Liste der Billboard-Chartsongs (1949)

Hinweise zur Nutzung der Liste
Diese Liste enthält Musiker, Titel und deren Komponist(en), Datum des Eintritts in die Charts, Verweildauer in den Charts und höchste Position (abgekürzt HP). Die Voreinstellung erfolgt alphabetisch nach den Interpreten. Darüber hinaus kann sie nach dem Titel, Charteinstieg, Verweildauer, Position und Label sortiert werden.

Die Liste der Singles in den Billboard-Charts (1949) ist eine vollständige Liste der Songs, die sich im Kalenderjahr 1949 in den von Billboard veröffentlichten Charts der USA platzieren konnten.

Bei der Aufstellung ist zu beachten, dass sich in den Billboard-Charts A- und B-Seite eines Tonträgers auch einzeln platzieren konnten; in diesem Fall werden sie in dieser Liste entsprechend separat aufgeführt. Die Angaben zur Anzahl der Wochen sowie der Bestplatzierung entsprechen dem Zeitrahmen des jeweiligen Kalenderjahres und bilden somit nur eine Teilstatistik ab. In diesem Jahr platzierten sich insgesamt 210 Songs.

Louis Armstrong, Carnegie Hall, New York., ca. April 1947. Foto von William P. Gottlieb

Ende der 1940er-Jahre begann der Aufstieg des Rhythm & Blues im Publikumsgeschmack; Anfang Juni 1949 führte das Billboard Magazin eine separate Hitparade (Chart) für dieses Genre ein.[1] Diese Musik wurzelt im Süden der USA, entstanden war sie im urbanen Norden. Mit populären Figuren dieses Genres wie Count Basie, Ray Charles, den Ink Spots und anderen gelangte diese Musik näher an den Mainstream und erfuhr landesweite Aufmerksamkeit eines gemischtrassigen Publikums. Etwas weitere vom Zentrum stand die Musik des ländlichen Amerikas, genannt Country, Country & Western oder einfach Hillbilly Musik. Der Rundfunk trug viel zum Erfolg dieser Musikrichtung bei; jüngere Sänger erobern ein breites Publikum. Des Weiteren etablierte sich auch der Mainstream oder Traditionelle Pop, mit Cross Over Künstlern. Sänger wie Louis Armstrong, Patti Page und Tony Bennett sollten in den frühen 1950er-Jahren landesweite Popularität erfahren.[2]


The Ames Brothers with Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgYou, You, You Are the One
Tetos Demey, Milton Leeds, Fred Wise
26.02.1949423Coral 60 015Nach ihrem Vertragsabschluss mit RCA hatten The Ames Brothers gleich mit ihrer ersten Veröffentlichung einen Charterfolg.[3]
Patty Andrews & Bob Crosby with Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgThe Pussy Cat Song (Nyow! Nyot Nyow!)
Dick Manning
22.01.1949612Decca 24 533Nachdem Patty Andrews, Mitglied der Andrews Sisters auch als Solistin auftrat, legte sie 1948 mit Bob Crosby das Duett The Pussy Cat Song vor.[4]
The Andrews Sisters with Gordon Jenkins & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgI Can Dream, Can't I?
Sammy Fain, Irving Kahal
24.09.1949142Decca 24 705
The Andrews Sisters with Russ Morgan & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgCharley My Boy
Gus Kahn, Ted Fio Rito
17.12.1949117Decca 24 812B-Seite von She Wore a Yellow Ribbon. Der aus den 1920er-Jahren stammende und durch Eddie Cantor und Billy Murray populäre Song wurde 1949/50 auch von Jimmy Dorsey, Ben Poillack und Louis Prima gecovert.
The Andrews Sisters with Russ Morgan & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgNow! Now! Now! Is the Time
George Howe, Bobby Burns
16.07.1949121Decca 24 664
The Andrews Sisters with Russ Morgan & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgShe Wore a Yellow Ribbon (From Argosy-Production "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon")
M. Ottner
10.12.1949122Decca 24 812Version des Stückes aus der Argosy-Produktion Der Teufelshauptmann (1949) von John Ford.
Louis Armstrong with Gordon Jenkins & his Orchestra & Chorus Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgThat Lucky Old Sun (Just Rolls Around Heaven All Day)
Beasley Smith, Haven Gillespie
22.10.1949324Decca 24 752
Eddy Arnold & his Tennessee Plowboys Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgBouquet of Roses
Steve Nelson, Bob Hilliard
22.01.1949126Victor 20-2806Eddy Arnolds Interpretation von Bouquet of Roses, einem von vielen gesungenen Liebeslied, war ein früher Country-Pop-Crossover-Song.[5]
Eddy Arnold, the Tennessee Cowboy & his Guitar Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgOne Kiss Too Many
Steve Nelson, Ed Nelson, Eddy Arnold
28.05.1949127Victor 21-0051
Gene Autry with Vocal Group Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgHere Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane)
Gene Autry, Oakley Haldeman, Harriett Melka
01.01.194928Columbia 37 942
Gene Autry & The Pinafores with Orchestral Accompaniment Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgRudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Johnny Marks
03.12.194944Columbia 38 610
Blue Lu Barker with Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgA Little Bird Told Me
Harvey O. Brooks
08.01.1949516Capitol 15 308Louisa „Blue Lu“ Barker war berühmt für ihre suggestiven Songs wie Don't You Feel My Leg und ihr damenhaftes Verhalten.[6]
Blue Barron & his Orchestra, Vocal by Clyde Burke Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgYou Were Only Fooling
Larry Fotin, Fred Meadows, William E. Faber
01.01.1949416MGM 10 185Der Billboard lobte 1948: „Clyde Burkes tief empfundene Stimme zu dieser einfachen Melodie mit altmodischer Ausstrahlung ist ein Hit der Ballade. Die von einem effektiven Posaunenchor unterstrichene Band-Begleitung trägt die sentimentale Stimmung.“[7]
Blue Barron & his Orchestra, Vocal by Ensemble Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgCruising Down the River
Eily Beadell, Nellie Tollerton
29.01.1949191MGM 10 346
Blue Barron & his Orchestra, Vocal by Ensemble Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgWhose Girl Are You
Joseph Durlak, Albert Gamse
02.07.1949125MGM 10 412
Tex Beneke & his Orchestra, Vocal Refrain by Glenn Douglas Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgI Can Dream, Can't I
Irving Kahal, Sammy Fain
26.11.1949327Victor 20-3553
Ray Bolger with Sy Oliver & his Orchestra & Chorus Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgOnce In Love With Amy (From Musical Production "Where's Charley")
Frank Loesser
23.04.1949716Decca DU 40 065Version des Stückes aus dem Broadway-Musical Where's Charley? (1948).
Brother Bones & his Shadows Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSweet Georgia Brown
Ben Bernie, Maceo Pinkard, Kenneth Casey
15.01.19491210Tempo TR 652Die Pfeif-Version des Jazzklassikers Sweet Georgia Brown mit der ungewöhnlichen Perkussion auf Kuhrippen von Brother Bones & His Shadows (eigentlich Freeman Davis) wurde drei Jahre später die Erkennungsmelodie der Harlem Globetrotters.[8]
Les Brown & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgI've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm
Irving Berlin
01.01.1949157Columbia 38 324Version des Songs aus dem Musicalfilm Gehn wir bummeln (On the Avenue (1937), Regie Roy Del Ruth), mit Dick Powell and Alice Faye, die das Lied auch vorstellen.[9] 1948 wurde der Song auch von Hadda Brooks, den Mills Brothers und Kay Starr (mit Buzz Adlam) interpretiert.
Frankie Carle & his Orchestra, Vocal Chorus by Marjorie Hughes & The Sunrise Serenaders Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgCruising Down the River (On a Sunday Afternoon)
Eily Beadell, Nellie Tollerton
30.04.1949128Columbia 38 411Eine weitere Coverversion von Cruising down the River; Russ Morgan hatte mit dem nostalgischen Walzer einen #1 Hit.
Buddy Clark with Harry Zimmerman & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgYou're Breaking My Heart
Pat Genaro, Sunny Skylar
10.09.1949139Columbia 38 546You’re Breaking My Hear wurde 1949 erfolgreich von Vic Damone gecovert.
Buddy Clark with the Girl Friends & Ted Dale & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgA Dreamer's Holiday
Kim Gannon, Mabel Wayne
12.11.1949518Columbia 38 599
Perry Como with Choir & Organ directed by Mitchell Ayres Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgAve Maria
Franz Schubert
24.12.1949130Victor 52-0071
Perry Como with Choir & Organ directed by Mitchell Ayres Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgThe Lords's Prayer
Albert Hay Malotte
17.12.1949228Victor 52-0071B-Seite von Ave Maria.
Perry Como with the Fontane Sisters Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgN'yot N'yow (The Pussycat Song)
Dick Manning
22.01.1949621Victor 20-3288Comos Background-Sängerinnen, The Fontane Sisters, hatten 1955 einen Hit mit dem gleichen Titel, doch war dies ein komplett unterschiedlicher Song.[10]
Perry Como & the Fontane Sisters with Mitchell Ayres & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg"A" - You're Adorable (The Alphabet Song)
Buddy Kaye, Fred Wise, Sid Lippman
09.04.1949154Victor 20-3381
Perry Como & the Fontane Sisters with Mitchell Ayres & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgA Dreamer's Holiday
Kim Gannon, Mabel Wayne
22.10.1949105Victor 20-3543
Perry Como & the Fontane Sisters with Mitchell Ayres & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgI Wanna Go Home (With You)
Joe Candullo, Jack Joyce
03.12.1949222Victor 20-3586
Perry Como with Henri René & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgFar Away Places
Alex Kramer, Joan Whitney
15.01.1949166Victor 20-3316
Perry Como with Henri René & his Orchestra & Chorus Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgBlue Room (From the MGM-Picture "Words and Music")
Lorenz Hart, Richard Rodgers
26.02.1949318Victor 20-3329Version des Stückes aus der MGM-Produktion Words and Music, die auf der Biografie der Broadway-Komponisten Lorenz Hart und Richard Rodgers basiert. Der Originalsong stammt aus dem 1926 veröffentlichten Musical The Girl Friend.
Perry Como with Mitchell Ayres & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgBali H'ai (From the Musical Production "South Pacific")
Oscar Hammerstein II, Richard Rodgers
21.05.1949165Victor 20-3402B-Seite von Some Enchanted Evening.
Perry Como with Mitchell Ayres & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgGive Me Your Hand
Dorothy Stewart
17.09.1949125Victor 20-3521
Perry Como with Mitchell Ayres & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgI Don't See Me In Your Eyes Anymore
Bennie Benjamin, George David Weiss
14.05.19491511Victor 20-3347B-Seite von Forever And Ever.
Perry Como with Mitchell Ayres & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgJust One Way To Say I Love You (From the Musical Production "Miss Liberty")
Irving Berlin
09.07.1949223Victor 20-3469Aus dem Broadway-Musical Miss Liberty.
Perry Como with Mitchell Ayres & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSome Enchanted Evening (From the Musical Production "South Pacific")
Oscar Hammerstein II, Richard Rodgers
30.04.1949261Victor 20-3402
Perry Como with Mitchell Ayres & his Orchestra & Chorus Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgForever And Ever
Malia Rosa, Franz Winkler
19.03.1949253Victor 20-3347Die Musik basiert auf dem 1930 erschienenen deutschsprachigen Schlager Fliege mit mir in die Heimat aus der Feder des österreichischen Komponisten Franz Winkler.
Perry Como with Chorus & Mitchell Ayres & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgLet's Take An Old-Fashioned Walk (From the Musical Production "Miss Liberty")
Irving Berlin
16.07.19491015Victor 20-3469B-Seite von Just One Way To Say I Love You; aus dem Broadway-Musical Miss Liberty.
Don Cornell & Laura Leslie with Sammy Kaye & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgBaby, It's Cold Outside (From the MGM-Film "Neptune's Daughter")
Frank Loesser
02.07.19491013Victor 20-3448Version des Stückes aus der MGM-Produktion Neptuns Tochter (1949, Regie Edward Buzzell), in dem der Song von Ricardo Montalban und Esther Williams sowie von Red Skelton und Betty Garrett vorgestellt wird.[11]
Bing Crosby with Fred Waring & his Pennsylvanians & the Glee Club Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgWay Back Home
Al Lewis, Tom Waring
19.11.1949221Decca 24 800Mit vollem Titel ließ der Song A Horse That Knows the Way Back Home.[12]
Bing Crosby with John Scott Trotter & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgBali H'ai (From Musical Production "South Pacific")
Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein II
18.06.1949519Decca 24 609
Bing Crosby with John Scott Trotter & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSome Enchanted Evening (From Musical Production "South Pacific")
Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein II
28.05.1949205Decca 24 609B-Seite von Bali H'ai.
Bing Crosby with Judd Conlon's Rhythmaires & Perry Botkin's String Band Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgDear Hearts And Gentle People
Bob Hilliard, Sammy Fain
03.12.1949314Decca 24 798B-Seite von Mule Train. Auch Doris Day, Jim Reeves, Bob Crosby and the Bobcats, Gordon MacRae und Dinah Shore coverten den Country-Song in dieser Zeit.[13]
Bing Crosby with the Ken Darby Choir Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgFar Away Places
Joan Whitney, Alex Kramer
08.01.1949182Decca 24 532Ein Song, den 1949 auch Perry Como, Dennis Day (in der Jack Benny Show) und Margaret Whiting vorlegten.
Bing Crosby with Ken Darby Singers & John Scott Trotter & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgWhite Christmas (1946)
Irving Berlin
01.01.194956Decca 23 778Der Lyriker Carl Sandburg schrieb: „Wenn wir White Christmas singen, hassen wir niemanden.“[14]
Bing Crosby & Instrumental Accompaniment directed by Perry Botkin Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgCareless Hands
Carl Sigman, Bob Hilliard
04.06.1949421Decca 24 616Der Song war 1949 auch in den Fassungen von Bob and Jeanne (Decca), Sammy Kaye (RCA Victor), Tex Ritter und Mel Tormé (beide Capitol) populär.
Bing Crosby & Instrumental Accompaniment directed by Perry Botkin Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgRiders In The Sky - A Cowboy Legend
stan Jones
14.05.1949614Decca 24 618Auch Vaughn Monroe und Peggy Lee coverten Riders in the Sky in diesem Jahr.
Bing Crosby with Perry Botkin's String Band Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgMule Train (Featured in Republic-Picture "Singing Guns")
Johnny Lange, Hy Heath, Fred Glickman
19.11.194965Decca 24 798Version des Stückes aus der Republic-Produktion Rauchende Pistolen, in dem der Song von Vaughn Monroe vorgestellt wird.
Bing Crosby with Victor Young & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgGalway Bay
Arthur Colahan
22.01.1949173Decca 24 295Auch der irische Tenor Josef Locke (1917-1999) nahm den Song in dieser Zeit auf.[15]
Xavier Cugat & his Orchestra, Vocal Chorus by Gilbert, Aladdin & Monero Flag of Spain (1945–1977).svg Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgCuanto le gusta (From "A Date With Judy")
Ray Gilbert, Gabriel Ruiz
01.01.1949127Columbia 38 239Version des Stückes aus der MGM-Produktion Wirbel um Judy (1948) von Richard Thorpe; in der Filmversion sang Carmen Miranda unter Orchesterbegleitung von Xavier Cugat.
Vic Damone with Glenn Osser & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgAgain (From the 20th Century-Fox-Production "Road House")
Lionel Newman, Dorcas Cochran
16.04.19491511Mercury 5261Version des Stückes aus der 20th Century-Fox-Produktion Nachtclub-Lilly (1948) von Jean Negulesco, in dem der Song von Ida Lupino vorgestellt wird.[16]
Vic Damone with Glenn Osser & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgFour Winds and Seven Seas
Don Rodney, Hal David
23.07.1949325Mercury 5271B-Seite von You're Breaking My Heart.
Vic Damone with Glenn Osser & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgMy Bolero
Jimmy Kennedy, Nat Simon
27.08.1949610Mercury 5313
Vic Damone with Glenn Osser & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgWhy Was I Born?
Jerome Kern, Oscar Hammerstein II
29.10.1949521Mercury 5326Why Was I Born? wurde für die Show Sweet Adeline geschrieben und von Helen Morgan vorgestellt. Beliebte Aufnahmen im Jahr 1930 stammten von Helen Morgan und Libby Holman.
Vic Damone with Glenn Osser & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgYou're Breaking My Heart
Pat Genaro, Sunny Skylar
18.06.1949261Mercury 5271
Janette Davis & Jerry Wayne with Vocal Group & Rhythm Accompaniment Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgA Little Bird Told Me
Harvey O. Brooks
19.02.1949126Columbia 38 386
Dennis Day & Quartet with Charles Dant & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgClancy Lowered the Boom
Johnny Lange
02.04.1949123Victor 20-2810Ein Song aus dem WesternThe Gal Who Took the West (1949, Regie Frederick de Cordova), in dem ihn Yvonne De Carlo vorstellt.[17]
Doris Day with George Siravo & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgThere's a Bluebird on Your Windowsill
Elizabeth Clarke
05.11.1949130Columbia 38 611Der Countrysong, 1948 von Jack Jensen and The Rhythm Pals vorgestellt, wurde 1949 auch von Wilf Carter, Kenny Roberts, Tex Williams und Audrey Williams gecovert.
Doris Day & Buddy Clark with Orchestra Accompaniment Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgMy Darling, My Darling (From "Where's Charley?")
Frank Loesser
01.01.194979Columbia 38 353Version des Stückes aus dem Broadway-Musical Where's Charley? (1948).
Doris Day & Male Quartet with John Rarig & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgCanadian Capers (Cuttin' Capers) (From "My Dream Is Yours")
Gus Chandler, Bert White, Henry Cohen
22.10.1949915Columbia 38 595Aus der Warner Bros.-Produktion Mein Traum bist du (1949, Regie Michael Curtiz ), in dem ihn Doris Day auch vorstellt.
Doris Day & the Mellomen with John Rarig & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgAgain
Dorcas Cochran, Lionel Newman
21.05.19491414Columbia 38 467Der sentimentale Song wurde 1949 auch von Gordon Jenkins & His Orchestra (Gesang Joe Graydon) präsentiert.
Doris Day & the Mellomen with John Rarig & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg(Where Are You) Now That I Need You (From "Red Hot and Blue")
Frank Loesser
10.09.1949720Columbia 38 501Version des Stückes aus der John Farrow-Produktion Red Hot and Blue (1949), in dem der Song von Betty Hutton vorgestellt wird.[18] Auch Buddy Clark, Frankie Laine, Bing Crosby und Martha Tilton coverten den Song 1949.
The Dinning Sisters with the Art Van Damme Quintet Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgButtons and Bows (From the Paramount-Picture "Paleface")
Jay Livingston, Ray Evans
01.01.194977Capitol 15 184Version des Stückes aus der Paramount-Produktion Sein Engel mit den zwei Pistolen; die von Bob Hope gesungene Filmversion wurde 1949 mit dem Oscar für den besten Song ausgezeichnet.
Tommy Dorsey & his Orchestra, Vocal Refrain by Charlie Shavers Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgThe Huckle-Buck
Roy Alfred, Andy Gibson
04.06.1949215Victor 20-3427
Tommy Dorsey & his Orchestra, Vocal Refrain by Denny Dennis, Lucy Ann Polk & The Sentimentalists Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svgDown by the Station
Lee Ricks, Slim Gaillard
22.01.1949911Victor 20-3317
Tommy Dorsey & his Orchestra, Vocal Refrain by Harry Prime, the Clark Sisters & the Town Criers Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgUntil
Jack Fulton, Hunter Kahler, Bob Crosby
01.01.1949511Victor 20-3061Harry Prime (1920-2017) war ein Big Band-Sänger, der von Ende der vierziger bis Mitte der fünfziger Jahre auftrat. Prime war Sänger in den Orchestern von Randy Brooks, Tommy Dorsey, Jack Fina und Ralph Flanagan[19].
Tommy Dorsey & his Orchestra, Vocal Refrain by Marcy Lutes Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgAgain (From the 20th Century-Fox-Film "Road House")
Dorcas Cochran, Lionel Newman
18.06.1949922Victor 20-3427B-Seite von The Huckle Buck; Version des Stückes aus der 20th Century-Fox-Produktion Nachtclub-Lilly.
Billy Eckstine with Buddy Baker & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgBody and Soul (From Musical Production "Three's a Crowd")
Johnny Green, Edward Heyman, Robert Sour, Frank Eyton
24.09.1949127MGM 10 501Version des Stückes aus dem 1930 veröffentlichten Broadway-Musical Three's a Crowd von Arthur Schwartz und Howard Dietz. Nach Ziggy Elman (1947) kam der Jazzstandard zum 14. und letzten Mal in die US-Hitlisten.[20]
Billy Eckstine with Buddy Baker & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgCrying
Jay Chernis, Barney Ross
06.08.1949227MGM 10 458Ella Fitzgerald und Billy Eckstine nahmen den Titel derzeit auf, dch nur die Version von Eckstine erreichte die Charts.[20]
Billy Eckstine with Buddy Baker & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgFool's Paradise
Bob Merrill
03.12.1949124MGM 10 562Fool's Paradise coverte in dieser Zeit auch Sarah Vaughan mit dem Hugo Winterhalter Orchester.[21]
Billy Eckstine with Hugo Winterhalter & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgCaravan
Duke Ellington, Juan Tizol, Irving Mills
23.04.1949127MGM 10 368Zwölf Jahre zuvor hatte Ellington mit Juan Tizol diesen Jazzklassiker geschrieben.[20]
Billy Eckstine & The Quartones with Hugo Winterhalter & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgBewildered
Teddy Powell, Leonard Whitcup
05.03.1949127MGM 10 340Bereits 1938 kam Tommy Dorsey mit seiner Version des Songs in die US-Charts.[20]
Billy Eckstine & The Quartones with Hugo Winterhalter & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSomehow
Mort Maser
03.09.1949325MGM 10 383Der Song wurde in dieser Zeit auch von Earl Hines und Ted Buckner gecovert,[21] doch nur Eckstine gelangte damit in die Charts.[20]
Arthur Fiedler & the Boston Pops Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSleigh Ride
Leroy Anderson
24.12.1949124Victor Red Seal 10-1484
Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Jordan & his Tympany Five Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgBaby, It's Cold Outside (From MGM-Picture "Neptune's Daughter")
Frank Loesser
25.06.1949717Decca 24 644Version des Stückes aus der MGM-Produktion Neptuns Tochter. Der mit einem Oscar ausgezeichnete Song kam 1949 in fünf Versionen in die US-Charts.[20]
Tennessee Ernie Ford Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgMule Train
Fred Glickman, Hy Heath, Johnny Lange
03.12.1949410Capitol 57-40 258
Jack Fulton with Eddie Ballantine & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSunflower
Mack David
12.03.1949615Tower 1454Sunflower (1949) ist ein fröhliches Liebeslied von Mack David, das heute für seine Plagiate berühmter ist als das Lied selbst.“[22]
Jan Garber & his Orchestra, Vocal by Bob Grabeau Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgJealous Heart
Jenny Lou Carson
17.12.1949122Capitol 57-759
Jan Garber & his Orchestra, Vocal by Bob Grabeau Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgYou're Breaking My Heart
Pat Genaro, Sunny Skylar
01.10.1949226Capitol 57-709
Benny Goodman & his Orchestra, Vocal by Al Hendrickson Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgOn a Slow Boat to China
Frank Loesser
01.01.1949610Columbia 38 066On a Slow Boat to China, 1947/48 auch von Jo Stafford, Peggy Lee & Bing Crosby, Kurt Edelhagen, Mel Tormé, Buddy Rich, Art Lund, Kay Kyser und Charlie Parker aufgenommen, wurde bald zu einem populären Pop- und Jazzstandard.[21]
Ken Griffin at the Organ, Vocal by Johnny Hill Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgBeautiful Wisconsin Waltz
Don Fina
20.08.1949126Rondo R-192
Peter Lind Hayes & the Stardusters Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgMy Darling, My Darling (From Musical Production "Where's Charlie")
Frank Loesser
08.01.1949120Decca 24 519
Richard Hayes & Mitch Miller & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgThe Old Master Painter
Beasley Smith, Haven Gillespie
17.12.1949216Mercury 5342
Dick Haymes with Rhythm Accompaniment Flag of Argentina.svgRoom Full Of Roses
Tim Spencer
16.07.19491810Decca 24 632
Dick Haymes with Four Hits And A Miss & Sonny Burke & his Orchestra Flag of Argentina.svg Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgThe Old Master Painter
Haven Gillespie, Beasley Smith
10.12.1949322Decca 24 801
Dick Haymes with the Tattlers & Gordon Jenkins & his Orchestra Flag of Argentina.svg Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgMaybe It's Because (From Musical Production "Along Fifth Avenue")
Johnnie Scott, Harry Ruby
16.07.1949185Decca 24 650
Lennie Hayton & the MGM Studio Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSlaughter On Tenth Avenue - Part 1 (From the MGM-Picture "Words and Music")
Richard Rodgers
23.04.1949619MGM 30 174Version des Stückes aus der MGM-Produktion Words and Music.
Eddy Howard & his Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svg(I'd Love to Get You) On a Slow Boat to China
Frank Loesser
01.01.1949214Mercury 5210Version des Stückes aus der MGM-Produktion Words and Music.
Eddy Howard & his Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgMaybe It's Because
Harry Ruby, Johnnie Scott
03.09.19491017Mercury 5314
Eddy Howard & his Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgRoom Full of Roses
Tim Spencer
06.08.19491411Mercury 5296
Pee Wee Hunt & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgTwelfth Street Rag
Euday L. Bowman
01.01.1949513Capitol 15 10512 Street Rag war ein klassischer Ragtime- und späterer Jazz-Titel, der seit den 1920ern auch in Versionen von Sidney Bechet und Louis Armstrong bekannt war. Im Zuge des einsetzenden Revival Jazz wurden um die drei Millionen Exemplare von Hunts Version verkauft.
The Ink Spots Flag of the U.S..svgYou Were Only Fooling (While I Was Falling In Love)
Larry Fotine, Billy Faber, Fred Meadows
01.01.1949227Decca 24 507You Were Only Fooling (While I Was Falling In Love) wurde 1948 auch von Blue Barron und Kay Starr, später von Vic Damone und Connie Francis veröffentlicht.
The Ink Spots Flag of the U.S..svgYou're Breaking My Heart
Pat Genaro, Sunny Skylar
20.08.1949149Decca 24 693
Burl Ives Flag of the U.S..svgRiders In The Sky (Cowboy Legend)
Stan Jones
30.04.1949621Columbia 38 445
Jack Teter Trio Flag of the U.S..svgJohnson Rag
Guy Hall, Henry Kleinkauf
08.10.19491216London 501
Gordon Jenkins & his Orchestra, , Soloist Betty Brewer Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgDon't Cry, Joe (Let Her Go, Let Her Go, Let Her Go)
Joe Marsala
24.09.1949144Decca 24 720
Gordon Jenkins & his Orchestra, Vocal Chorus by Charles LaVere & Mixed Chorus Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgMaybe You'll Be There
Rube Bloom, Sammy Gallop
08.01.1949118Decca 24 403Der Song wurde 1948 auch von Louis Armstrong, Count Basie Vic Damone, Billie Holiday, Kay Starr und Mel Tormé interpretiert.[21]
Gordon Jenkins & his Orchestra, Joe Graydon & Mixed Chorus Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgAgain (From 20th Century-Fox-Picture "Road House")
Lionel Newman, Dorcas Cochran
23.04.1949232Decca 24 602Version des Stückes aus der 20th Century-Fox-Produktion Nachtclub-Lilly (1948) von Jean Negulesco.
spike Jones & his City Slickers, Commentator: Doodles Weaver Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgDance of the Hours
Amilcare Ponchielli
27.08.1949913Victor 20-3516
spike Jones & his City Slickers, Vocal Refrain by George Rock Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgAll I Want for Christmas (Is My Two Front Teeth)
Donald Yetter Gardner
01.01.194931Victor 20-3177„Ich war ein gewaltiger Spike-Jones-Fan“ sagte Frank Zappa in einem Interview, „und als ich sechs oder sieben war, hatte [Jones] mit All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth einen Plattenhit, und ich habe ihm dann einen Fanbrief geschickt.“[23]
spike Jones & his City Slickers, Vocal Refrain by George Rock Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgYa Wanna Buy a Bunny?
Carl Hoefle, Del Porter
16.04.1949224Victor 20-3359
Louis Jordan & his Tympany Five Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg saturday Night Fish Fry (Part 1)
Louis Jordan, Ellis Lawrence Walsh
10.12.1949127Decca 24 725
Evelyn Knight with Mannie Klein & his Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgButtons and Bows (From Paramount-Picture "The Paleface")
Jay Livingston, Ray Evans
01.01.1949422Decca 24 489Version des Stückes aus der Paramount-Produktion Sein Engel mit den zwei Pistolen.
Evelyn Knight & Four Hits and a Miss Flag of the U.S..svgYou're So Understanding
Bernie Wayne, Ben Raleigh
06.08.1949321Decca 24 636
Evelyn Knight & the Stardusters Flag of the U.S..svgA Little Bird Told Me
Harvey O. Brooks
01.01.1949151Decca 24 514Damon Runyon beschrieb Knight in einer seiner Zeitungskolumnen als „ein geschmeidiges blondes Mädchen mit einer sanften kleinen Stimme und einem Gesicht, das die Mutter gerne zu sich nach Hause gebracht hätte.“[24]
Evelyn Knight & the Stardusters Flag of the U.S..svgBrush Those Tears From Your Eyes
Oakley Haldeman, Clem Watts, Jimmy Lee
15.01.1949225Decca 24 514B-Seite von A Little Bird Told Me.
Evelyn Knight & the Stardusters Flag of the U.S..svgPowder Your Face with Sunshine (Smile! Smile! Smile!)
Carmen Lombardo, Stanley Rochinski
08.01.1949163Decca 24 530Der Song war 1948/49 auch in der Duoversion von Doris Day & Buddy Clark, sowie von Perry Como, Jo Stafford, Danny Kaye und Dean Marin populär.
Kay Kyser & his Orchestra, Vocal Chorus by Harry Babbitt & Gloria Wood Flag of the U.S..svgOn a Slow Boat to China
Frank Loesser
01.01.194993Columbia 38 301
Frankie Laine with Carl Fischer & his Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgNow That I Need You (From Paramount-Production "Red Hot and Blue")
Frank Loesser
24.09.1949523Mercury 5311Version des Stückes aus der Paramount-Produktion Red, Hot and Blue (1949) von John Farrow.
Frankie Laine with Carl Fischer & his Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgYou're All I Want for Christmas
Seger Ellis, Glen Moore
01.01.1949111Mercury 5177Bobby Timmons und Don Patterson reaktivierten den Song 1964 für ihre beiden Prestige-Produktionen mit den gleichlautenden Titel Holiday Soul.
Frankie Laine & Judd Conlon's Rhythmaires with Harry Geller & his Orchestra & Carl Fischer at the Piano Flag of the U.S..svgThat Lucky Old Sun
Beasley Smith, Haven Gillespie
27.08.1949181Mercury 5316
Frankie Laine & the Muleskinners Flag of the U.S..svgMule Train
Johnny Lange, Hy Heath, Fred Glickman
12.11.194971Mercury 5345
Bill Lawrence with Vocal Quartet & Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgJealous Heart
Jenny Lou Carson
15.10.1949623Victor 20-3539
Peggy Lee with Dave Barbour & his Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgBali H'ai (From the Broadway Musical "Tales of the South Pacific")
Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein II
11.06.1949217Capitol 57-543
Guy Lombardo & his Royal Canadians, Vocal Chorus by Don Rodney Flag of Canada.svgRed Roses for a Blue Lady
Roy Brodsky, Sid Tepper
12.02.19491310Decca 24 549
Guy Lombardo & his Royal Canadians, Vocal Chorus by Kenny Gardner & The Lombardo Trio Flag of Canada.svg Flag of the U.S..svgHop-Scotch Polka (Scotch Hot)
Billy Whitlock, Carl Sigman, Gene Rayburn
01.10.19491211Decca 24 704
Guy Lombardo & his Royal Canadians, Vocal Chorus by Kenny Gardner & The Lombardo Trio Flag of Canada.svg Flag of the U.S..svgMerry-Go-Round Waltz (Adapted from a Theme by Juventino Rosas)
Jimmy Kennedy, Arthur Finn
28.05.1949818Decca 24 624
Guy Lombardo & his Royal Canadians, Vocal Chorus by the Lombardo Quartet Flag of Canada.svgHomecoming Waltz
Joan Whitney, Alex Kramer
15.10.1949130Decca 24 714
Guy Lombardo & his Royal Canadians, Vocal Chorus by The Lombardo Trio Flag of Canada.svgDown by the Station
Lee Ricks, Slim Gaillard
26.02.1949520Decca 24 555
Art Lund with Johnny Thompson & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgOn a Slow Boat to China
Frank Loesser
08.01.1949222MGM 10 269
Vera Lynn with Bruce Campbell & his Orchestra Flag of the United Kingdom.svgAgain
Lionel Newman, Dorcas Cochran
29.01.1949323London 310
Gordon MacRae with Paul Weston & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSo In Love (From the Musical "Kiss Me Kate")
Cole Porter
05.03.1949920Capitol 15 357
Freddy Martin & his Orchestra, Vocal Refrain by Glenn Hughes & The Martin Men Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgOn a Slow Boat to China
Frank Loesser
01.01.194996Victor 20-3123
Freddy Martin & his Orchestra, Vocal Refrain by Merv Griffin & the Ensemble Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgI've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts
Fred Heatherton
29.10.194998Victor 20-3554"Fred Heatherton" ist ein Pseudonym der britischen Songwriter Harold Elton Box, Desmond Cox and Lewis Ilda.
Tony Martin with Henri René & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgThere's No Tomorrow
Al Hoffman, Leo Corday, Leon Carr
12.11.194979Victor 20-3582
Tony Martin with skip Martin & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgCircus
Bob Russell, Louis Alter
27.08.1949324Victor 20-3488
Ray McKinley & his Orchestra, Vocal Refrain by Jean Friley Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSunflower
Mack David
12.03.1949127Victor 20-3334
The Mills Brothers Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgGloria
Leon René
01.01.1949818Decca 24 509
The Mills Brothers Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgI Love You So Much It Hurts
Floyd Tillman
12.02.194998Decca 24 5550B-Seite von I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm.
The Mills Brothers Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgI've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm
Irving Berlin
19.02.1949812Decca 24 5550
Carmen Miranda & the Andrews Sisters with Vic Schoen & his Orchestra Flag of Brazil.svg Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgCuanto la gusta (From MGM-Picture "A Date With Judy")
Gabriel Ruiz, Ray Gilbert
01.01.1949516Decca 24 479Version des Stückes aus der MGM-Produktion Wirbel um Judy; in der Filmversion sang Carmen Miranda unter Orchesterbegleitung von Xavier Cugat.
Vaughn Monroe & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgRiders in the Sky (A Cowboy Legend)
stan Jones
23.04.1949221Victor 20-3411
Vaughn Monroe & his Orchestra, Vocal Refrain by the Moon Men Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgMule Train (From the Republic-Film "Singing Guns")
Johnny Lange, Hy Heath, Fred Glickman
26.11.1949510Victor 20-3600Diese Version wurde 1950 in der Produktion Rauchende Pistolen (1950)[25] eingesetzt und erhielt 1951 eine Oscarnominierung für den besten Song.
Vaughn Monroe & his Orchestra, Vocal Refrain by the Moon Men Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgRed Roses for a Blue Lady
Sid Tepper, Roy Brodsky
22.01.1949194Victor 20-3319
Vaughn Monroe & his Orchestra, Vocal Refrain by the Moon Men Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSomeday (You'll Want Me to Want You)
Jimmie Hodges
06.08.1949182Victor 20-3510
Vaughn Monroe & his Orchestra, Vocal Refrain by the Moon Men Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgThat Lucky Old Sun (Just Rolls Around Heaven All Day)
Haven Gillespie, Beasley Smith
24.09.1949149Victor 20-3531
Art Mooney & his Orchestra, Vocal by Ensemble Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgBeautiful Eyes
Frank Adams, Leonard Rosen, Neal Madaglia
05.03.1949125MGM 10 357
Art Mooney & his Orchestra, Vocal by Ensemble Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgMerry-Go-Round Waltz
Arthur Finn, Jimmy Kennedy, Juventino Rosas
04.06.1949129MGM 10 405
Art Mooney & his Orchestra, Vocal by the Art Mooney Choir Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgHop-Scotch Polka (Scotch Hot)
Billy Whitlock, Carl Sigman, Gene Rayburn
17.09.19491117MGM 10 500
Art Mooney & his Orchestra, Vocal by the Art Mooney Choir Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgToot, Toot, Tootsie (Good-Bye) (From Columbia-Film "Jolson Sings Again")
Gus Kahn, Ernie Erdman, Dan Russo
29.10.1949319MGM 10 548
Art Mooney & his Orchestra, Vocal by the Art Mooney Choir Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgTwenty-Four Hours Of Sunshine
Peter DeRose, Carl Sigman
16.07.1949422MGM 10 446
Art Mooney & his Orchestra, Vocal by Johnny Martin, Madelyn Russell & The Art Mooney Choir Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgAgain (From 20th Century-Fox-Film "Road House")
Lionel Newman, Dorcas Cochran
23.07.1949128MGM 10 398
Art Mooney & his Orchestra, Vocal by Tex Fletcher & The Art Mooney Choir Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgI Never See Maggie Alone
Everett Lynton, Harry Tilsley
10.12.1949127MGM 10 548B-Seite von Toot, Toot, Tootsie (Good-Bye).
Al Morgan with Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgJealous Heart
Jenny Lou Carson
30.07.1949224Universal U-148
Russ Morgan & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSo Tired
Russ Morgan, Jack Stuart
01.01.1949214Decca 24 449Russ Morgan, der eine jener typischen „Mickey Mouse“ Sweet-Bands gegründet hatte, gelang mit So Tired (mit gedämpfter Posaune und seinem eigenen Gesang), ein Bestseller für Brunswick.[26]
Russ Morgan & his Orchestra, Vocal by the Skylarks Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgCruising Down the River
Elly Beadell, Nell Tollerton
26.02.1949221Decca 24 568
Russ Morgan & his Orchestra, Vocal by the Skylarks Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgForever And Ever
Franz Winkler, Malia Rosa
19.03.1949222Decca 24 569B-Seite von You, You, You Are the One; englischsprachige Version des österreichischen Heimatliedes Fliege mit mir in die Heimat aus dem Jahr 1930.
Russ Morgan & his Orchestra, Vocal by the Skylarks Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSunflower
Mack David
12.03.19491110Decca 24 568B-Seite von Cruising Down the River.
Russ Morgan & his Orchestra, Vocal by the Skylarks Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgYou, You, You Are the One
Tetos Demey, Milton Leeds, Fred Wise
26.03.1949317Decca 24 569
Mr. Ford & Mr. Goon-Bones Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgAin’t She Sweet
Ralph Ford, Ted Goon
23.07.1949219Crystalette S-1803
Joy Nichols & Benny Lee with Stanley Black & his Blacksmiths Flag of Australia.svg Flag of the United Kingdom.svgThe Pussycat Song (Nyot Nyow)
Dick Manning
12.02.1949121London 365
Ray Noble & his Orchestra, Vocal Refrain by Al Bowlly & Trio Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Flag of South Africa (1928–1994).svgLady of Spain
Erell Reaves, Tolchard Evans
26.02.1949521Victor 20-3302
Jack Owens with Danny Mendelsohn & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgJealous Heart
Jenny Lou Carson
15.10.1949619Decca 24 711
Patti Page Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSo in Love
Cole Porter
19.02.1949128Mercury 5230
Tony Pastor & his Orchestra, Vocal Chorus by The Clooney Sisters & Band Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg"A" - You're Adorable (The Alphabet Song)
Buddy Kaye, Fred Wise, Sid Lippman
14.05.1949222Columbia 38 449
Ezio Pinza with Salvatore Dell'Isola & his Orchestra Flag of Italy.svg Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSome Enchanted Evening (From "South Pacific")
Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein II
10.09.194997Columbia Masterworks 4559
Betty Rhodes with Harry Zimmerman & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgButtons and Bows (From the Paramount-Film "Paleface")
Jay Livingston, Ray Evans
01.01.1949215Victor 20-3078Version des Stückes aus der Paramount-Produktion Sein Engel mit den zwei Pistolen (1948, Regie Norman Z. McLeod), in dem der Song von Bob Hope vorgestellt wird.[27] Betty Jane Rhodes (zu sehen in Sweater Girl 1942, als sie „I Said No“ und „I Don't Want to Walk Without You“ sang),[28] ließ dann den zweiten Vornamen für ihre RCA Victor-Aufnahmen fallen. „Buttons and Bows“ erreichte die Charts, gefolgt von Versionen von Dinah Shore und den Dinning Sisters.
Kenny Roberts with Instrumental Accompaniment Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgI Never See Maggie Alone
Harry Tilsley, Everett Lynton
10.09.1949139Coral 64 012
Primo scala & his Banjo & Accordion Orchestra with the Keynotes Flag of the United Kingdom.svgCruising Down the River
Eily Beadell, Nell Tollerton
12.03.1949127London 356Hinter dem Pseudonym Primo Scala verbirgt sich der britische Bandleader und Musicalregisseur Harry Bidgood.
Primo scala & his Banjo & Accordion Orchestra with the Keynotes Flag of the United Kingdom.svgJingle Bells
James Lord Pierpont
01.01.1949124London 302
Primo scala & his Banjo & Accordion Orchestra with the Keynotes Flag of the United Kingdom.svgThe Mistletoe Kiss
Jimmy Kennedy, Constance Carpenter
08.01.1949127London 302B-Seite von Jingle Bells.
Dinah shore with Duo Piano Accompaniment Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgFar Away Places
Joan Whitney, Alex Kramer
05.02.1949128Columbia 38 356
Dinah shore & her Happy Valley Boys Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgButtons and Bows (From "Paleface")
Jay Livingston, Ray Evans
01.01.1949101Columbia 38 284Version des Stückes aus der Paramount-Produktion Sein Engel mit den zwei Pistolen.
Dinah shore with Harry Zimmerman & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgA Wonderful Guy (From "South Pacific")
Oscar Hammerstein II, Richard Rodgers
11.06.1949129Columbia 38 460Version des Stückes der Broadway-Produktion South Pacific (1949).
Dinah shore with Harry Zimmerman & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgLavender Blue (Dilly Dilly) (From Walt Disney's "So Dear To My Heart")
Larry Morey, Eliot Daniel
08.01.1949109Columbia 38 299Version des Stückes aus der Disney-Produktion So Dear to My Heart (1949) von Harold D. Schuster und Hamilton Luske.
Dinah shore with Harry Zimmerman & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSo in Love (From "Kiss Me Kate")
Cole Porter
19.03.1949422Columbia 38 399Version des Stückes der Broadway-Produktion Kiss Me, Kate (1948) von Cole Porter.
Dinah shore with Harry Zimmerman & his Orchestra & Vocal Group Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgDear Hearts and Gentle People
Bob Hilliard, Sammy Fain
26.11.1949415Columbia 38 605
Dinah shore & Buddy Clark with Ted Dale & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgBaby, It's Cold Outside (From "Neptune's Daughter")
Frank Loesser
14.05.1949194Columbia 38 463Version des Stückes aus der MGM-Produktion Neptuns Tochter (1949) von Edward Buzzell.
Frank sinatra with Axel Stordahl & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgBali H'ai (From "South Pacific")
Oscar Hammerstein II, Richard Rodgers
06.08.1949130Columbia 38 446B-Seite von Some Enchanted Evening.
Frank sinatra with Axel Stordahl & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSome Enchanted Evening (From "South Pacific")
Oscar Hammerstein II, Richard Rodgers
25.06.1949225Columbia 38 446
Frank sinatra with the Ken Lane Quintet & Axel Stordahl & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgThe Huckle Buck
Roy Alfred, Andy Gibson
18.06.19491410Columbia 38 486
Frank sinatra with the Pastels & Hugo Winterhalter & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg(Don't Cry Joe) Let Her Go, Let Her Go, Let Her Go
Joe Marsala
15.10.1949821Columbia 38 555
Frank sinatra with Orchestral Accompaniment Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSunflower
Mack David
07.05.1949125Columbia 38 391
Frank sinatra & the Modernaires with Axel Stordahl & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgThe Old Master Painter
Haven Gillespie, Beasley Smith
24.12.1949128Columbia 38 650
Jack smith & the Clark Sisters with Earl Sheldon & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgLavender Blue (Dilly Dilly) (From the Walt Disney-Production "So Dear to My Heart")
Eliot Daniel, Larry Morey
12.02.1949130Capitol 15 225Version des Stückes aus der Disney-Produktion So Dear to My Heart (1949) von Harold D. Schuster und Hamilton Luske.
Jack smith & the Clark Sisters with Frank De Vol & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgCruising Down the River
Eily Beadell, Nell Tollerton
05.03.19491114Capitol 15 372
Jack smith & the Crew Chiefs with Frank De Vol & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSunflower
Mack David
09.04.1949127Capitol 15 394
Jo stafford with Paul Weston with Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSome Enchanted Evening (From the Broadway Musical "South Pacific")
Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein II
04.06.1949521Capitol 57-544
Jo stafford & Gordon MacRae with Paul Weston & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg"A" You're Adorable (The Alphabet Song)
Buddy Kaye, Fred Wise, Sid Lippman
02.04.1949134Capitol 15 393B-Seite von Need You.
Jo stafford & Gordon MacRae with Paul Weston & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgBibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo (the Magic Song) (From the Walt Disney-Production "Cinderella")
Mack David, Al Hoffman, Jerry Livingston
24.12.1949128Capitol 57-782Version des Stückes aus der Disney-Produktion Cinderella (1950) von Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson und Hamilton Luske.
Jo stafford & Gordon MacRae with Paul Weston & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgEchoes
Bennie Benjamin, George Weiss
24.12.1949124Capitol 57-782B-Seite von Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo (the Magic Song).
Jo stafford & Gordon MacRae with Paul Weston & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgNeed You
John Blackburn, Teepee Mitchell, Lew Porter
02.04.19491011Capitol 15 393
Jo stafford & Gordon MacRae with Paul Weston & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgWhispering Hope
Alice Hawthorne
20.08.1949196Capitol 57-690Der Originalsong Whispering Hope (1868) stammt aus der Feder des Schriftstellers und Songwriters Septimus Winner (1827-1902), der bevorzugt unter dem Pseudonym "Alice Hawthorne" arbeitete.
Jo stafford, Gordon MacRae & the Starlighters with Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgMy Darling, My Darling (From the New York Musical "Where's Charley?")
Frank Loesser
01.01.194994Capitol 15 270Version des Stückes aus dem Broadway-Musical Where's Charley? (1948). Der Musicalsong wurde 1948/49 auch von Perry Como/Mitchell Ayres (Chesterfield Supper Club), Doris Day & Buddy Clark (Columbia), Tommy Mercer (Eddy Duchin Show) und Peter Lind Hayes (Decca) gecovert.
The Stardusters with Gordon Jenkins & his Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgI Don't See Me in Your Eyes Anymore
Bennie Benjamin, George Weiss
02.04.1949216Decca 24 576
Kay starr with Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgSo Tired
Russ Morgan, Jack Stuart
12.02.1949721Capitol 15 314
Kay starr with Orchestra Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svgYou Were Only Fooling (While I Was Falling In Love)
Larry Fotine, Billy Faber, Fred Meadows
01.01.1949216Capitol 15 226You Were Only Fooling wurde 1948 auch von Blue Barron & His Orchestra und The Ink Spots, später von Connie Francis und Vic Damone eingespielt.
swing and Sway with Sammy Kaye, Vocal Refrain by the Three Kaydets Flag of the U.S..svgLavender Blue (Dilly Dilly) (From Walt Disney's "So Dear to My Heart")
Larry Morey, Eliot Daniel
01.01.1949125Victor 20-3100Version des Stückes aus der Walt Disney-Produktion So Dear to My Heart (1948, Regie Harold D. Schuster, Hamilton Luske), in dem der Song von Burl Ives vorgestellt weird.[29]
swing and Sway with Sammy Kaye, Vocal Refrain by the Three Kaydets Flag of the U.S..svgPowder Your Face with Sunshine (Smile! Smile! Smile!)
Carmen Lombardo, Stanley Rochinski
05.02.1949814Victor 20-3321
swing and Sway with Sammy Kaye, Vocal Refrain by Don Cornell & The Kaydets Flag of the U.S..svgRoom Full of Roses
Tim Spencer
18.06.1949243Victor 20-3441
swing and Sway with Sammy Kaye, Vocal Refrain by Don Cornell & The Three Kaydets Flag of the U.S..svgCareless Hands
Bob Hilliard, Carl Sigman
05.02.1949207Victor 20-3321B-Seite von Powder Your Face with Sunshine (Smile! Smile! Smile!).
swing and Sway with Sammy Kaye, Vocal Refrain by Tony Alámo & The Kaye Choir Flag of the U.S..svgThe Four Winds and the Seven Seas
Hal David, Don Rodney
18.06.1949117Victor 20-3459
The Three Suns, Vocal Refrain by Artie Dunn & The Sun Maids Flag of the U.S..svgYou, You, You Are the One
Demey, Milton Leeds, Fred Wise
02.04.1949121Victor 20-3322
Mel Tormé with Frank De Vol & his Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgThe Four Winds and the Seven Seas
Hal David, Don Rodney
02.07.1949228Capitol 57-671
Mel Tormé with Pete Rugolo & his Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgAgain (From the 20th Century-Fox-Picture "Roadhouse")
Lionel Newman, Dorcas Cochran
16.04.1949187Capitol 15 428B-Seite von Blue Moon; Version des Stückes aus der 20th Century-Fox-Produktion Nachtclub-Lilly (1948) von Jean Negulesco.
Mel Tormé with Pete Rugolo & his Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgBlue Moon (As Performed in the MGM-Picture "Words And Music")
Richard Rodgers, Lorenz Hart
16.04.1949520Capitol 15 428Originalaufnahme aus der MGM-Produktion Words and Music (1948) von Norman Taurog.
Mel Tormé with Sonny Burke & his Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgCareless Hands
Bob Hilliard, Carl Sigman
19.03.1949147Capitol 15 379
Jimmy Wakely with Cowboy Band Flag of the U.S..svgI Love You So Much It Hurts
Floyd Tillman
05.02.1949130Capitol 15 243
Paula Watson Flag of the U.S..svgA Little Bird Told Me
Harvey O. Brooks
01.01.1949720Supreme 1507A Little Bird Told Me, gesungen von Paula Watson bei Supreme Records, wurde von Deccas Evelyn Knight gecovert, noch bevor das Original im November 1948 in die R&B-Charts kam. Anschließend kam es zu einem Urheberrechtstreit.[30]
Margaret Whiting with Frank De Vol & his Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgForever And Ever
Franz Winkler, Malia Rosa
16.04.1949624Capitol 15 386
Margaret Whiting with Frank De Vol & his Orchestra & Chorus Flag of the U.S..svgA Wonderful Guy (From the Broadway Musical "South Pacific")
Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein II
07.05.19491212Capitol 57-542
Margaret Whiting & the Crew Chiefs with Orchestral Accompaniment Flag of the U.S..svgFar Away Places
Joan Whitney, Alex Kramer
01.01.1949143Capitol 15 278Far Away Places wurde in populären Aufnahmen von Bing Crosby mit dem Ken Darby Choir, von Margaret Whiting mit den Crew Chiefs, von Perry Como und von Dinah Shore vorgestellt.
Margaret Whiting & Jimmy Wakely with Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgI'll Never Slip Around Again
Floyd Tillman
05.11.1949711Capitol 57-40 246
Margaret Whiting & Jimmy Wakely with Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgSlipping Around
Floyd Tillman
17.09.1949152Capitol 57-40 224
Margaret Whiting & Johnny Mercer with Paul Weston & his Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgBaby, It's Cold Outside (From the MGM-Picture "Neptune's Daughter")
Frank Loesser
14.05.1949194Capitol 57-567Version des Stückes aus der MGM-Produktion Neptuns Tochter (1949).
Tex Williams with Orchestra Flag of the U.S..svgLife Gits Tee-Jus, Don't It?
Carson Robison
08.01.1949128Capitol 15 271
Hugo Winterhalter & his Orchestra & Choir Flag of the U.S..svgBlue Christmas
Billy Hayes, Jay W. Johnson
24.12.1949124Columbia 38 635
Frankie Yankovic & his Yanks, Vocal Chorus by the Marlin Sisters & Johnny Pecon Flag of the U.S..svgBlue Skirt Waltz
Mitchell Parish, Václav Bláha
05.03.19492314Columbia 12 394
Yogi Yorgesson with the Johnny Duffy Trio Flag of the U.S..svgI Yust Go Nuts At Christmas
Harry Stewart
10.12.194939Capitol 57-781Yogi Yorgesson ist eine Kunstfigur des US-amerikanischen Komikers Harry Stewart (1908-1956), der das Bild des sogenannten Schwedenamerikaners karikiert.
Yogi Yorgesson with the Johnny Duffy Trio Flag of the U.S..svgYingle Bells
James Lord Pierpont, Harry Stewart
17.12.1949213Capitol 57-781B-Seite von I Yust Go Nuts At Christmas.



  1. Peter Tschmuck: Creativity and Innovation in the Music Industry. Heidelberg: Springer 2012, S. 112
  2. Ross Gregory: Cold War America, 1946 to 1990. von Facts on File Inc.
  3. Jay Warner: American Singing Groups: A History from 1940s to Today. 2005, S. 4
  4. H. Arlo Nimmo: The Andrews Sisters: A Biography and Career Record. 2007, S. 301
  5. Country Music Hall of Fame songbook series: piano, vocal, guitar, Band 4. Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum (Nashville, Tenn.) Hal Leonard Pub. Corp., 1998
  6. Sally Asher: Stories from the St. Louis Cemeteries of New Orleans 2015, S. 111.
  7. Billboard 5. Juni 1948, S. 33
  8. Ted Gioia: The Jazz Standards: A Guide to the Repertoire. Oxford University Press 2012, S. 413.
  9. Gehn wir bummeln in der Internet Movie Database (englisch)
  10. Joel Whitburn's Billboard Pop Hits, Singles & Albums, 1940-1954, 2002
  11. Neptuns Tochter in der Internet Movie Database (englisch)
  12. Vgl. Richard Grudens: Bing Crosby: Crooner of the Century (2003), S. 218
  13. Thomas S. Hischak: The Tin Pan Alley Song Encyclopedia. Greenwood Press, 2002, S. 79
  14. Gary Giddins: Bing Crosby: Swinging on a Star: The War Years, 1940-1946. Little, Brown, 2018
  15. HMV 102; Galway Bay wurde 1947 von Dr. Arthur Colahan im englischen Leicester geschrieben und von Bing Crosby popularisiert. Crosby änderte einige Teile des Textes, um weniger politisch zu sein, und es wurde ein großer Erfolg auf der ganzen Welt, vor allem bei irischen Auswanderern.
  16. Nachtclub-Lilly in der Internet Movie Database (englisch)
  17. The Gal Who Took the West in der Internet Movie Database (englisch)
  18. Red, Hot and Blue in der Internet Movie Database (englisch)
  19. Nachruf bei All About Jazz
  20. a b c d e f Gerhard Klußmeier: Jazz in the Charts. Another view on jazz history. Liner notes und Begleitbuch der 100-CD-Edition. Membran International GmbH. ISBN 978-3-86735-062-4
  21. a b c d Tom Lord The Jazz Discography (online, abgerufen 19. Mai 2019)
  22. Thomas S. Hischak: The Tin Pan Alley Song Encyclopedia. Greenwood Press, 2002, S. 346
  23. Neil Slaven: Electric Don Quixote: Die Ultimative Geschichte Von Frank Zappa. 2010
  24. Runyon, Damon (January 8, 1946). "The Brighter Side". The Indiana Gazette. Indiana, Pennsylvania. p. 14.
  25. Rauchende Pistolen (IMDb)
  26. Peter Cliffe: Fascinating Rhythm. Egon Publishers Limited, 1990, S. 232
  27. sein Engel mit den zwei Pistolen in der Internet Movie Database (englisch)
  28. sweater Girl in der Internet Movie Database (englisch)
  29. so Dear to My Heart in der Internet Movie Database (englisch)
  30. James M. Salem: The late, great Johnny Ace and the transition from R&B to rock 'n' roll. University of Illinois Press 1999. Vgl. auch Dusty!: Queen of the Postmods von Annie J. Randall (2008)

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg
US Flag with 48 stars. In use for 47 years from July 4, 1912, to July 3, 1959.
Flag of Spain (1945–1977).svg
Autor/Urheber: SanchoPanzaXXI, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of Spain during the Spanish State. It was adopted on 11 October 1945 with Reglamento de Banderas Insignias y Distintivos (Flags, Ensigns and Coats of Arms Bill)
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Flagge des Vereinigten Königreichs in der Proportion 3:5, ausschließlich an Land verwendet. Auf See beträgt das richtige Verhältnis 1:2.
Flag of South Africa (1928–1994).svg
Flag of South Africa, used between 1928 and 1982. It is identical to the 1982 to 1994 version except that the shade of blue is darker. It is also known as the "Oranje-Blanje-Blou".
Flag of the U.S..svg
Flag of the United States of America — version with reduced SVG code
(Portrait of Louis Armstrong, Carnegie Hall, New York, N.Y., ca. Apr. 1947) (LOC) (4888654636).jpg

Gottlieb, William P., 1917-, photographer.

[Portrait of Louis Armstrong, Carnegie Hall, New York, N.Y., ca. Apr. 1947]

1 negative : b&w ; 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 in.

Notes: Gottlieb Collection Assignment No. 010 Reference print available in Music Division, Library of Congress. Purchase William P. Gottlieb Forms part of: William P. Gottlieb Collection (Library of Congress).

Subjects: Armstrong, Louis, 1900-1971 Jazz musicians--1940-1950. Trumpet players--1940-1950. Carnegie Hall

Format: Portrait photographs--1940-1950. Film negatives--1940-1950.

Rights Info: Mr. Gottlieb has dedicated these works to the public domain, but rights of privacy and publicity may apply.

Repository: (negative) Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Washington D.C. 20540 USA, (reference print) Library of Congress, Music Division, Washington D.C. 20540 USA,

Part Of: William P. Gottlieb Collection (DLC) 99-401005

General information about the Gottlieb Collection is available at

Persistent URL:

Call Number: LC-GLB23- 0021

Public domain Dieses Werk stammt aus der William P. Gottlieb-Sammlung der Library of Congress. Rechte und Einschränkungen.
In accordance with the wishes of William Gottlieb, the photographs in this collection entered into the public domain on February 16, 2010.