IC 391
Galaxie IC 391 | |
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Aufnahme der Galaxie IC 391 mithilfe des Hubble-Weltraumteleskops | |
AladinLite | |
Sternbild | Giraffe |
Position Äquinoktium: J2000.0, Epoche: J2000.0 | |
Rektaszension | 04h 57m 21,13s[1] |
Deklination | +78° 11′ 19,8″[1] |
Erscheinungsbild | |
Morphologischer Typ | SA(s)c[1] |
Helligkeit (visuell) | 12,3 mag[2] |
Helligkeit (B-Band) | 13,0 mag[2] |
Winkelausdehnung | 1,10' × 1,1'[2] |
Flächenhelligkeit | 12,4 mag/arcmin²[2] |
Physikalische Daten | |
Zugehörigkeit | isoliert |
Rotverschiebung | 0,005194 ± 0,000009[1] |
Radialgeschwindigkeit | (1.557 ± 3) km/s[1] |
Hubbledistanz H0 = 73 km/(s • Mpc) | (76 ± 5) · 106 Lj (23,4 ± 1,6) Mpc [1] |
Durchmesser | 60.000 Lj[3] |
Geschichte | |
Entdeckung | William Denning |
Entdeckungsdatum | 7. November 1890 |
Katalogbezeichnungen | |
IC 391 • UGC 3190 • PGC 16402 • CGCG 347-009 • MCG +13-04-011 • IRAS F04497+7806, 0449+781P05 • KUG 0449+781 • 2MASX J04572110+7811195 • KIG 155 • NVSS J045721+781124 |
IC 391 ist eine spiralförmige Radiogalaxie vom Hubble-Typ Sc im Sternbild Giraffe am Nordsternhimmel. Sie ist schätzungsweise 76 Millionen Lichtjahre von der Milchstraße entfernt und hat einen Durchmesser von etwa 60.000 Lichtjahren. Vom Sonnensystem aus entfernt sich das Objekt mit einer errechneten Radialgeschwindigkeit von näherungsweise 1.600 Kilometern pro Sekunde.
Das Objekt wurde am 7. November 1890 von dem britischen Astronomen William Frederick Denning entdeckt und später vom dänischen Astronomen Johan Dreyer in seinem Index-Katalog verzeichnet.[4]
Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien
Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys has captured this moment in the ever-changing life of a spiral galaxy called IC 391. Although these massive star cities appear static and unchanging, their stellar inhabitants are constantly moving and evolving, with new stars being born and old stars reaching the ends of their lives —often in spectacular fashion, with an immense supernova explosion that can be viewed from Earth.
On 3 January 2001, members of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory discovered such an explosion within IC 391 and it was named SN 2001B. This was a Type Ib supernova, which occurs when a massive star runs out of fuel for nuclear fusion and collapses, emitting vast amounts of radiation and creating a powerful shock wave. Hubble has contributed much to our understanding of supernovae in recent years, and it has made an extensive study of supernova 1987A (heic0704), the brightest such stellar explosion to be seen from Earth in over 400 years.
IC 391 lies about 80 million light-years away in the constellation of Camelopardalis (the Giraffe) in the far northern part of the sky. The British amateur observer William Denning discovered it in the late nineteenth century, and described it as faint, small and round.
This picture was assembled from images taken with Hubble’s Wide Field Channel on the Advanced Camera for Surveys. Images through a blue filter (F435W) were coloured blue, those through a green filter (F555W) are shown as green and those through a near-infrared filter (F814W) are shown in red. The exposure times were 800 s, 700 s and 700 s respectively and the field of view is 2.1 by 1.4 arcminutes.