Jane Yolen/Bibliographie

Die untenstehende Liste der Werke von Jane Yolen gliedert sich wie folgt:

  • Romane: Einzelromane und Romanserien, vorwiegend Fantasy, die sich auch an Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene richtet
  • Kurzgeschichten: Sammlungen von Kurzgeschichten und unselbständig erschienene Erzählungen
  • Kinder- und Bilderbücher: vorwiegend illustrierte Geschichten, Märchensammlungen und Sachbücher für Kinder
  • Gedichte: Sammlungen und Einzelgedichte
  • Comics: Comics und grafische Erzählungen
  • Sachliteratur
  • Herausgeberin: von Yolen herausgegebene Anthologien

Reihen sind jeweils aufsteigend chronologisch geordnet.


  • Trust a City Kid (1966, mit Anne Huston)
  • The Wizard of Washington Square (1969)
  • The Inway Investigators, or, The Mystery at McCracken’s Place (1970)
  • The Magic Three of Solatia (1974)
  • The Transfigured Hart (1975)
  • The Mermaid’s Three Wisdoms (1978)
  • The Gift of Sarah Barker (1981)
  • Children of the Wolf (1984)
    • Deutsch: Die Wolfskinder von Midnapur. Übersetzt von Wolf Harranth. Oetinger, Hamburg 1986, ISBN 3-7891-1752-8.
  • The Stone Silenus (1984)
  • Cards of Grief (1985)
    • Deutsch: Eine Welt der Traurigkeit. Übersetzt von Eva Eppers. Bastei-Lübbe-Taschenbuch #24107, 1988, ISBN 3-404-24107-X.
  • The Dragon’s Boy (1990)
  • Wizard’s Hall (1991)
  • The Wild Hunt (1995)
  • Briar Rose (1992)
    • Deutsch: Dornrose : Die Geschichte meiner Großmutter. Übersetzt von Ulrike Nolte. Bloomsbury, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-8270-5305-3.
  • Armageddon Summer (1998, mit Bruce Coville)
    • Deutsch: Der Tag, an dem die Welt untergeht. Übersetzt von Katja Schüler und Salah Naoura. Arena-Taschenbuch #2238. Arena, Würzburg 2002, ISBN 3-401-02238-5.
  • Sword of the Rightful King (2003)
    • Deutsch: Das Geheimnis des magischen Schwertes : ein Artus-Roman. Übersetzt von Anja Malich. Carlsen, Hamburg 2004, ISBN 3-551-35376-X.
    • Deutsch: Der Drachenkämpfer von Sarkkhan : die Drachentrilogie im Sammelband. Übersetzt von Anja Hansen-Schmidt. Beltz und Gelberg, Weinheim 2006, ISBN 3-407-74017-4.
  • Except the Queen (2010, mit Midori Snyder)
  • Snow in Summer (2011)
  • Curse of the Thirteenth Fairy (2012)
  • B.U.G. (Big Ugly Guy) (2013, mit Adam Stemple)
  • Bad Girls: Sirens, Jezebels, Murderesses, Thieves, and Other Female Villains (2013, mit Heidi E. Y. Stemple und Illustrationen von Rebecca Guay)
  • A Plague of Unicorns (2014)
  • Centaur Rising (2014)
  • Trash Mountain (2015)
  • Mapping the Bones (2018)
  • Finding Baba Yaga (2018)
The Pit Dragon Chronicles
  • 1 Dragon’s Blood (1982)
    • Deutsch: Drachenblut. Übersetzt von Anja Hansen-Schmidt. Anrich, Weinheim 2001, ISBN 3-89106-413-6
  • 2 Heart’s Blood (1984)
    • Deutsch: Herzblut. Übersetzt von Anja Hansen-Schmidt. Beltz und Gelberg, Weinheim 2002, ISBN 3-89106-423-3.
  • 3 A Sending of Dragons (1987)
    • Deutsch: Drachenbotschaft. Übersetzt von Anja Hansen-Schmidt. Beltz und Gelberg, Weinheim 2002, ISBN 3-89106-428-4.
  • 4 Dragon’s Heart (2009)

Deutsche Sammelausgabe:

  • Der Drachenkämpfer von Sarkkhan : die Drachentrilogie im Sammelband. Übersetzt von Anja Hansen-Schmidt. Beltz und Gelberg, Weinheim 2006, ISBN 3-407-74017-4.

Great Alta

  • 1 Sister Light, Sister Dark (1988)
  • 2 White Jenna (1989)
  • 3 The One-Armed Queen (1998)

The Young Merlin Trilogy

  • 1 Passager (1996)
  • 2 Hobby (1996)
  • 3 Merlin (1997)

Tartan Magic

  • 1 The Wizard’s Map (1999)
  • 2 The Pictish Child (1999)
  • 3 The Bagpiper’s Ghost (2002)

The Stuart Quartet (mit Robert J. Harris)

  • 1 Queen’s Own Fool (2000)
  • 2 Girl in a Cage (2002)
  • 3 Prince Across the Water (2004)
  • 4 The Rogues (2007)

Rock ’n’ Roll Fairy Tales (mit Adam Stemple)

  • Boots and the Seven Leaguers (2000)
  • Pay the Piper (2005)
    • Deutsch: Rattenfänger : ein Rock-'n'-Roll-Märchen. Übersetzt von Joachim Körber. Ed. Phantasia, Bellheim 2007, ISBN 978-3-937897-23-3.
  • The Troll Bridge (2007)

Young Heroes (mit Robert J. Harris)

  • Odysseus in the Serpent Maze (2001)
  • Hippolyta and the Curse of the Amazons (2001)
  • Atalanta and the Arcadian Beast (2003)
  • Jason and the Gorgon’s Blood (2004)

The Seelie Wars (mit Adam Stemple)

  • The Hostage Prince (2013)
  • The Last Changeling (2014)


  • Greyling (1968)
  • The Wizard of Washington Square (1969)
  • The Seventh Mandarin (1970)
  • The Bird of Time (1971)
  • The Girl Who Loved the Wind (1972)
  • Dawn-Strider (1974)
  • Rainbow Rider (1974)
  • Silent Bianca (1974)
  • The Boy Who Had Wings (1974)
    • Deutsch: Der Knabe mit den wundersamen Flügeln Mit Wachskreidebildern von Helga Aichinger. Übersetzt von Elisabeth Schnack. Artemis, Zürich & München 1974, ISBN 3-7608-0369-5.
  • The Girl Who Cried Flowers (1974)
  • The Lad Who Stared Everyone Down (1974)
  • The Weaver of Tomorrow (1974)
  • Wild Goose and Gander (1974)
  • Sans Soleil (1976)
  • The Moon Ribbon (1976)
  • The Lady and the Merman (1976)
  • The White Seal Maid (1977)
  • The Hundredth Dove (1977)
  • The Maiden Made of Fire (1977)
  • Once a Good Man (1977)
  • The Promise (1977)
  • Johanna (1978)
  • The Tree’s Wife (1978)
  • The Tower Bird (1978)
  • Brother Hart (1978)
    • Deutsch: Bruder Hirsch. In: Manfred Kluge (Hrsg.): Lektrik Jack. Heyne (Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy #3681), 1979, ISBN 3-453-30600-7.
  • Dream Weaver (1979)
  • Man of Rock, Man of Stone (1979)
  • Princess Heart O’Stone (1979)
  • The Boy Who Sang for Death (1979)
  • The Cat Bride (1979)
  • The Pot Child (1979)
  • Angelica (1979)
  • The Sleep of Trees (1980)
  • Brothers of the Wind (1981)
  • The River Maid (1981)
    • Deutsch: Die Flußnixe. In: René Oth (Hrsg.): Als alles anders wurde. Luchterhand (Sammlung Luchterhand #530), 1985, ISBN 3-472-61530-3.
  • Sleeping Ugly (1981)
  • The Corridors of the Sea (1981)
  • One Old Man, with Seals (1982)
  • The Fisherman’s Wife (1982)
  • The Malaysian Mer (1982)
  • Boris Chernevsky’s Hands (1982)
    • Deutsch: Boris Chernevskys Hände. In: Susan M. Shwartz (Hrsg.): Hexengeschichten. Bastei Lübbe (Bastei Lübbe Allgemeine Reihe #13003), 1985, ISBN 3-404-13003-0.
  • Sun/Flight (1982)
  • Sule Skerry (1982)
  • The Undine (1982)
  • In the Hall of Grief (1982)
  • Brother Kenan’s Bell (1983)
  • Cards of Grief (1983)
  • Names (1983)
  • Old Herald (1983)
  • The Golden Balls (1983)
  • The Soul Fisher (1983)
  • The Sow, the Mare, and the Cow (1983)
  • Sister Light, Sister Dark (1983)
  • Happy Dens; or, A Day in the Old Wolves’ Home (1984)
  • Salvage (1984)
  • The Bull & the Crowth (1984)
  • The Foxwife (1984)
  • The Five Points of Roguery (1984)
  • The Thirteenth Fey (1985)
  • The Face in the Cloth (1985)
  • Dragonfield (1985)
  • An Infestation of Angels (1985)
  • Great-Grandfather Dragon’s Tale (1986)
  • The Uncorking of Uncle Finn (1986)
  • The King’s Dragon (1987)
  • The White Babe (1987)
  • Wolf/Child (1987)
  • Words of Power (1987)
    • Deutsch: Worte der Macht. In: Ellen Datlow, Terri Windling (Hrsg.): Das neue Buch der Fantasy. Bastei Lübbe (Bastei Lübbe Paperback #28191), 1990, ISBN 3-404-28191-8.
  • Green Messiah (1988)
  • The Boy Who Drew Unicorns (1988)
  • The Music of the Dales from ›Sister Light, Sister Dark‹ (1988)
  • Meditation in a Whitethorn Tree (1988)
  • The Quiet Monk (1988)
  • The Devil’s Arithmetic (1988)
    • Deutsch: Chaja heisst Leben. Ueberreuter, Wien 1989, ISBN 3-8000-2734-8. Auch als: Ravensburger Taschenbuch #4096, 1992, ISBN 3-473-54096-X.
  • Dusty Loves (1988)
  • Sir John Mandeville’s Report on the Griffin–Persia, Twelfth Century (1988)
  • Memoirs of a Bottle Djinni (1988)
  • Dove Isabeau (1989)
  • The Baby-Sitter (1989)
  • The Faery Flag (1989)
  • The Music of the Dales from ›White Jenna‹ (1989)
  • The Singer of Seeds (1989)
  • Feast of Souls (1989)
  • The Sea Man (1989)
    • Deutsch: Der Wassermann. In: Ronald M. Hahn (Hrsg.): Der Wassermann. Heyne (Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy #4786), 1991, ISBN 3-453-04495-9.
  • Creationism: An Illustrated Lecture in Two Parts (1990)
  • Tintagel Morning: Song (1990)
  • The Dragon Woke and Stretched (1990)
  • Ear (1991)
  • Mama Gone (1991)
  • Great Gray (1991)
  • Dear Ms. Lonelylegs (1991)
  • Wings (1991)
  • Winter’s King (1992)
    • Deutsch: Der Winterkönig. In: Martin H. Greenberg (Hrsg.): Die Erben des Rings: J. R. R. Tolkien zu Ehren. Bastei Lübbe, 1997, ISBN 3-404-13803-1.
  • Flight (1992)
  • Memoirs of a Bottle Djinn (1992)
  • Sun (1992)
  • Afterword (The Lady or the Tiger and Other Stories) (1992)
  • Gift of the Magicians, with Apologies to You Know Who (1992)
  • The Tale of the Seventeenth Eunuch (1992)
  • For Love of Juoun (1993)
  • Harlyn’s Fairy (1993)
  • Momster in the Closet (1993)
  • One Ox, Two Ox, Three Ox, and the Dragon King (1993)
  • Inscription (1993)
  • The Snatchers (1993)
    • Deutsch: Die Greifer. In: Ronald M. Hahn (Hrsg.): Ansleys Dämonen. Heyne (Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy #5341), 1995, ISBN 3-453-08587-6.
  • An Infestation of Unicorns (1994)
  • Blood Sister (1994)
  • De Natura Unicorni (1994)
  • Li Po and the Unicorn (1994)
  • Mrs. Ambroseworthy (1994)
  • Pitch (1994)
  • Snakes (1994)
  • The Healing Horn (1994)
  • The Hunt (1994)
  • The Unicorn and the Pool (1994)
  • Unicorn Tapestry (1994)
  • The Lady’s Garden (1994)
  • Granny Rumple (1994)
  • The Woman Who Loved a Bear (1994)
  • Daffodils (1995, mit Heidi E. Y. Stemple)
  • Journey into the Dark (1995)
  • Merlin and the Dragons (1995)
  • Night Wolves (1995)
  • The One-Armed Queen (1995)
  • The Traveler and the Tale (1995)
  • The Witch’s Ride (1995)
  • Vamping the Muse (1995)
  • When I Grow Up, by Michael Dee (1995)
  • Wilding (1995)
  • Witchfinder (1995)
  • Circles (1995)
  • Allerleirauh (1995)
  • Sister Death (1995)
  • Bolundeers (1996)
  • Brandon and the Aliens (1996)
  • Fallen Angel (1996)
  • Jacob’s Ladder (1996)
  • King Henry (1996) [graphic format]
  • Lady Merion’s Angel (1996)
  • Phoenix Farm (1996)
  • Sea Dragon of Fife (1996)
  • Sextraterrestrials (1996, mit Joe Haldeman)
  • Sister Emily’s Lightship (1996)
  • The House of Seven Angels (1996)
  • The School Visitor (1996)
  • The Word the Devil Made Up (1996)
  • Wonder Land (1996)
  • Wrestling with Angels (1996)
  • Castle Collapse (1996)
  • Sphinx Song (1996)
  • A Southern Night (1997)
  • Dick W. and His Pussy; or, Tess and Her Adequate Dick (1997)
  • Lost Girls (1997)
  • Rabbit Hole (1997)
  • The Bridge’s Complaint (1997)
  • Tough Alice (1997)
  • Godmother Death (1997)
  • Belle Bloody Merciless Dame (1997)
  • The Wizard of the Birds (1997, mit Adam Stemple)
  • Bird Count (1998)
  • Ghost Boy (1998)
  • Green Ghosts (1998)
  • Mandy (1998)
  • Police Report (1998)
  • Prom Ghost (1998)
  • Souls (1998)
  • Studies in Stone (1998, mit Robert J. Harris)
  • The Emperor and the Kite (1998)
  • Become a Warrior (1998)
  • Carrion Crows (1998, mit Robert Harris)
  • Angus Mor and the Fairies (1999)
  • The Fairies Banished (1999)
  • The Fairy Midwife (1999)
  • The Fee’s Changeling (1999)
  • The Lost Spear (1999)
  • The Peri Wife (1999)
  • The Stolen Wife (1999)
  • The Tailor’s Treasure (1999)
  • The Three Fairies of Sandy Batoum (1999)
  • Thomas the Rhymer (1999)
  • Three Short Welsh Fairy Stories (1999)
  • Cinder Elephant (2000)
  • Green Plague (2000)
  • Our Lady of the Greenwood (2000)
  • Snow in Summer (2000)
  • Holy, Holy, Holy (2000, mit Heidi E. Y. Stemple)
  • Requiem Antarctica (2000, mit Robert J. Harris)
  • A Ghost of an Affair (2000)
  • Speaking to the Wind (2000)
  • The Singer and the Song (2000)
  • Under the Hill (2000)
  • Where Have the Unicorns Gone? (2000)
  • Glamour (2000, mit Adam Stemple)
  • The Barbarian and the Queen: Thirteen Views (2001)
  • Centaur Field (2001)
  • Dark Seed, Dark Stone (2002)
  • Greenkid (2003)
  • Ride Me Like a Wave (2003)
  • Troubles (2004, mit Adam Stemple)
  • The Great Selchie of Sule Skerry (2004)
  • A Knot of Toads (2005)
  • Except the Queen (2005, mit Midori Snyder)
  • Rosechild (2005)
  • Somewhen (2005)
  • The Honey-Stick Boy (2005)
  • The Moon Child (2005)
  • Max, the Hand, and Me (2005, mit Heidi E. Y. Stemple)
  • Slipping Sideways Through Eternity (2007)
  • Little Red (2009, mit Adam Stemple)
  • Troll (2009)
  • Mesopotamian Fire (2009, mit Adam Stemple)
  • Come to the Fairies’ Ball (2009)
  • The Tsar’s Dragons (2009, mit Adam Stemple)
  • When Elder Sister Grew Her Wings (2009)
  • The Elephant’s Bride (2010)
  • Andersen’s Witch (2012)
  • Waking Dragons (2012)
  • Enough (2013)
  • The Jewel in the Toad Queen’s Crown (2013)
  • Dog Boy Remembers (2013)
  • The Spinning Wheel’s Tale (2013)
  • A Song for Sacagawea (2015)
  • On Duck Pond (2017)
  • A Glory of Unicorns (2017)
  • The Bird (2017)
  • Handmaid’s Tale (2017)
  • Conjoined (2017)
  • On Gull Beach (2018)
  • Crow Not Crow (2018, mit Adam Stemple)
  • Monster Academy (2018, mit Heidi E. Y. Stemple)
  • A Kite for Moon (2019, mit Heidi E. Y. Stemple)


  • The Wizard Islands (1973, Illustrationen von Robert Quackenbush)
  • The Girl Who Cried Flowers and Other Tales (1974)
  • The Moon Ribbon and Other Tales (1976)
  • The Hundredth Dove and Other Tales (1977)
  • Dream Weaver (1979)
  • Neptune Rising: Songs and Tales of the Undersea People (1982)
  • Tales of Wonder (1983)
  • The Whitethorn Wood and Other Magicks (1984)
  • Dragonfield and Other Stories (1985)
  • Merlin’s Booke (1986)
  • Tales of Wonder (1987, for adults)
  • The Faery Flag (1989)
  • Storyteller (1992)
  • Twelve Impossible Things Before Breakfast (1997)
  • Sister Emily’s Lightship and Other Stories (2000)
  • The Fish Prince and Other Stories: Mermen Folk Tales (2001, mit Shulamith Levey Oppenheim)
  • Once Upon a Time (She Said) (2005)
  • The Last Selchie Child (2012)
  • Grumbles from the Forest: Fairy-Tale Voices with a Twist (2013, mit Rebecca Kai Dotlich)
  • The Bloody Tide (2014)
  • The Emerald Circus (2017)
  • How to Fracture a Fairy Tale (2017, Kurzgeschichten und Gedichte)

Here There Be … (Illustrationen von David Wilgus)

  • Here There Be Dragons (1993)
  • Here There Be Unicorns (1994)
  • Here There Be Witches (1995)
  • Here There Be Angels (1996)
  • Here There Be Ghosts (1998)

Kinder- und Bilderbücher


  • The Witch Who Wasn’t (1964, Illustrationen von Arnold Roth)
  • Gwinellen: The Princess Who Could Not Sleep (1965, Illustrationen von Ed Renfro)
  • The Emperor and the Kite (1967, Illustrationen von Ed Young)
  • Isabel’s Noel (1967, Illustrationen von Arnold Roth)
  • The Minstrel and the Mountain: A Tale of Peace (1968, Illustrationen von Anne Rockwell)
  • The Longest Name on the Block (1968, Illustrationen von Peter Madden)
  • It All Depends (1969, Illustrationen von Don Bolognese)
  • The Seventh Mandarin (1970, Illustrationen von Ed Young)
  • The Bird of Time (1971, Illustrationen von Mercer Mayer)
  • Rainbow Rider (1974, Illustrationen von Michael Foreman)
  • The Boy Who Had Wings (1974, Illustrationen von Helga Aichinger)
  • The Little Spotted Fish (1974, Illustrationen von Friso Henstra)
  • An Invitation To The Butterfly Ball (1976, Illustrationen von Jane Breskin Zalben)
  • Milkweed Days (1976, Photos von Gabriel Amadeus Cooney)
  • The Seeing Stick (1977, Illustrationen von Daniela Jaglenka Terrazzini)
  • The Sultan’s Perfect Tree (1977, Illustrationen von Barbara Garrison)
  • The Simple Prince (1978, Illustrationen von Jack Kent)
    • Deutsch: Der Prinz und das einfache Leben. Übersetzt von Marion von der Kammer. Carlsen (Lilli-Billi-Bücher), Reinbek bei Hamburg 1980, ISBN 3-551-11628-8.
  • No Bath Tonight (1978, Illustrationen von Nancy Winslow Parker)
  • All in the Woodland Early: An ABC Book (1978, Illustrationen von Jane Breskin Zalben)
  • The Giants Go Camping (1979, Illustrationen von Tomie dePaola)
  • The Giants’ Farm (1979, Illustrationen von Tomie dePaola)
  • Mice on Ice (1980, Illustrationen von Lawrence Di Fiori)
  • Dragon Night and Other Lullabies (1980, Illustrationen von Demi)
  • Sleeping Ugly (1981, Illustrationen von Diane Stanley)
  • Uncle Lemon’s Spring (1981, Illustrationen von Glen Rounds)
  • Shirlick Holmes and the Case of the Wandering Wardrobe (1981, Illustrationen von Anthony Rao)
  • The Boy Who Spoke Chimp (1981, Illustrationen von David Wiesner)
  • The Acorn Quest (1981, Illustrationen von Susanna Natti)
  • Brothers of the Wind (1981, Illustrationen von Barbara Berger)
  • The Sleeping Beauty (1986, Illustrationen von Ruth Sanderson)
  • The Girl Who Loved the Wind (1987, Illustrationen von Ed Young)
  • Owl Moon (1987, Illustrationen von John Schoenherr)
  • Dove Isabeau (1989, Illustrationen von Dennis Nolan)
  • Tam Lin (1990, Illustrationen von Charles Mikolaycak)
  • Elfabet: An ABC of Elves (1990, Illustrationen von Lauren A. Mills)
  • Sky Dogs (1990, Illustrationen von Barry Moser)
  • Dinosaur Dances (1990, Illustrationen von Bruce Degan)
  • All Those Secrets of the World (1991, Illustrationen von Leslie Baker)
  • Hark! A Christmas Sampler (1991, mit Tomie dePaola)
  • Greyling (1991, Illustrationen von William Stobbs)
  • Wings (1991, Illustrationen von Dennis Nolan)
  • Letting Swift River Go (1992, Illustrationen von Barbara Cooney)
  • Eeny, Meeny, Miney Mole (1992, Illustrationen von Kathryn Brown)
  • Welcome to the Green House (1993, Illustrationen von Laura Regan)
  • Too Old for Naps (1993, Illustrationen von Alexi Natchev)
  • Honkers (1993, Illustrationen von Leslie Baker)
  • Mouse’s Birthday (1993, Illustrationen von Bruce Degen)
  • The Girl in the Golden Bower (1994, Illustrationen von Jane Dyer)
  • Beneath the Ghost Moon (1994, Illustrationen von Laurel Molk)
  • Good Griselle (1994, Illustrationen von David Christiana)
  • Before the Storm (1994, Illustrationen von Georgia Pugh)
  • Grandad Bill’s Song (1994, Illustrationen von Melissa Bay Mathis)
  • Old Dame Counterpane (1994, Illustrationen von Ruth Tietjen Councell)
  • The Ballad of the Pirate Queens (1995, Illustrationen von David Shannon)
  • Alphabestiary (1995, Illustrationen von Allan Eitzen)
  • Merlin and the Dragons (1995, Illustrationen von Li Ming, based on film Merlin and the Dragons)
  • A Sip of Aesop (1995, Illustrationen von Karen Barbour)
  • And Twelve Chinese Acrobats (1995, Illustrationen von Jean Gralley)
  • Little Mouse & Elephant: A Tale from Turkey (1995, Illustrationen von John Segal)
  • Musicians of Bremen: A Tale from Germany (1995, Illustrationen von John Segal)
  • Encounter (1996, picture book Illustrationen von David Shannon)
  • Meet the Monsters (1996, mit Heidi E. Y. Stemple; Illustrationen von Patricia Ludlow)
  • Miz Berlin Walks (1997, Illustrationen von Floyd Cooper)
  • Nocturne (1997, Illustrationen von Anne Hunter)
  • Once Upon a Bedtime Story (1997, Illustrationen von Ruth Tietjen Councell)
  • The Prince of Egypt (1998, Illustrationen von Michael Köelsch nach Zeichnungen von Larry Navarro)
    • Deutsch: Der Prinz von Ägypten. Übersetzt von Annemarie Bruhns. Bertelsmann, München 1998, ISBN 3-570-12355-3.
  • Pegasus, the Flying Horse (1998, Illustrationen von Li Ming)
  • Welcome to the Ice House (1998, Illustrationen von Laura Regan)
  • The Sea Man (1998, Illustrationen von Christopher Denise)
  • King Long Shanks (1998, Illustrationen von Victoria Chess)
  • Raising Yoder’s Barn (1998, Illustrationen von Bernie Fuchs)
  • MoonBall (1999, Illustrationen von Greg Couch)
  • Where Have the Unicorns Gone? (2000, Illustrationen von Ruth Sanderson)
  • Off We Go! (2000, Illustrationen von Laurel Molk)
  • The Flying Witch (2003, Illustrationen von Vladimir Vagin)
  • The Firebird (2002, Illustrationen von Vladimir Vagin)
  • Harvest Home (2002, Illustrationen von Greg Shed)
  • The Sea King (2002, mit Shulamith Levey Oppenheim; Illustrationen von Stefan Czernecki)
  • Time for Naps (2002, Illustrationen von Hiroe Nakata)
  • Hoptoad (2003, Illustrationen von Karen Lee Schmidt)
  • Child of Faerie, Child of Earth (2005, Illustrationen von Jane Dyer)
  • Grandma’s Hurrying Child (2005, Illustrationen von Kay Charao)
  • Soft House (2005, Illustrationen von Wendy Anderson Halperin)
  • Dimity Duck (2006, Illustrationen von Sebastien Braun)
  • Sleep, Black Bear, Sleep (2007, mit Heidi E. Y. Stemple; Illustrationen von Brooke Dyer)
  • Naming Liberty (2008, Illustrationen von Jim Burke)
  • One Hippo Hops (2008, Illustrationen von Vlasta van Kampen)
  • Sad, Mad, Glad Hippos (2008, Illustrationen von Vlasta van Kampen)
  • Hip Hippos (2008, Illustrationen von Vlasta van Kampen)
  • Mama’s Kiss (2008, Illustrationen von Daniel Baxter)
  • Pumpkin Baby (2009, Illustrationen von Susan Mitchell)
  • The Scarecrow’s Dance (2009, Illustrationen von Bagram Ibatoulline)
  • My Uncle Emily (2009, Illustrationen von Nancy Carpenter)
  • Come to the Fairies’ Ball (2009, Illustrationen von Gary Lippincott)
  • Under the Star: A Christmas Counting Story (2009, Illustrationen von Vlasta van Kampen)
  • Elsie’s Bird (2010, Illustrationen von David Small)
  • Hush, Little Horsie (2010, Illustrationen von Ruth Sanderson)
  • My Father Knows the Names of Things (2010, Illustrationen von Stéphane Jorisch)
  • Creepy Monsters, Sleepy Monsters (2011, Illustrationen von Kelly Murphy)
  • The Day Tiger Rose Said Goodbye (2011, Illustrationen von Jim LaMarche)
  • Pretty Princess Pig (2011, mit Heidi E. Y. Stemple; Illustrationen von Sam Williams)
  • Sister Bear: A Norse Tale (2011, Illustrationen von Linda Graves)
  • Waking Dragons (2012, Illustrationen von Derek Anderson)
  • Romping Monsters, Stomping Monsters (2013, Illustrationen von Kelly Murphy)
  • The Stranded Whale (2015, Illustrationen von Melanie Cataldo)
  • Stone Angel (2015, Illustrationen von Katie May Green)
  • You Nest Here with Me (2015, mit Heidi E. Y. Stemple; Illustrationen von Melissa Sweet)
  • Sing a Season Song (2015, Illustrationen von Lisa Ashlock)
  • What To Do With a Box (2016, Illustrationen von Chris Sheban)
  • On Bird Hill (2016, Illustrationen von Bob Marstall)
  • On Duck Pond (2017, Illustrationen von Bob Marstall)
  • Thunder Underground (2017, Illustrationen von Josée Masse)
  • On Gull Beach (2018, Illustrationen von Bob Marstall)
  • Crow Not Crow (2018, Illustrationen von Elizabeth Dulemba)
  • A Bear Sat on My Porch Today (2018, Illustrationen von Rilla Alexander)
  • Monster Academy (2018, mit Heidi E. Y. Stemple; Illustrationen von John McKinley)
Commander Toad
  • Commander Toad in Space (1980)
  • Commander Toad and the Planet of the Grapes (1982)
  • Commander Toad and the Big Black Hole (1983)
  • Commander Toad and the Dis-asteroid (1985)
  • Commander Toad and the Intergalactic Spy (1986)
  • Commander Toad and the Space Pirates (1987)
  • Commander Toad and the Voyage Home (1998)

Piggins (Illustrationen von Jane Dyer)

  • Piggins (1987)
  • Picnic with Piggins (1988)
  • Piggins and the Royal Wedding (1989)

Baby Bear (Illustrationen von Melissa Sweet)

  • Baby Bear’s Bedtime Book (1990)
  • Baby Bear’s Chairs (2005)
  • Baby Bear’s Books (2006)
  • Baby Bear’s Big Dreams (2007)

How Do Dinosaurs …? (Illustrationen von Mark Teague)

  • How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? (2000)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? (2002)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Learn to Read? (2003)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Clean Their Rooms? (2004)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten? (2004)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? (2005)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Play with Their Friends? (2006)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Learn Their Colors? (2006)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Go to School? (2007)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? (2009)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Learn Colours and Numbers? (2009)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Love Their Cats? (2010)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Love Their Dogs? (2010)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Laugh Out Loud? (2010)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Birthday? (2011)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Go Up and Down? (2011)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Play All Day? (2011)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Say Merry Christmas? (2012)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Chanukah? (2012)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Eat Cookies? (2012)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Say I’m Mad? (2013)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Stay Safe? (2013)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Stay Friends? (2016)
  • How Do Dinosaurs Choose Their Pets? (2016)

Little Frog

  • Little Frog and the Scary Autumn Thing (2016, Illustrationen von Ellen Shi)
  • Little Frog and the Spring Polliwogs (2017, Illustrationen von Ellen Shi)


  • Spider Jane (1978, Illustrationen von Stefan Bernath)
  • Ring of Earth: A Child’s Book of Seasons (1986, Illustrationen von John Wallner)
  • Milk and Honey: A Year of Jewish Holidays (1996, Illustrationen von Louise August)
  • The Fairies’ Ring: A Book of Fairy Stories & Poems (1999, Illustrationen von Stephen Mackey)
  • Not One Damsel In Distress: World Folktales for Strong Girls (2000, Illustrationen von Susan Guevara)
  • Mightier Than the Sword: World Folktales for Strong Boys (2003, Illustrationen von Raúl Colón)
  • The Barefoot Book of Ballet Stories (2004, mit Heidi E. Y. Stemple; Illustrationen von Rebecca Guay)
  • Meow: Cat Stories from Around the World (2005, Illustrationen von Hala Wittwer)
  • The Barefoot Book of Dance Stories (2010, mit Heidi E. Y. Stemple; Illustrationen von Helen Cann)
    • Deutsch: Walzer, Polka und Flamenco : die schönsten Märchen vom Tanzen. Übersetzt von Michael Stehle. Urachhaus, Stuttgart 2010, ISBN 978-3-8251-7690-7.
  • Animal Stories: Heartwarming True Tales from the Animal Kingdom (2014, mit Heidi E. Y. Stemple, Adam Stemple und Jason Stemple; Illustrationen von Jui Ishida)
  • Once There Was a Story: Tales from Around the World, Perfect for Sharing (2017, Illustrationen von Jane Dyer)
  • Meet Me at the Well: The Girls and Women of the Bible (2018, mit Barbara Diamond Goldin; Illustrationen von Vali Mintzi)


  • The Fireside Song Book of Birds and Beasts (1972, Noten von Barbara Green; Illustrationen von Peter Parnall)
  • Rounds about Rounds (1977, Noten von Barbara Green; Illustrationen von Gail Gibbons)
  • The Lullaby Songbook (1986, Noten von Adam Stemple; Illustrationen von Charles Mikolaycak)
  • The Lap-Time Song and Play Book (1998, Noten von Adam Stemple; Illustrationen von Margot Tomes)
  • Jane Yolen’s Mother Goose Songbook (1992, Noten von Adam Stemple; Illustrationen von Rosenkrans Hoffman)
  • Jane Yolen’s Songs Of Summer (1993, Noten von Adam Stemple; Illustrationen von Cyd Moore)
  • Jane Yolen’s Old Macdonald Songbook (1994, Noten von Adam Stemple; Illustrationen von Rosenkrans Hoffman)
  • Apple for the Teacher: Thirty Songs for Singing While You Work (2005, Noten von Adam Stemple)


  • Fairy Tale Feasts (2006, Rezepte von Heidi E. Y. Stemple; Illustrationen von Philippe Béha)
  • Fairy Tale Breakfasts (2009, Rezepte von Heidi E.Y. Stemple; Illustrationen von Philippe Béha)
  • Fairy Tale Lunches (2009, Rezepte von Heidi E. Y. Stemple; Illustrationen von Philippe Béha)
  • Fairy Tale Dinners (2009, Rezepte von Heidi E. Y. Stemple; Illustrationen von Philippe Béha)
  • Fairy Tale Desserts (2009, Rezepte von Heidi E. Y. Stemple; Illustrationen von Philippe Béha)
  • Jewish Fairy Tale Feasts (2013, Rezepte von Heidi E. Y. Stemple; Illustrationen von Sima Elizabeth Shefrin)


  • Pirates in Petticoats (1963, Illustrationen von Leonard Vosburgh)
  • See This Little Line (1963, Illustrationen von Kathleen Elgin)
  • Ring Out! A Book of Bells (1974, Illustrationen von Richard Cuffari)
  • World on a String: The Story of Kites (1975)
  • Simple Gifts: The Story of the Shakers (1976, Illustrationen von Betty Fraser)
  • A Letter from Phoenix Farm (1992, Photos von Jason Stemple)
  • Welcome to the Sea of Sand (1996, Illustrationen von Laura Regan)
  • Tea with an Old Dragon: A Story of Sophia Smith, Found of Smith College (1998, Illustrationen von Monica Vachula)
  • House, House (1998, Photos von Howes Brothers und Jason Stemple)
  • Welcome to the River of Grass (2001, Illustrationen von Laura Regan)
  • My Brothers’ Flying Machine: Wilbur, Orville, and Me (2003, Illustrationen von Jim Burke)
  • The Perfect Wizard: Hans Christian Andersen (2005, Illustrationen von Dennis Nolan)
  • Johnny Appleseed: The Legend and the Truth (2008, Illustrationen von Jim Burke)
  • Lost Boy: The Story of the Man Who Created Peter Pan (2010, Illustrationen von Steve Adams)
  • All Star!: Honus Wagner and the Most Famous Baseball Card Ever (2010, Illustrationen von Jim Burke)
  • The Emily Sonnets: The Life of Emily Dickinson (2012, Illustrationen von Gary Kelley)

An Unsolved Mystery from History (mit Heidi E. Y. Stemple; Illustrationen von Roger Roth)

  • The Mary Celeste (1999)
  • The Wolf Girls (2001)
  • Roanoke, the Lost Colony (2003)
  • The Salem Witch Trials (2004)


  • Caliban (1960)
  • Dragon Night (1980)
  • The Fossilot (1980)
  • Bed/Time/Tale (1981)
  • Nightmare in Browns (1981)
  • Selchie’s Midnight Song (1981)
  • The Merman in Love (1981)
  • Antique Store Merman (1982)
  • Davy Jones’ Locker (1982)
  • Metamorphosis (1982)
  • Old King Lir (1982)
  • The Ballad of the White Seal Maid (1982)
  • The Mermaid to Her Glass (1982)
  • The Selchie’s Midnight Song (1982)
  • Undine (1982)
  • Iduna’s Fruit (1982)
  • Neptune Rising (1982)
  • Why a Virgin or, Advice to Young Dragons (1982)
  • The Fates (1982)
  • Death of a Unicorn (1984)
  • Dryad’s Lament (1984)
  • Sings Astoreth (1984)
  • The Girl Who Loves a Tree (1984)
  • The Storyteller (1984)
  • Four Tree Lullabies (1985)
  • Into the Wood (1985)
  • The Ballad of the Quick Levars (1986)
  • The Making of Dragons (1986)
  • Once Upon a Time, She Said (1987)
  • Regenesis (1987)
  • Science Fiction (1987)
  • Frog Prince (1987)
  • Sir John Mandeville’s Report on the Griffin—Persia, Twelfth Century (1988)
  • The Cow Who Jumped (1988)
  • Atlas (1989)
  • Beauty and the Beast: An Anniversary (1989)
  • Gretel Spies the Magic House (1989)
  • The Golden Stair (1989)
  • The Magic House (1989)
  • Tombmates (1989)
  • Nazca Lines (1989)
  • Toads (1989)
  • The Wisdom of the Dales (1990)
  • Marine Passage: Two Mothers (1990)
  • A Story Must Be Held (1991)
  • Big Bang Theory (1991)
  • Angels Fly Because They Take Themselves Lightly (1991)
  • Lucifer (1991)
  • »Camelot Redux« (1992)
  • This is a story (1992)
  • Witch’s Cat (1992)
  • Deirdre (1992)
  • Family Stories (1992)
  • Prince Charming Comes (1992)
  • Smallpox (1992)
  • Imprint (1992)
  • Will (1992)
  • The Question of the Grail (1992)
  • »Story,« the Old Man Said, (1993)
  • Here There Be Dragons (1993)
  • Knives (1993)
  • Why Dragons? (1993)
  • The Ring at Yarrow (1993)
  • The Green Children (1993)
  • A Visitor’s Account (1994)
  • Fossils (1994)
  • Marchen (1994)
  • The Hunting of the Narwhale (1994)
  • The Long Cellar (1994)
  • The Making of a Unicorn (1994)
  • The Unicorn Leaves (1994)
  • The Unicorn’s Pool (1994)
  • Orkney Lament (1994)
  • A Southern Story (1994)
  • Rhinoceros (1994)
  • A Conversation Among Witches (1995)
  • Jacob and the Angel (1995)
  • Pythagoras (1995)
  • The Elf King’s Daughter (1995)
  • The Passing of the Eye (1995)
  • The Question of the Sword (1995)
  • Weird Sisters (1995)
  • When Love Came to Witch Alfre (1995)
  • Witch Call (1995)
  • Women’s Stories (1995)
  • Swan/Princess (1995)
  • The Mirror Speaks (1995)
  • Great Selkie (1995)
  • Amesbury Song (1995, mit Adam Stemple)
  • A Tale of Two Peters (1996)
  • Angel City Blues (1996)
  • Angel Feather (1996)
  • Another Count of Angels (1996)
  • Child’s Prayer (1996)
  • First Contact/Second Coming (1996)
  • Flattened Fauna Poem #37: Cats (1996)
  • Intermarriage (1996)
  • Manya’s Story (1996)
  • On the Head of a Pin (1996)
  • Sex Among the Abos (1996)
  • The Angel of Mons (1996)
  • Thinking of Angels (1996)
  • Headlines (1996)
  • Song of the Cards (1997)
  • Haunt (1998)
  • In the Silvered Night (1998)
  • It Was the Hour (1998)
  • My Own Ghosts (1998)
  • Seance for Eight (1998)
  • The Ballad of the Pirate Queens (1998)
  • The White Lady (1998)
  • Old Merlin Dancing on the Sands of Time (1999)
  • The Queen of the Fay (1999)
  • Where to Find Fairies (1999)
  • Three Questions (2000)
  • Fat Is Not a Fairy Tale (2000)
  • Last Day (2000)
  • Vampyr (2001)
  • Rodergo’s Song (2002, mit Adam Stemple)
  • Song of the Cailleach Bheur (2002)
  • Musings About Seth (2004)
  • Birthday: 64 (2004)
  • Ridinghood (2004)
  • Lies (2005)
  • War Memorial: Edinburgh (2005)
  • Beans (2005)
  • Black Dog Times (2005)
  • Crows (2005)
  • Impedimenta (2005)
  • Mother Goose’s Maladies (2005)
  • My Father Died Seven Times (2005)
  • Märchen (2005)
  • Ten Things You May Not Know About Me (2005)
  • The Wolf King’s Daughter (2005)
  • When Raven Sang (2005)
  • Fife Map (2006)
  • Growing Old the Mythic Way (2006)
  • Last Unicorn (2006)
  • Troll Under Bridge (2006)
  • Kwaku Anansi Walks the World’s Web (2007)
  • The Bull (2007)
  • Goodbye Billy Goat Gruff (2008)
  • The Selchie’s Children’s Plaint (2009)
  • The Gospel of the Rope (2010)
  • Foxwife (2010)
  • Chronicles of the Borderlands (2011)
  • Tower (2011)
  • Garden Fairies (2011)
  • Once Upon a Wolf (2012)
  • Objectifying Faerie (2012)
  • Gray (2012)
  • Second Coming (2012)
  • Desiring Dragons (2013)
  • Fraud (2013)
  • About Grandma Wolf (2013)
  • Beauty Sleep (2013)
  • Enchanted Frog (2013)
  • Gingerbread Boy: A Haiku (2013)
  • Gruff for Dinner (2013)
  • Jack (2013)
  • Just One Pea (2013)
  • Little Bit: A Haiku (2013)
  • Once (2013)
  • Shoes (2013)
  • Snow Speaks to the Mirror (2013)
  • Three Bears, Five Voices (2013)
  • Water Girl (2013)
  • Who Told the Lie? (2013)
  • Portrait of the Book as Golem (2013)
  • Creepy Monsters, Sleepy Monsters: A Lullaby (2013)
  • Romping Monsters, Stomping Monsters (2013)
  • Telling the True (2013)
  • St. Patrick and the Snakes (2013)
  • Flash Fiction Horror Show (2014)
  • Everything Old Becomes New (2014)
  • What a Time Traveler Needs Most (2014)
  • Never Told (2014)
  • Princess: A Life (2014)
  • Warning from the Undine (2014)
  • South of Oz (2014)
  • Bearing Witness (2014)
  • Fiddler at Midnight (2014)
  • Getting Out of the Way: The Muse Complains (2014)
  • Call of the Wild (2014)
  • Perhaps (2015)
  • Prince/Glass (2015)
  • Eating and Being Eaten (2015)
  • Mortar/Pestle (2015)
  • The Traveler’s Wagon Speaks (2015)
  • Dorothy Before Oz (2015)
  • A Murder of Crows (2015)
  • Postcards from the Abyss (2015)
  • Scarecrow Hangs (2015)
  • The Truth of Briars (2015)
  • Sing a Season Song (2015)
  • Baba Yaga Has Tea with Kostchai the Deathless (2015)
  • Shatter (2015)
  • Black Bull of Norroway (2016)
  • Gretel Asks (2016)
  • Nice Touch (2016)
  • Back in Time (2016)
  • Death Rides USAir at Night (2016)
  • Rusalka (2016)
  • Long Argument, the Longest (2016)
  • Embracing the Bear (2016)
  • Old Women of the Wood (2016)
  • The Poem on the Page (2016)
  • Why Politics Is Like a Love Affair (2016)
  • A Better Tool (2017)
  • Lancelot Writes Arthur’s Epitaph (2017)
  • Ovens (2017)
  • Blur (2017)
  • Feisty Girls (2017)
  • Grave Robber (2017)
  • Imperatives (2017)
  • Prince Ever After (2017)
  • The Confessions of Persephone (2017)
  • Milk from a Cockroach; or, Gregor’s Revenge (2017)
  • Spider Rain (2017)
  • Stardust (2017)
  • The Metric of Space (2017)
  • Challenger: A Sedoka (2017)
  • Marrying the Bear (2017)
  • Night Does Not (2017)
  • Wheelwork (2017)
  • Locked in Amber (2017)
  • Circling the Moon (2017)
  • A Myth as Big as a Mile (2017)
  • Nettle Coat (2017)
  • Song for an Immigrant (2017)
  • This Desert Is the Place (2017)
  • Juno in July (2017)
  • Not So Great a Divide (2017)
  • The Physics of a Dying Star (2017)
  • I Am a Woman (2017)
  • I Didn’t Say That (2017)
  • No Tanks (2017)
  • Trickster Times (2017)
  • Run, Rabbit, Run (2017)
  • Balance (2018)
  • Writing Away Coincidence (2018)
  • Is it True? It’s Not True (2018)
  • Can SciFi Save Us? (2018)
  • Now a ragged breeze (2018)
  • Pachyderm Thoughts (2018)
  • The Mad Queen’s House of Cards (2018)
  • A Short History of the Table Round (2018)
  • Counting the Cost (2018)
  • Reverend Blind Gary Davis: Death Don’t Have No Mercy, 1961 (2018)
  • Questions on Re-Reading Oz (2018)
  • Song of the Peat Hag (2018)
  • Halloween Treats (2018)
  • Finding Baba Yaga (2018)
  • The Language of Water (2018)
  • Carrying the Flag of Faery (2018)
  • Cinderella in the Ashes (2018)
  • Frog Meet Princess (2018)
  • Icarus Fall (2018)
  • Jacob’s Regret (2018)
  • Learning from Those Other Princesses (2018)
  • Not That Princess (2018)
  • Old Woman by the Well (2018)
  • On Meeting a God (2018)
  • Spinning Straw (2018)
  • St. George’s Sword and Word (2018)
  • Stone Hand in Stone Hand: Norvelt Cemetery (2018)
  • The Keening Woman (2018)
  • The Thing About Fairy Tales (2018)
  • The Vampire Regrets (2018)
  • To Be Paid (2018)
  • Troll Maiden on the Bridge (2018)
  • What Do We Need of Heaven (2018)
  • When I Was a Selchie (2018)
  • A Street Away (2019)
  • Robot Dreams (2019)
  • Crane Wife (2019)


  • The Three Bears Rhyme Book (1987, Illustrationen von Jane Dyer)
  • Best Witches: Poems for Halloween (1989, Illustrationen von Elise Primavera)
  • What Rhymes with Moon? (1993, Illustrationen von Ruth Tietjen Councell)
  • Raining Cats and Dogs (1993, Illustrationen von Janet Street)
  • How Beastly! (1994, Illustrationen von James Marshall)
  • Animal Fare (1994, Illustrationen von Janet Street)
  • Water Music: Poems for Children (1995, Photos von Jason Stemple)
  • Sacred Places (1996, Illustrationen von David Shannon)
  • Snow, Snow: Winter Poems for Children (1998, Photos von Jason Stemple)
  • The Originals: Animals that Time Forgot (1998, Illustrationen von Ted Lewin)
  • Bird Watch (1990, Illustrationen von Ted Lewin)
  • O Jerusalem: Voices of a Sacred City (1996, Illustrationen von John Thompson)
  • Sea Watch (1996, Illustrationen von Ted Lewin)
  • Color Me a Rhyme: Nature Poems for Young People (2000, Photos von Jason Stemple)
  • Dear Mother, Dear Daughter: Poems for Young People (2001, mit Heidi E.Y. Stemple; Illustrationen von Gil Ashby)
  • Wild Wings: Poems for Young People (2002, mit Jason Stemple)
  • Horizons: Poems as Far as the Eye Can See (2002, Photos von Jason Stemple)
  • The Radiation Sonnets (2003)
  • Least Things: Poems about Small Natures (2003, Photos von Jason Stemple)
  • Fine Feathered Friends (2004, Photos von Jason Stemple)
  • Count Me a Rhyme: Animal Poems by the Numbers (2006, Photos von Jason Stemple)
  • Shape Me a Rhyme: Nature’s Forms in Poetry (2007, Photos von Jason Stemple)
  • A Mirror to Nature: Poems About Reflection (2009, Photos von Jason Stemple)
  • An Egret’s Day (2010, Photos von Jason Stemple)
  • Things to Say to a Dead Man: Poems at the End of a Marriage and After (2011)
  • Bird of a Feather (2011, Photos von Jason Stemple)
  • Bug Off! Creepy, Crawly Poems (2012, Photos von Jason Stemple)
  • The Last Selchie Child (2012)
  • Ekaterinoslav: One Family’s Passage to America: A Memoir in Verse (2012)
  • Sister Fox’s Field Guide to the Writing Life (2013)
  • Grumbles from the Forest: Fairy-Tale Voices with a Twist (2013, mit Rebecca Kai Dotlich; Illustrationen von Matt Mahurin)
  • The Bloody Tide: Poems about Politics and Power (2012)
  • Grumbles from the Town: Mother-Goose Voices with a Twist (2016, mit Rebecca Kai Dotlich; Illustrationen von Angela Matteson)
  • The Alligator’s Smile, and Other Poems (2016, Photos von Jason Stemple)
  • How to Fracture a Fairy Tale (2017, stories and poems)
  • Before the Vote After (2017)
  • Fly with Me: A Celebration of Birds Through Pictures, Poems, and Stories (2018, mit Heidi E.Y. Stemple, Adam Stemple, and Jason Stemple)


  • The Last Dragon (2011, Adaption der Kurzgeschichte Dragonfield mit Illustrationen von Rebecca Guay)
  • Foiled (2010, Illustrationen von Mike Cavallaro)
  • Curses! Foiled Again (2013, Illustrationen von Mike Cavallaro)
  • The Stone Man Mysteries (mit Adam Stemple; Illustrationen von Orion Zangara)
    • 1 Stone Cold (2016)
    • 2 Sanctuary (2018)


  • Writing Books for Children (1973)
  • Friend: The Story of George Fox and the Quakers (1979)
  • Touch Magic: Fantasy, Faerie and Folklore in the Literature of Childhood (1981)
  • Take Joy: A Writer’s Guide to Loving the Craft (2003)
  • Sea Queens: Women Pirates Around the World (2008, Illustrationen von Christine Joy Pratt)



  • Zoo 2000: Twelve Stories of Science Fiction and Fantasy Beasts (1973)
  • Favorite Folktales From Around the World (1986)
  • Spaceships & Spells: A Collection Of New Fantasy And Science Fiction Stories (1987, mit Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh)
  • Werewolves (1988, mit Martin H. Greenberg)
  • Things That Go Bump in the Night (1989, mit Martin H. Greenberg)
  • Vampires (1991, mit Martin H. Greenberg)
  • Xanadu (1992, mit Martin H. Greenberg)
  • Xanadu 2 (1993, mit Martin H. Greenberg)
  • Xanadu 3 (1994, mit Martin H. Greenberg)
  • 2041: Twelve Short Stories About the Future by Top Science Fiction Writers (1994, mit Connie Willis and Anne McCaffrey)
  • Camelot: A Collection of Original Arthurian Stories (1995, Illustrationen von Winslow Pels)
  • Gray Heroes: Elder Tales from Around the World (1999)
  • Sherwood: Original Stories from the World of Robin Hood (2000)
  • Mirror, Mirror: Forty Folk Tales for Mothers and Daughters to Share (2000, mit Heidi E.Y. Stemple)
  • Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy for Teens (2005, mit Patrick Nielsen Hayden)
  • Nebula Awards Showcase 2018 (2018)


  • Street Rhymes Around the World (1992)
  • Weather Report (1993, Illustrationen von Annie Gusman)
  • Sleep Rhymes Around the World (1994)
  • Mother Earth Father Sky: Poems of Our Planet (1995, Illustrationen von Jennifer Hewitson)
  • Sky Scrape/City Scape: Poems of City Life (1996, Illustrationen von Ken Condon)
  • Once Upon Ice: And Other Frozen Poems (1997, Photos von Jason Stemple)