Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften 2011/Marathon der Männer

13. Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften
Teilnehmer67 Athleten aus 29 Ländern
AustragungsortKorea Sud Daegu
OrtRundkurs durch Daegu
Wettkampfphase4. September
Gold GoldAbel Kirui (Kenia KEN)
Silbermedaillen SilberVincent Kipruto (Kenia KEN)
Bronzemedaillen BronzeFeyisa Lilesa (Athiopien ETH)
Marathoncup (Teamwertung)
ohne Zählung im Medaillenspiegel
Rang 1Kenia Kenia
Rang 2Japan Japan
Rang 3Spanien Spanien
Die Stadt Daegu mit Bergpanorama im Jahr 2007

Der Marathonlauf der Männer bei den Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften 2011 wurde am 4. September 2011 um 9:00 Ortszeit in den Straßen der südkoreanischen Stadt Daegu ausgetragen und war der dritte Lauf des World Marathon Majors des Jahres.

Wie schon bei den Weltmeisterschaften vor zwei Jahren durften die Läufer aus Kenia in diesem Wettbewerb einen Doppelsieg feiern. Weltmeister wurde Titelverteidiger Abel Kirui. Er gewann vor Vincent Kipruto. Bronze ging an den Äthiopier Feyisa Lilesa.

Außerdem gab es wieder eine Teamwertung, den sogenannten Marathon-Cup. Erlaubt waren fünf Läufer je Nation, von denen für die Wertung die Zeiten der jeweils besten drei addiert wurden. Dieser Wettbewerb zählte allerdings nicht zum offiziellen Medaillenspiegel. Es siegte die Mannschaft aus Kenia vor Japan und Spanien.

Bestehende Rekorde

Weltrekord2:03:59 hAthiopien 1996 Haile GebrselassieBerlin-Marathon 2008, Deutschland28. September 2008[1]
WM-Rekord2:06:55 hKenia Abel KiruiWM 2009 in Berlin, Deutschland22. August 2009

Der bestehende WM-Rekord wurde bei diesen Weltmeisterschaften nicht eingestellt und nicht verbessert.

Es wurde ein Landesrekord aufgestellt:
2:38:33 h – Sangay Wangchuk, Bhutan


In diesem Wettbewerb wurden drei Marokkaner wegen Verstoßes gegen die Antidopingbestimmungen disqualifiziert:

  • Abderrahime Bouramdane, zunächst Vierter Die IAAF sperrte den Läufer wegen Unregelmäßigkeiten in seinem Biologischen Pass für zwei Jahre. Alle seine seit dem 14. April 2011 erzielten Resultate wurden annulliert.[2]
  • Ahmed Baday, zunächst auf Rang 24. Er hatte verbotene Substanzen eingesetzt, seine seit dem 26. März 2010 erzielten Resultate wurden für die nächsten zwei Jahre gestrichen.[3]
  • Abderrahim Goumri, Ziel nicht erreicht. Er wurde zusammen mit acht weiteren Sportlern bei Nachtests des Verstoßes gegen die Antidopingbestimmungen überführt. In seinem Fall ging es konkret um Unregelmäßigkeiten in seinem Biologischen Pass. Schon seit 2009 waren Verdachtsmomente aufgetaucht und sein Verband sperrte ihn schließlich für vier Jahre.[4]


Siegerehrung (v. l. n. r.): Vincent Kipruto, Abel Kirui Feyisa Lilesa

4. September, 9:00 Uhr

PlatzAthletLandZeit (h)
Abel KiruiKenia Kenia2:07:38 SB
Vincent KiprutoKenia Kenia2:10:06
Feyisa LilesaAthiopien Äthiopien2:10:32 SB
04David Barmasai TumoKenia Kenia2:11:39
05Eliud KiptanuiKenia Kenia2:11:50
06Hiroyuki HoribataJapan Japan2:11:52
07Ruggero PertileItalien Italien2:11:57
08Stephen KiprotichUganda Uganda2:12:57
09Kentarō NakamotoJapan Japan2:13:10
10Rachid KisriMarokko Marokko2:13:24
11Eshetu WendimuAthiopien Äthiopien2:13:37
12Marius IonescuRumänien Rumänien2:15:32 PB
13Dong GuojianChina Volksrepublik Volksrepublik China2:15:45 SB
14David WebbVereinigtes Konigreich Großbritannien2:15:48 SB
15Cuthbert NyasangoSimbabwe Simbabwe2:15:56 SB
16Beraki BeyeneEritrea Eritrea2:16:03 SB
17Yūki KawauchiJapan Japan2:16:11
18Alexei SokolowRussland Russland2:16:23
19Bat-Otschiryn Ser-OdMongolei Mongolei2:16:41
20Alexei SokolowRussland Russland2:16:48
21Lee MerrienVereinigtes Konigreich Großbritannien2:16:59
22Jeong Jin-hyeokKorea Sud Südkorea2:17:04
23Li ZichengChina Volksrepublik Volksrepublik China2:17:35
24José Manuel MartínezSpanien Spanien2:17:44
25Rafael IglesiasSpanien Spanien2:17:45 SB
26Lee Myong-seungKorea Sud Südkorea2:18:05
27Yoshinori OdaJapan Japan2:18:05
28Pablo VillalobosSpanien Spanien2:18:12
29Mike MorganVereinigte Staaten USA2:18:30 SB
30Urige ButaNorwegen Norwegen2:20:16
31Wu ShiweiChina Volksrepublik Volksrepublik China2:21:12
32Jesper FaurschouDanemark Dänemark2:21:15
33Hwang Jun-HyeonKorea Sud Südkorea2:21:54 SB
34Mike TebuloMalawi 2010 Malawi2:22:45 SB
35Mike SayenkoVereinigte Staaten USA2:22:49 SB
36Yukihiro KitaokaJapan Japan2:23:11 SB
37Jeff EgglestonVereinigte Staaten USA2:23:33
38Hwang Jun-sukKorea Sud Südkorea2:23:47
39Nicholas ArciniagaVereinigte Staaten USA2:24:06
40Anton KosmačSlowenien Slowenien2:24:16
41Samuel GoitomEritrea Eritrea2:25:42 SB
42Kim MinKorea Sud Südkorea2:27:20 SB
43Sergio ReyesVereinigte Staaten USA2:29:15 SB
44Coolboy NgamoleSudafrika Südafrika2:30:01
45Bekir KarayelTurkei Türkei2:33:20 SB
46Ruben SancaKap Verde Kap Verde2:34:40
47Jhon Lennon CasalloPeru Peru2:36:43
48Modike Lucky MohaleSudafrika Südafrika2:38:22 SB
49Sangay WangchukBhutan Bhutan2:38:33 NR
DNFJeff HuntAustralien Australien
Khalid Kamal YaseenBahrain Bahrain
Yared AsmeromEritrea Eritrea
Yonas KifleEritrea Eritrea
Michael TesfayEritrea Eritrea
Chala DechaseAthiopien Äthiopien
Gebregziabher GebremariamAthiopien Äthiopien
Bazu WorkuAthiopien Äthiopien
Zohar ZemiroIsrael Israel
Benjamin Kolum KiptooKenia Kenia
Ali Mabrouk El ZaidiLibyen Libyen
Adil AnnaniMarokko Marokko
David NgakaneSudafrika Südafrika
Daniel KipkorirUganda Uganda
Nicholas KipronoUganda Uganda
DOPAbderrahime BouramdaneMarokko Marokko2:10:55
Ahmed BadayMarokko Marokko2:17:59
Abderrahim GoumriMarokko MarokkoDNF


PlatzLandAthletenZeit (h)
01Kenia KeniaAbel Kirui
Vincent Kipruto
David Barmasai Tumo
02Japan JapanHiroyuki Horibata
Kentarō Nakamoto
Yūki Kawauchi
03Spanien SpanienJosé Manuel Martínez
Rafael Iglesias
Pablo Villalobos
04China Volksrepublik Volksrepublik ChinaDong Guojian
Li Zicheng
Wu Shiwei
05Korea Sud SüdkoreaJeong Jin-hyeok
Lee Myong-seung
Hwang Jun-Hyeon
06Vereinigte Staaten USAMike Morgan
Mike Sayenko
Jeff Eggleston



Weblinks und Quellen


  1. Track and Field Statistics, Main > Records Progression - World Records, Marathon, trackfield.brinkster.net, abgerufen am 6. Februar 2022
  2. Moroccan marathon runner Bouramdane banned for doping, apnews.com 27. Oktober 2015 (englisch), abgerufen am 21. Dezember 2020
  3. Athletes currently suspended from all competitions in athletics following an Anti-Doping Rule Violation as at: 06.03.15, iaaf.org, S. 2 (PDF; 159 KB), englisch, abgerufen am 21. Dezember 2020
  4. IAAF sperrt neun Dopingsünder, leichtathletik.de 25. Juli 2012, abgerufen am 21. Dezember 2020

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Gold medal icon.svg
An icon that represents a gold medal
Silver medal icon.svg
An icon that represents a silver medal
Bronze medal icon.svg
An icon that represents a bronze medal
Gold medal world centered-2.svg
Autor/Urheber: , Lizenz: CC BY-SA 1.0
A gold medal with a globe icon
Silver medal world centered-2.svg
Autor/Urheber: , Lizenz: CC BY-SA 1.0
A silver medal with a globe icon
Bronze medal world centered-2.svg
Autor/Urheber: , Lizenz: CC BY-SA 1.0
A bronze medal with a globe icon
Flag of Ethiopia.svg
Flag of Ethiopia
Flag of Ethiopia (1996–2009).svg
Flag of Ethiopia (1996-2009)
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Flagge des Vereinigten Königreichs in der Proportion 3:5, ausschließlich an Land verwendet. Auf See beträgt das richtige Verhältnis 1:2.
Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg
Flagge des Vereinigten Königreichs in der Proportion 3:5, ausschließlich an Land verwendet. Auf See beträgt das richtige Verhältnis 1:2.
Flag of South Africa.svg

Flagge Südafrikas

Verwendete Farbe: National flag | South African Government and Pantone Color Picker

     Grün gerendert als RGB 000 119 073Pantone 3415 C
     Gelb gerendert als RGB 255 184 028Pantone 1235 C
     Rot gerendert als RGB 224 060 049Pantone 179 C
     Blau gerendert als RGB 000 020 137Pantone Reflex Blue C
     Weiß gerendert als RGB 255 255 255
     Schwarz gerendert als RGB 000 000 000
Flag of Australia (converted).svg

Flag of Australia, when congruence with this colour chart is required (i.e. when a "less bright" version is needed).

See Flag of Australia.svg for main file information.
Podium Men Marathon Daegu 2011.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Erik van Leeuwen, attribution: Erik van Leeuwen (bron: Wikipedia)., Lizenz: GFDL
Podium Men Marathon during 2011 World championships Athletics in Daegu
Jesper Faurschou - 2012 Olympic Marathon.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Peter Mooney, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0

Jesper Faurschou - 2012 Olympic Marathon. The men's marathon of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, UK took place on an Olympic marathon street course on Sunday 12th August 2012 at 11:00. This was the final day of the 30th Olympic Games.

The London 2012 marathon course is the standard Olympic distance of 26 miles 385 yards and consists of one short lap of approx 2.2 miles followed by three longer laps of 8 miles. The course began on The Mall and travelled past several of the most famous London landmarks. The start/finish line was near the Victoria Memorial. These photographs were taken at the Victoria Embankment. This featured several times on the looped course. The approximate location from the photographs is shown in the Google StreetView Link below. maps.google.com/maps?q=embankment+london&hl=en&ll...

Stephen Kiprotich won in 2 hours, 8 minutes, 1 second as he pulled away from the Kenyan duo of Abel Kirui and Wilson Kiprotich Kipsang.

These photographs are unofficial photographs. They are not endorsed by London 2012. There are not commercially available. They are available for use under a Creative Commons License. Please link back to the photograph on my Flickr account if you use the image.
Autor/Urheber: Kimhs5400, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
2011 World Championships in Athletics poster at Dongdaegu station.
Zohar Zemiro - 2012 Olympic Marathon.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Peter Mooney, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0

The men's marathon of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, UK took place on an Olympic marathon street course on Sunday 12th August 2012 at 11:00. This was the final day of the 30th Olympic Games.

The London 2012 marathon course is the standard Olympic distance of 26 miles 385 yards and consists of one short lap of approx 2.2 miles followed by three longer laps of 8 miles. The course began on The Mall and travelled past several of the most famous London landmarks. The start/finish line was near the Victoria Memorial. These photographs were taken at the Victoria Embankment. This featured several times on the looped course. The approximate location from the photographs is shown in the Google StreetView Link below. maps.google.com/maps?q=embankment+london&hl=en&ll...

Stephen Kiprotich won in 2 hours, 8 minutes, 1 second as he pulled away from the Kenyan duo of Abel Kirui and Wilson Kiprotich Kipsang.

These photographs are unofficial photographs. They are not endorsed by London 2012. There are not commercially available. They are available for use under a Creative Commons License. Please link back to the photograph on my Flickr account if you use the image.
Abderrahime Bouramdane - 2012 Olympic Marathon.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Peter Mooney, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0

The men's marathon of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, UK took place on an Olympic marathon street course on Sunday 12th August 2012 at 11:00. This was the final day of the 30th Olympic Games.

The London 2012 marathon course is the standard Olympic distance of 26 miles 385 yards and consists of one short lap of approx 2.2 miles followed by three longer laps of 8 miles. The course began on The Mall and travelled past several of the most famous London landmarks. The start/finish line was near the Victoria Memorial. These photographs were taken at the Victoria Embankment. This featured several times on the looped course. The approximate location from the photographs is shown in the Google StreetView Link below. maps.google.com/maps?q=embankment+london&hl=en&ll...

Stephen Kiprotich won in 2 hours, 8 minutes, 1 second as he pulled away from the Kenyan duo of Abel Kirui and Wilson Kiprotich Kipsang.

These photographs are unofficial photographs. They are not endorsed by London 2012. There are not commercially available. They are available for use under a Creative Commons License. Please link back to the photograph on my Flickr account if you use the image.
Berlin-Marathon 2015 Runners 3.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Denis Barthel, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0

Berlin Marathon 2015

Lilesa, Feyisa (ETH)
David Barmasai Tumo.JPG
Autor/Urheber: Apus apus, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
David Barmasai Tumo (KEN) at the 2012 Amsterdam Marathon
Urige Buta (Norway) - London 2012 Mens Marathon.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Matt Kieffer from London, United Kingdom, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0
Urige Buta (Norway) - London 2012 Men's Marathon
Adil Ennani (MAR) (3855384161).jpg
Autor/Urheber: Grzegorz Jereczek from Gdańsk, Poland, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0
Berlin Marathon 2018 027 (cropped).jpg
(c) C.Suthorn / cc-by-sa-4.0 / commons.wikimedia.org
(Beachte die drei notwendigen Links zu Autor, Lizenz und Bilddatei in der Quellenangabe.)

Beim Berlin Marathon 2018 stellte Eliud Kipchoge einen neuen Weltrekord auf.
IAAF World Championships Moscow 2013 marathon men 07 AZ (15540591557).jpg
Autor/Urheber: Andrey Zverev from Moscow, Russia, Lizenz: CC0
11 (364) Beraki Beyene (Eritrea) 2:13:40
Köln Marathon 2014-09-14 00136 (15104208359).jpg
Autor/Urheber: Kai Engelhardt from Cologne, Germany, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0
2014 Cologne Marathon – Marius Ionescu
20151018 Amsterdam Marathon - Chala Dechase.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Erik van Leeuwen, Lizenz: GFDL
Chala Dechase at the Amsterdam Marathon
Benjamin Kiptoo Marathon de Paris 2011.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Renaud, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Benjamin Kiptoo - winner of the Paris Marathon 2011
Anton Kosmač - Rio 2016.jpg
Autor/Urheber: André Motta/Brasil2016.gov.br, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Men's marathon at the 2016 Summer Olympics
Rachid Kisri - 2012 Olympic Marathon.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Peter Mooney, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0

The men's marathon of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, UK took place on an Olympic marathon street course on Sunday 12th August 2012 at 11:00. This was the final day of the 30th Olympic Games.

The London 2012 marathon course is the standard Olympic distance of 26 miles 385 yards and consists of one short lap of approx 2.2 miles followed by three longer laps of 8 miles. The course began on The Mall and travelled past several of the most famous London landmarks. The start/finish line was near the Victoria Memorial. These photographs were taken at the Victoria Embankment. This featured several times on the looped course. The approximate location from the photographs is shown in the Google StreetView Link below. maps.google.com/maps?q=embankment+london&hl=en&ll...

Stephen Kiprotich won in 2 hours, 8 minutes, 1 second as he pulled away from the Kenyan duo of Abel Kirui and Wilson Kiprotich Kipsang.

These photographs are unofficial photographs. They are not endorsed by London 2012. There are not commercially available. They are available for use under a Creative Commons License. Please link back to the photograph on my Flickr account if you use the image.
Jeffrey Eggleston (2013).jpg
Autor/Urheber: Andrey Zverev from Moscow, Russia, Lizenz: CC0
13 (1124) Jeff Eggleston (USA) 2:14:23
Yared Asmerom - 2012 Olympic Marathon.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Peter Mooney, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0

The men's marathon of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, UK took place on an Olympic marathon street course on Sunday 12th August 2012 at 11:00. This was the final day of the 30th Olympic Games.

The London 2012 marathon course is the standard Olympic distance of 26 miles 385 yards and consists of one short lap of approx 2.2 miles followed by three longer laps of 8 miles. The course began on The Mall and travelled past several of the most famous London landmarks. The start/finish line was near the Victoria Memorial. These photographs were taken at the Victoria Embankment. This featured several times on the looped course. The approximate location from the photographs is shown in the Google StreetView Link below. maps.google.com/maps?q=embankment+london&hl=en&ll...

Stephen Kiprotich won in 2 hours, 8 minutes, 1 second as he pulled away from the Kenyan duo of Abel Kirui and Wilson Kiprotich Kipsang.

These photographs are unofficial photographs. They are not endorsed by London 2012. There are not commercially available. They are available for use under a Creative Commons License. Please link back to the photograph on my Flickr account if you use the image.
Gebregziabher Gebremariam (2011).jpg
Autor/Urheber: Acrb, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Gebregziabher Gebremariam at the NYC marathon 2011
Yuki Kawauchi in 2018.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Frankie Fouganthin, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Stockholm Marathon 2018.
Bekir Karayel (Turkey) - London 2012 Mens Marathon.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Matt Kieffer from London, United Kingdom, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0
Bekir Karayel (Turkey) - London 2012 Men's Marathon
Lee Merrien Cropped.jpg
Autor/Urheber: tompagenet, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0
A cropped version of File:Lee Merrien.jpg.
Flag of Malawi (2010–2012).svg
Flag of Malawi (2010-2012)
Ruggero Pertile (Italy) - London 2012 Mens Marathon.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Matt Kieffer from London, United Kingdom, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0
Ruggero Pertile (Italy) - London 2012 Men's Marathon
Berlin marathon 2012 buelowstrasse between kilometers 36 and 37 30.09.2012 10-55-054.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Dirk Ingo Franke, Lizenz: CC BY 3.0
Kenyan runner Eliud Kiptanui at the Berlin Marathon 2012. Here on Bülowstraße, between Kilometers 36 and 37.
Abderrahim Goumri (cropped).jpg
Autor/Urheber: Tom Thai, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0
Abderrahim Goumri, towards the end of the race. He finished with a time of 2:09:07.
Cuthbert Nyasango - 2012 Olympic Marathon.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Peter Mooney, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0

The men's marathon of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, UK took place on an Olympic marathon street course on Sunday 12th August 2012 at 11:00. This was the final day of the 30th Olympic Games.

The London 2012 marathon course is the standard Olympic distance of 26 miles 385 yards and consists of one short lap of approx 2.2 miles followed by three longer laps of 8 miles. The course began on The Mall and travelled past several of the most famous London landmarks. The start/finish line was near the Victoria Memorial. These photographs were taken at the Victoria Embankment. This featured several times on the looped course. The approximate location from the photographs is shown in the Google StreetView Link below. maps.google.com/maps?q=embankment+london&hl=en&ll...

Stephen Kiprotich won in 2 hours, 8 minutes, 1 second as he pulled away from the Kenyan duo of Abel Kirui and Wilson Kiprotich Kipsang.

These photographs are unofficial photographs. They are not endorsed by London 2012. There are not commercially available. They are available for use under a Creative Commons License. Please link back to the photograph on my Flickr account if you use the image.
Autor/Urheber: Smdl - Stephane Mace de Lepinay, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Vincent Kipruto at Paris marathon 2009
Stephen Kiprotich at the London 2012 Men's Olympic Marathon, 12 August 2012-2.jpg
Autor/Urheber: , Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0
The men's marathon of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, UK took place on an Olympic marathon street course on Sunday 12th August 2012 at 11:00. This was the final day of the 30th Olympic Games. The London 2012 marathon course is the standard Olympic distance of 26 miles 385 yards and consists of one short lap of approx 2.2 miles followed by three longer laps of 8 miles. The course began on The Mall and travelled past several of the most famous London landmarks. The start/finish line was near the Victoria Memorial. These photographs were taken at the Victoria Embankment. This featured several times on the looped course. The approximate location from the photographs is shown in the Google StreetView Link below. <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=embankment+london&hl=en&ll=51.510216,-0.116892&spn=0.002527,0.004823&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=52.152749,79.013672&hq=embankment&hnear=London,+United+Kingdom&t=m&fll=51.509904,-0.115314&fspn=0.002527,0.004823&z=18&layer=c&cbll=51.510216,-0.116892&panoid=PgMJsi8L00PXLEWiiRZHsw&cbp=12,218.97,,0,0" rel="nofollow">maps.google.com/maps?q=embankment+london&hl=en&ll...</a> Stephen Kiprotich won in 2 hours, 8 minutes, 1 second as he pulled away from the Kenyan duo of Abel Kirui and Wilson Kiprotich Kipsang.
Autor/Urheber: mumutia, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0
when i was in hyangtogwan, Kyungpook National University, summer 2007
Flag of Ethiopia (1996-2009).svg
Flag of Ethiopia (1996-2009)
Jeff Hunt (Australia) - London 2012 Mens Marathon.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Matt Kieffer from London, United Kingdom, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0
Jeff Hunt (Australia) - London 2012 Men's Marathon