errichtetes letztes Haus des Erfinders und Industriellen John Deere
7Denkmann-Hauberg HouseDenkmann-Hauberg House19721300 24th Street
41° 29′ 33″ N, 90° 34′ 24″ W
Rock Island72000466Von Robert C. Spencer im Prairie-Houses-Stil errichtetes Wohnhaus der Philanthropen John und Susanne (Denkmann) Hauberg
8Fort Armstrong HotelFort Armstrong Hotel19843rd Avenue Ecke 19th Street
41° 30′ 34″ N, 90° 34′ 23″ W
Rock Island840003271926 im Stil der Neorenaissance errichtetes Luxushotel
9Fort Armstrong TheatreFort Armstrong Theatre19801826 3rd Avenue
41° 30′ 36″ N, 90° 34′ 18″ W
Rock Island800014071920 im Art-déco-Stil errichteter Kinopalast
10Joseph Huntoon Homestead1986821 16th Street
41° 30′ 13″ N, 90° 30′ 45″ W
11Industrial Home No. 9419992100 3rd Avenue
41° 29′ 47″ N, 90° 35′ 33″ W
Rock Island79000866
12LeClaire HotelLeClaire Hotel199419th Street Ecke 5th Avenue
41° 30′ 31″ N, 90° 30′ 41″ W
Moline940000251915 eröffnetes Fünfzehnstöckiges im Stil der Neorenaissance errichtetes Hotel, zum Zeitpunkt der Eröffnung höchstes Gebäude im Gebiet der Quad Cities
13Lincoln SchoolLincoln School19857th Avenue Ecke 22nd Street
41° 30′ 20″ N, 90° 34′ 9″ W
Rock Island850019101893 eröffnetes im Stil der Neuromanik errichtetes Schulgebäude; entworfen von E.S. Hammatt, bis 1980 als Schule genutzt
14Lock and Dam No. 15Lock and Dam No. 152004Nordwestlich der Rodman Avenue unterhalb der Government Bridge
41° 31′ 4″ N, 90° 33′ 58″ W
Rock Island04000175Weltgrößtes Walzenwehr
15Moline Downtown Commercial Historic DistrictMoline Downtown Commercial Historic District2007Reicht von der 12th Street bis zur 18th Street und von der 4th Avenue bis zur 7th Avenue
41° 30′ 25″ N, 90° 30′ 55″ W
Moline070008560,13 km² großes Areal in der Innenstadt von Moline mit rund 100 Gebäuden von historischer Bedeutung
16Old Main, Augustana CollegeOld Main, Augustana College19757th Avenue zwischen 35th Street und 38th Street
41° 30′ 15″ N, 90° 32′ 58″ W
Rock Island75000673Zwischen 1884 und 1893 im Stil der Neorenaissance errichtetes Gebäude auf dem Campus des Augustana College
17Peoples National Bank Building-Fries BuildingPeoples National Bank Building-Fries Building19991729-1731 2nd Avenue und 1723-1727 2nd Avenue
41° 30′ 39″ N, 90° 34′ 30″ W
Rock Island99001381Zwei 1876 und 1897 im Stil des Neoklassizismus errichtete zusammengehörige Gebäude im Zentrum von Rock Island
18Potter HousePotter House19891906 7th Avenue
41° 30′ 18″ N, 90° 34′ 25″ W
Rock Island89000364Im Colonial-Revival-Stil errichtetes Wohnhaus des Zeitungsverlegers Minnie Potter; das Gebäude liegt inmitten des Broadway Historic District
19Rock Island ArsenalRock Island Arsenal1969Insel Rock Island inmitten des Mississippi vor der gleichnamigen Stadt
41° 30′ 58″ N, 90° 32′ 21″ W
Rock Island69000057Ehemaliges Gelände des Fort Armstrong; heute größte regierungseigene Waffenfabrik der USA; im Bürgerkrieg Kriegsgefangenenlager
20Rock Island Lines Passenger StationRock Island Lines Passenger Station19823029 5th Avenue
41° 30′ 29″ N, 90° 33′ 20″ W
Rock Island820025961901 eröffnetes im Stil der Neorenaissance errichtetes Bahnhofsgebäude; 1980 geschlossen, dient heute als Bankettsaal
21Rock Island National Cemetery
Rock Island National Cemetery
(c) photo by Alan Light, CC BY 2.0
1997Im Südosten der Insel Rock Island
41° 30′ 46″ N, 90° 31′ 32″ W
Rock Island970005601863 während des Bürgerkrieges als National Cemetery angelegt; enthält einen separaten Friedhof für verstorbene konföderierte Kriegsgefangene
22Sala Apartment BuildingSala Apartment Building2003320-330 19th Street
41° 30′ 32″ N, 90° 34′ 24″ W
Rock Island030007821903 und 1913 in zwei Bauabschnitten im Stil der Neorenaissance errichtetes Appartementhaus
23Stauduhar HouseStauduhar House19821609 21st Street
41° 29′ 43″ N, 90° 34′ 15″ W
Rock Island820025971895 errichtetes Wohnhaus des Architekten George P. Stauduhar
24Villa de Chantal Historic DistrictVilla de Chantal Historic District20052101 16th Avenue
41° 29′ 55″ N, 90° 34′ 13″ W
Rock Island050004321901 als katholische Mädchenschule eröffnet, der größte Teil des 1901 als katholische Mädchenschule eröffneten Hauptgebäudes wurde 2005 durch einen Brand zerstört
25Robert Wagner HouseRobert Wagner House1990904 23rd Street
41° 30′ 8″ N, 90° 34′ 5″ W
Rock Island90000721Neoklassizistisches Wohnhaus eines Bierbrauers und Bankiers. erbaut im Jahr 1904, liegt inmitten des Broadway Historic District.
26Weyerhaeuser HouseWeyerhaeuser House19753052 10th Avenue
41° 30′ 5″ N, 90° 33′ 19″ W
Rock Island75000674Wohnhaus des Holzbarons Frederick Weyerhaeuser, der das Haus 1865 kaufte und 1882-1883 gründlich im Second-Empire-Stil umbauen ließ

Siehe auch


  1. Auszug aus dem National Register of Historic Places - Rock Island County Abgerufen am 18. Januar 2013

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Chippiannock Cable.JPG
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
The Cable Monument in Chippiannock Cemetery by Paul De Vigne on the NRHP since May 6, 1994. At 2901 Twelfth St., Rock Island, Rock Island County, Illinois. Almerin Hotchkiss patterned his design on the Rural Cemetery style of Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Massachusetts. It also contains monuments by Alexander Stirling Calder and Paul de Vigne.
Lincoln School RI IL.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
Lincoln School on the NRHP since August 29, 1985. At 7th Ave. and 22nd St., Rock Island, Illinois. Romanesque Revival school building designed by E.S. Hammatt. It opened in 1893 and ceased being used as a school in 1980. It is located in the Broadway Historic District.
Wagner House RI IL.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
Robert Wagner House on the NRHP since May 15, 1990. At 904 23rd St., Rock Island , Illinois. Classical Revival home of a Rock Island brewer and banker. Built in 1904 it is located in the Broadway Historic District.
John Deere Mansion Moline.JPG
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
John Deere House on the NRHP since February 5, 2003. At 1217 11th Ave., high on a bluff in Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois. The last home owned by inventor and industrialist John Deere. It was built in the Second Empire style. Currently undergoing renovation.
Ft Armstrong Theatre 1.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
Fort Armstrong Theatre on the NRHP since May 23, 1980. At 1826 3rd Ave., Rock Island, Illinois/ Next to the Fort Armstrong Hotel also on the NRHP. Art Deco movie palace that opened in 1920.
Denkmann Hauberg RI IL.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
Denkmann-Hauberg House on the NRHP since December 26, 1972. At 1300 24th St., Rock Island, Illinois. Prairie School style home designed by Robert C. Spencer. Home to philanthropists John and Susanne (Denkmann) Hauberg
LeClaire Hotel Moline IL.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
LeClaire Hotel on the NRHP since February 4, 1994. At corner of 19th St. and 5th Ave., Moline, Rock County, Illinois. Fifteen-story Renaissance Revival and Commercial style hotel that opened in 1922. It was the tallest building the Quad Cities when it opened.
Ft Armstrong Hotel RI IL.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
Fort Armstrong Hotel on the NRHP since November 13, 1984. At 3rd Ave. and 19th St. in downtown Rock Island, Illinois. Renaissance Revival luxury hotel from the 1920s.
Black's Store Hampton IL.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Ctjf83, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Black's Store in Hampton, Illinois
Stauduhar House RI IL.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
Stauduhar House on the NRHP since March 5, 1982. At 1608 21st St., Rock Island, Illinois. (The NRHP mistakenly lists it at 1609 21st St.) Home of Rock Island architect George P. Stauduhar, which he designed in 1895.
Hauberg Museum RI IL.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
Black Hawk Museum and Lodge on the NRHP since March 4, 1985 In the park at 1510 46th Ave., Rock Island, Illinois. Colonial Revival building that was built as a lodge in a state park. It currently houses the Hauberg Museum.
Weyerhaeuser House RI IL.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
Weyerhaeuser House on the NRHP since September 11, 1975. At 3052 10th Ave., Rock Island, Illinois. Rock Island home of lumber baron Frederick Weyerhaeuser. He bought the house in 1865 and extensively renovated it 1882-1883 in the Second Empire style. Near and now related to Augustana College.
Broadway HD RI IL.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
House in the Broadway Historic District on the NRHP since August 14, 1998. The hostoric district is r oughly bounded by 17th and 23rd Sts., 5th and 7th Aves., Lincoln Court, and 12th and 13th Aves. in Rock Island, Rock Island County, Illinois. Historic District that contains more than 550 Victorian homes and other buildings. This particular house is at the corner of 22nd Street and 7th Ave. and has "AM" inscribed on the lock plates of the gate.
Potter House RI IL.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
Potter House on the NRHP since May 5, 1989. At 1906 7th Ave. Rock Island, Illinois. Colonial Revival residence of newspaper owner Minnie Potter. It is located in the Broadway Historic District. Now a Bed and Breakfast.
15th Street, Moline.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Kepper66, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Historic downtown Moline, Illinois. First National Bank Building, now Chase Bank was designed by Olaf Z. Cervin.
Old Main Augustana.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
Old Main, Augustana College on the NRHP since September 11, 1975 7th Ave. between 35th and 38th Sts. (look up!), Rock Island, Illinois. Renaissance Revival building on the campus of Augustana College. It was built from 1884-1893.
Villa de Chantal.jpg
Postcard showing the Villa de Chantal, a former Catholic girl's school in Rock Island, Illinois.
Rock Island Arsenal, Building No. 1, Gillespie Avenue between Terrace Drive & Hedge Lane, Rock Island,( Rock Island County, Illinois).jpg
Rock Island Arsenal, Building No. 1, Gillespie Avenue between Terrace Drive & Hedge Lane, Rock Island,( Rock Island County, Illinois) (cropped)
Conner House RI IL.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
Connor House on the NRHP since August 11, 1988. At 702 Twentieth St., Rock Island , Illinois. An early example of the Queen Anne style in Rock Island. The home is located in the Broadway Historic District.
Rock Island Sala.JPG
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
Sala Apartment Building on the NRHP since August 21, 2003. At 320-330 Nineteenth St. in downtown Rock Island, Rock Island County, Illinois. A Renaissance Revival apartment building built in two sections in 1903 and 1913.
Peoples Nat Bank RI IL.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
Peoples National Bank Building-Fries Building on the NRHP since November 22, 1999 1729–1731 and 1723-1727 2nd Ave., Rock Island, Illinois. Fries Building to the left, Peoples National Bank to the left. Two adjoining commercial buildings in downtown Rock Island. Both were built in the Classical Revival style in the late 19th century.
Mississippi River Lock and Dam number 15.jpg
Aerial view of Lock and Dam No. 15 on the Mississippi River between Rock Island, Illinois and Davenport, Iowa. View is from the Illinois side of the river looking northwest to Iowa. The Government Bridge, a combined auto and railroad bridge, spans the river right over the locks, necessitating a turntable drawbridge to clear the locks. Rock Island District Office is also located here.
Location: Rock Island, Illinois, 41°31′07″N 90°34′08″W / 41.51861°N 90.56889°W / 41.51861; -90.56889
Rock Island RI station.JPG
Autor/Urheber: Smallbones, Lizenz: CC0
Rock Island Lines Passenger Station on the NRHP since June 3, 1982. At 3029 5th Ave., Rock Island, Rock Island County, Illinois. Not downtown, nor the original Rock Island station, but as the Rock Island Lines station in Rock Island, it may have particular importance to rail fans. A Renaissance Revival style train depot that opened in 1901 and closed in 1980. It now serves as a banquette hall, known as Abbey Station.